alvaDesc Molecular Descriptors

Note: a detailed explanation of each descriptor is available in the help documentation provided with the software.

Complete list of molecular descriptors calculated by alvaDesc:

  1. Constitutional indices
  2. Ring descriptors
  3. Topological indices
  4. Walk and path counts
  5. Connectivity indices
  6. Information indices
  7. 2D matrix-based descriptors
  8. 2D autocorrelations
  9. Burden eigenvalues
  10. P_VSA-like descriptors
  11. ETA indices
  12. Edge adjacency indices
  13. Geometrical descriptors
  14. 3D matrix-based descriptors
  15. 3D autocorrelations
  16. RDF descriptors
  17. 3D-MoRSE descriptors
  18. WHIM descriptors
  19. GETAWAY descriptors
  20. Randic molecular profiles
  21. Functional group counts
  22. Atom-centred fragments
  23. Atom-type E-state indices
  24. Pharmacophore descriptors
  25. 2D Atom Pairs
  26. 3D Atom Pairs
  27. Charge descriptors
  28. Molecular properties
  29. Drug-like indices
  30. CATS 3D descriptors
  31. WHALES descriptors
  32. MDE descriptors
  33. Chirality descriptors
  34. SASA descriptors

1. Constitutional indices

No. Name Description
1 MW molecular weight
2 AMW average molecular weight
3 Sv sum of atomic van der Waals volumes (scaled on Carbon atom)
4 Se sum of atomic Sanderson electronegativities (scaled on Carbon atom)
5 Sp sum of atomic polarizabilities (scaled on Carbon atom)
6 Si sum of first ionization potentials (scaled on Carbon atom)
7 Mv mean atomic van der Waals volume (scaled on Carbon atom)
8 Me mean atomic Sanderson electronegativity (scaled on Carbon atom)
9 Mp mean atomic polarizability (scaled on Carbon atom)
10 Mi mean first ionization potential (scaled on Carbon atom)
11 stdMW standard deviation of atomic weights
12 stdV standard deviation of atomic van der Waals volume (scaled on Carbon atom)
13 stdE standard deviation of atomic Sanderson electronegativity (scaled on Carbon atom)
14 stdP standard deviation of atomic polarizability (scaled on Carbon atom)
15 stdI standard deviation of first ionization potential (scaled on Carbon atom)
16 GD graph density
17 nAT number of atoms
18 nSK number of non-H atoms
19 nAA number of aromatic atoms
20 nTA number of terminal atoms
21 nBT number of bonds
22 nBO number of non-H bonds
23 nBM number of multiple bonds
24 SCBO sum of conventional bond orders (H-depleted)
25 RBN number of rotatable bonds
26 RBF rotatable bond fraction
27 nDB number of double bonds
28 nTB number of triple bonds
29 nAB number of aromatic bonds
30 nH number of Hydrogen atoms
31 nC number of Carbon atoms
32 nN number of Nitrogen atoms
33 nO number of Oxygen atoms
34 nP number of Phosphorous atoms
35 nS number of Sulfur atoms
36 nF number of Fluorine atoms
37 nCL number of Chlorine atoms
38 nBR number of Bromine atoms
39 nI number of Iodine atoms
40 nB number of Boron atoms
41 nHM number of heavy atoms
42 nHet number of heteroatoms
43 nX number of halogen atoms
44 H% percentage of H atoms
45 C% percentage of C atoms
46 N% percentage of N atoms
47 O% percentage of O atoms
48 X% percentage of halogen atoms
49 nCsp3 number of sp3 hybridized Carbon atoms
50 nCsp2 number of sp2 hybridized Carbon atoms
51 nCsp number of sp hybridized Carbon atoms
52 Fsp3 number of sp3 hybridized carbons/total carbon count
53 max_conj_path maximum number of atoms that can be in conjugation with each other
54 nStructures number of disconnected structures
55 totalcharge total charge
56 MWcorr MW corrected for halogen atoms

2. Ring descriptors

No. Name Description
57 nCIC number of rings (cyclomatic number)
58 nCIR number of circuits
59 nIR number of isolated rings
60 nFR number of fused rings
61 TRS total ring size
62 Rperim ring perimeter
63 Rbrid ring bridge count
64 MCD molecular cyclized degree
65 RFD ring fusion density
66 RCI ring complexity index
67 NRS number of ring systems
68 NNRS normalized number of ring systems
69 nRingAtoms number of ring atoms
70 nSpiro number of spiro atoms
71 nBridgeHead number of bridgehead atoms
72 nR03 number of 3-membered rings
73 nR04 number of 4-membered rings
74 nR05 number of 5-membered rings
75 nR06 number of 6-membered rings
76 nR07 number of 7-membered rings
77 nR08 number of 8-membered rings
78 nR09 number of 9-membered rings
79 nR10 number of 10-membered rings
80 nR11 number of 11-membered rings
81 nR12 number of 12-membered rings
82 nBnz number of benzene-like rings
83 ARR aromatic ratio
84 AP aromatic proportion
85 D/Dtr03 distance/detour ring index of order 3
86 D/Dtr04 distance/detour ring index of order 4
87 D/Dtr05 distance/detour ring index of order 5
88 D/Dtr06 distance/detour ring index of order 6
89 D/Dtr07 distance/detour ring index of order 7
90 D/Dtr08 distance/detour ring index of order 8
91 D/Dtr09 distance/detour ring index of order 9
92 D/Dtr10 distance/detour ring index of order 10
93 D/Dtr11 distance/detour ring index of order 11
94 D/Dtr12 distance/detour ring index of order 12

3. Topological indices

No. Name Description
95 ZM1 first Zagreb index
96 ZM1V first Zagreb index by valence vertex degrees
97 ZM1Kup first Zagreb index by Kupchik vertex degrees
98 ZM1Mad first Zagreb index by Madan vertex degrees
99 ZM1Per first Zagreb index by perturbation vertex degrees
100 ZM1MulPer first Zagreb index by multiplicative perturbation vertex degrees
101 ZM2 second Zagreb index
102 ZM2V second Zagreb index by valence vertex degrees
103 ZM2Kup second Zagreb index by Kupchik vertex degrees
104 ZM2Mad second Zagreb index by Madan vertex degrees
105 ZM2Per second Zagreb index by perturbation vertex degrees
106 ZM2MulPer second Zagreb index by multiplicative perturbation vertex degrees
107 ON0 overall modified Zagreb index of order 0
108 ON0V overall modified Zagreb index of order 0 by valence vertex degrees
109 ON1 overall modified Zagreb index of order 1
110 ON1V overall modified Zagreb index of order 1 by valence vertex degrees
111 Qindex quadratic index
112 BBI Bertz branching index
113 DBI Dragon branching index
114 SNar Narumi simple topological index (log function)
115 HNar Narumi harmonic topological index
116 GNar Narumi geometric topological index
117 Xt total structure connectivity index
118 Dz Pogliani index
119 Ram ramification index
120 BLI Kier benzene-likeliness index
121 Pol polarity number
122 LPRS log of product of row sums (PRS)
123 MSD mean square distance index (Balaban)
124 SPI superpendentic index
125 PJI2 2D Petitjean shape index
126 ECC eccentricity
127 AECC average eccentricity
128 DECC eccentric
129 MDDD mean distance degree deviation
130 UNIP unipolarity
131 CENT centralization
132 VAR variation
133 ICR radial centric information index
134 MaxTD max topological distance
135 MeanTD mean pairwise topological distance
136 MaxDD max detour distance
137 MeanDD mean pairwise detour distance
138 SMTI Schultz Molecular Topological Index (MTI)
139 SMTIV Schultz Molecular Topological Index by valence vertex degrees
140 GMTI Gutman Molecular Topological Index
141 GMTIV Gutman Molecular Topological Index by valence vertex degrees
142 Xu Xu index
143 CSI eccentric connectivity index
144 LPI Local Polarizability Index
145 Wap all-path Wiener index
146 S1K 1-path Kier alpha-modified shape index
147 S2K 2-path Kier alpha-modified shape index
148 S3K 3-path Kier alpha-modified shape index
149 PHI Kier flexibility index
150 FK Flexibility index based on path length
151 PW2 path/walk 2 – Randic shape index
152 PW3 path/walk 3 – Randic shape index
153 PW4 path/walk 4 – Randic shape index
154 PW5 path/walk 5 – Randic shape index
155 MAXDN maximal electrotopological negative variation
156 MAXDP maximal electrotopological positive variation
157 DELS molecular electrotopological variation
158 TIE E-state topological parameter
159 Psi_i_s intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type S
160 Psi_i_A intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type S average
161 Psi_i_0 intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type 0
162 Psi_i_1 intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1
163 Psi_i_t intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type T
164 Psi_i_0d intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type 0d
165 Psi_i_1d intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1d
166 Psi_i_1s intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1s
167 Psi_e_A electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type S average
168 Psi_e_0 electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type 0
169 Psi_e_1 electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1
170 Psi_e_t electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type T
171 Psi_e_0d electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type 0d
172 Psi_e_1d electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1d
173 Psi_e_1s electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index – type 1s
174 BAC Balaban centric index
175 LOC lopping centric index
176 C1SP1 Sp carbon bonded to one carbon atom
177 C2SP1 Sp carbon bonded to two carbon atoms
178 C1SP2 Sp2 carbon bonded to one carbon atom
179 C2SP2 Sp2 carbon bonded to two carbon atoms
180 C3SP2 Sp2 carbon bonded to three carbon atoms
181 C1SP3 Sp3 carbon bonded to one carbon atom
182 C2SP3 Sp3 carbon bonded to two carbon atoms
183 C3SP3 Sp3 carbon bonded to three carbon atoms
184 C4SP3 Sp3 carbon bonded to four carbon atoms

4. Walk and path counts

No. Name Description
185 MWC01 molecular walk count of order 1
186 MWC02 molecular walk count of order 2
187 MWC03 molecular walk count of order 3
188 MWC04 molecular walk count of order 4
189 MWC05 molecular walk count of order 5
190 MWC06 molecular walk count of order 6
191 MWC07 molecular walk count of order 7
192 MWC08 molecular walk count of order 8
193 MWC09 molecular walk count of order 9
194 MWC10 molecular walk count of order 10
195 SRW02 self-returning walk count of order 2
196 SRW03 self-returning walk count of order 3
197 SRW04 self-returning walk count of order 4
198 SRW05 self-returning walk count of order 5
199 SRW06 self-returning walk count of order 6
200 SRW07 self-returning walk count of order 7
201 SRW08 self-returning walk count of order 8
202 SRW09 self-returning walk count of order 9
203 SRW10 self-returning walk count of order 10
204 MPC01 molecular path count of order 1 (no. of non-H bonds)
205 MPC02 molecular path count of order 2 (Gordon-Scantlebury index)
206 MPC03 molecular path count of order 3
207 MPC04 molecular path count of order 4
208 MPC05 molecular path count of order 5
209 MPC06 molecular path count of order 6
210 MPC07 molecular path count of order 7
211 MPC08 molecular path count of order 8
212 MPC09 molecular path count of order 9
213 MPC10 molecular path count of order 10
214 piPC01 molecular multiple path count of order 1
215 piPC02 molecular multiple path count of order 2
216 piPC03 molecular multiple path count of order 3
217 piPC04 molecular multiple path count of order 4
218 piPC05 molecular multiple path count of order 5
219 piPC06 molecular multiple path count of order 6
220 piPC07 molecular multiple path count of order 7
221 piPC08 molecular multiple path count of order 8
222 piPC09 molecular multiple path count of order 9
223 piPC10 molecular multiple path count of order 10
224 TWC total walk count
225 TPC total path count
226 piID conventional bond order ID number
227 PCR ratio of multiple path count over path count
228 PCD difference between multiple path count and path count
229 CID Randic ID number
230 BID Balaban ID number

5. Connectivity indices

No. Name Description
231 X0 connectivity index of order 0
232 X1 connectivity index of order 1 (Randic connectivity index)
233 X2 connectivity index of order 2
234 X3 connectivity index of order 3
235 X4 connectivity index of order 4
236 X5 connectivity index of order 5
237 X0A average connectivity index of order 0
238 X1A average connectivity index of order 1
239 X2A average connectivity index of order 2
240 X3A average connectivity index of order 3
241 X4A average connectivity index of order 4
242 X5A average connectivity index of order 5
243 X0v valence connectivity index of order 0
244 X1v valence connectivity index of order 1
245 X2v valence connectivity index of order 2
246 X3v valence connectivity index of order 3
247 X4v valence connectivity index of order 4
248 X5v valence connectivity index of order 5
249 X0Av average valence connectivity index of order 0
250 X1Av average valence connectivity index of order 1
251 X2Av average valence connectivity index of order 2
252 X3Av average valence connectivity index of order 3
253 X4Av average valence connectivity index of order 4
254 X5Av average valence connectivity index of order 5
255 X0sol solvation connectivity index of order 0
256 X1sol solvation connectivity index of order 1
257 X2sol solvation connectivity index of order 2
258 X3sol solvation connectivity index of order 3
259 X4sol solvation connectivity index of order 4
260 X5sol solvation connectivity index of order 5
261 XMOD modified Randic index
262 RDCHI reciprocal distance sum Randic-like index
263 RDSQ reciprocal distance sum inverse Randic-like index
264 X1Kup Kupchik connectivity index
265 X1Mad connectivity topochemical index
266 X1Per perturbation connectivity index
267 X1MulPer multiplicative perturbation connectivity index

6. Information indices

No. Name Description
268 ISIZ information index on molecular size
269 IAC total information index on atomic composition
270 AAC mean information index on atomic composition
271 IDE mean information content on the distance equality
272 IDM mean information content on the distance magnitude
273 IDDE mean information content on the distance degree equality
274 IDDM mean information content on the distance degree magnitude
275 IDET total information content on the distance equality
276 IDMT total information content on the distance magnitude
277 IVDE mean information content on the vertex degree equality
278 IVDM mean information content on the vertex degree magnitude
279 Ges Number of symmetry classes (based on electrotopological state)
280 rGes Relative number of symmetry classes (based on electrotopological state)
281 S0K Kier symmetry index
282 HVcpx graph vertex complexity index
283 HDcpx graph distance complexity index (log function)
284 Uindex Balaban U index
285 Vindex Balaban V index
286 Xindex Balaban X index
287 Yindex Balaban Y index
288 BertzCT Bertz complexity index
289 IC0 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)
290 IC1 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)
291 IC2 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)
292 IC3 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)
293 IC4 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)
294 IC5 Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)
295 TIC0 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)
296 TIC1 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)
297 TIC2 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)
298 TIC3 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)
299 TIC4 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)
300 TIC5 Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)
301 SIC0 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)
302 SIC1 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)
303 SIC2 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)
304 SIC3 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)
305 SIC4 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)
306 SIC5 Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)
307 CIC0 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)
308 CIC1 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)
309 CIC2 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)
310 CIC3 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)
311 CIC4 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)
312 CIC5 Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)
313 BIC0 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)
314 BIC1 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)
315 BIC2 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)
316 BIC3 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)
317 BIC4 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)
318 BIC5 Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)

7. 2D matrix-based descriptors

No. Name Description
319 J_A Balaban-like index from adjacency matrix
320 SpPos_A spectral positive sum from adjacency matrix
321 SpPosA_A normalized spectral positive sum from adjacency matrix
322 SpPosLog_A logarithmic spectral positive sum from adjacency matrix
323 SpMax_A leading eigenvalue from adjacency matrix (Lovasz-Pelikan index)
324 SpMaxA_A normalized leading eigenvalue from adjacency matrix
325 SpDiam_A spectral diameter from adjacency matrix
326 SpAD_A spectral absolute deviation from adjacency matrix
327 SpMAD_A spectral mean absolute deviation from adjacency matrix
328 Ho_A Hosoya-like index (log function) from adjacency matrix
329 EE_A Estrada-like index (log function) from adjacency matrix
330 VE1_A coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix
331 VE2_A average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix
332 VE3_A logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix
333 VE1sign_A coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix
334 VE2sign_A average coefficient of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix
335 VE3sign_A logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix
336 VR1_A Randic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix
337 VR2_A normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix
338 VR3_A logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix
339 Wi_D Wiener-like index from topological distance matrix (Wiener index)
340 WiA_D average Wiener-like index from topological distance matrix
341 AVS_D average vertex sum from topological distance matrix
342 H_D Harary-like index from topological distance matrix (Harary index)
343 Chi_D Randic-like index from topological distance matrix
344 ChiA_D average Randic-like index from topological distance matrix
345 J_D Balaban-like index from topological distance matrix (Balaban distance connectivity index)
346 HyWi_D hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix
347 SpPos_D spectral positive sum from topological distance matrix
348 SpPosA_D normalized spectral positive sum from topological distance matrix
349 SpPosLog_D logarithmic spectral positive sum from topological distance matrix
350 SpMax_D leading eigenvalue from topological distance matrix
351 SpMaxA_D normalized leading eigenvalue from topological distance matrix
352 SpDiam_D spectral diameter from topological distance matrix
353 SpAD_D spectral absolute deviation from topological distance matrix
354 SpMAD_D spectral mean absolute deviation from topological distance matrix
355 Ho_D Hosoya-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix
356 EE_D Estrada-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix
357 SM2_D spectral moment of order 2 from topological distance matrix
358 SM3_D spectral moment of order 3 from topological distance matrix
359 SM4_D spectral moment of order 4 from topological distance matrix
360 SM5_D spectral moment of order 5 from topological distance matrix
361 SM6_D spectral moment of order 6 from topological distance matrix
362 VE1_D coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix
363 VE2_D average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix
364 VE3_D logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix
365 VE1sign_D coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix
366 VE2sign_D average coefficient of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix
367 VE3sign_D logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix
368 VR1_D Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix
369 VR2_D normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix
370 VR3_D logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix
371 Acon algebraic connectivity (also known as Fiedler value or Fiedler eigenvalue)
372 QW_L quasi-Wiener index (Kirchhoff number) from Laplace matrix
373 TI1_L first Mohar index from Laplace matrix
374 TI2_L second Mohar index from Laplace matrix
375 STN_L spanning tree number (log function) from Laplace matrix
376 SpPos_L spectral positive sum from Laplace matrix
377 SpPosA_L normalized spectral positive sum from Laplace matrix
378 SpPosLog_L logarithmic spectral positive sum from Laplace matrix
379 SpMax_L leading eigenvalue from Laplace matrix
380 SpMaxA_L normalized leading eigenvalue from Laplace matrix
381 SpDiam_L spectral diameter from Laplace matrix
382 SpAD_L spectral absolute deviation from Laplace matrix
383 SpMAD_L spectral mean absolute deviation from Laplace matrix
384 Ho_L Hosoya-like index (log function) from Laplace matrix
385 EE_L Estrada-like index (log function) from Laplace matrix
386 SM2_L spectral moment of order 2 from Laplace matrix
387 SM3_L spectral moment of order 3 from Laplace matrix
388 SM4_L spectral moment of order 4 from Laplace matrix
389 SM5_L spectral moment of order 5 from Laplace matrix
390 SM6_L spectral moment of order 6 from Laplace matrix
391 VE1_L coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix
392 VE2_L average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix
393 VE3_L logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix
394 VE1sign_L coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix
395 VE2sign_L average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix
396 VE3sign_L logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix
397 VR1_L Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix
398 VR2_L normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix
399 VR3_L logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix
400 AVS_X average vertex sum from chi matrix
401 H_X Harary-like index from chi matrix
402 Chi_X Randic-like index from chi matrix
403 ChiA_X average Randic-like index from chi matrix
404 J_X Balaban-like index from chi matrix
405 HyWi_X hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from chi matrix
406 SpPos_X spectral positive sum from chi matrix
407 SpPosA_X normalized spectral positive sum from chi matrix
408 SpPosLog_X logarithmic spectral positive sum from chi matrix
409 SpMax_X leading eigenvalue from chi matrix
410 SpMaxA_X normalized leading eigenvalue from chi matrix
411 SpDiam_X spectral diameter from chi matrix
412 SpAD_X spectral absolute deviation from chi matrix
413 SpMAD_X spectral mean absolute deviation from chi matrix
414 Ho_X Hosoya-like index (log function) from chi matrix
415 EE_X Estrada-like index (log function) from chi matrix
416 SM2_X spectral moment of order 2 from chi matrix
417 SM3_X spectral moment of order 3 from chi matrix
418 SM4_X spectral moment of order 4 from chi matrix
419 SM5_X spectral moment of order 5 from chi matrix
420 SM6_X spectral moment of order 6 from chi matrix
421 VE1_X coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix
422 VE2_X average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix
423 VE3_X logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix
424 VE1sign_X coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from chi matrix
425 VE2sign_X average coefficient of the last eigenvector from chi matrix
426 VE3sign_X logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from chi matrix
427 VR1_X Randic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix
428 VR2_X normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix
429 VR3_X logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix
430 Wi_H2 Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
431 WiA_H2 average Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
432 AVS_H2 average vertex sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix
433 Chi_H2 Randic-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
434 ChiA_H2 average Randic-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
435 J_H2 Balaban-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
436 HyWi_H2 hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
437 SpPos_H2 spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix
438 SpPosA_H2 normalized spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix
439 SpPosLog_H2 logarithmic spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix
440 SpMax_H2 leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared distance matrix
441 SpMaxA_H2 normalized leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared distance matrix
442 SpDiam_H2 spectral diameter from reciprocal squared distance matrix
443 SpAD_H2 spectral absolute deviation from reciprocal squared distance matrix
444 SpMAD_H2 spectral mean absolute deviation from reciprocal squared distance matrix
445 Ho_H2 Hosoya-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
446 EE_H2 Estrada-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
447 SM2_H2 spectral moment of order 2 from reciprocal squared distance matrix
448 SM3_H2 spectral moment of order 3 from reciprocal squared distance matrix
449 SM4_H2 spectral moment of order 4 from reciprocal squared distance matrix
450 SM5_H2 spectral moment of order 5 from reciprocal squared distance matrix
451 SM6_H2 spectral moment of order 6 from reciprocal squared distance matrix
452 VE1_H2 coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
453 VE2_H2 average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
454 VE3_H2 logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix
455 VE1sign_H2 coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix
456 VE2sign_H2 average coefficient of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix
457 VE3sign_H2 logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix
458 VR1_H2 Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
459 VR2_H2 normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
460 VR3_H2 logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix
461 Wi_Dt Wiener-like index from detour matrix (detour index)
462 WiA_Dt average Wiener-like index from detour matrix
463 AVS_Dt average vertex sum from detour matrix
464 H_Dt Harary-like index from detour matrix
465 Chi_Dt Randic-like index from detour matrix
466 ChiA_Dt average Randic-like index from detour matrix
467 J_Dt Balaban-like index from detour matrix
468 HyWi_Dt hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from detour matrix
469 SpPos_Dt spectral positive sum from detour matrix
470 SpPosA_Dt normalized spectral positive sum from detour matrix
471 SpPosLog_Dt logarithmic spectral positive sum from detour matrix
472 SpMax_Dt leading eigenvalue from detour matrix
473 SpMaxA_Dt normalized leading eigenvalue from detour matrix
474 SpDiam_Dt spectral diameter from detour matrix
475 SpAD_Dt spectral absolute deviation from detour matrix
476 SpMAD_Dt spectral mean absolute deviation from detour matrix
477 Ho_Dt Hosoya-like index (log function) from detour matrix
478 EE_Dt Estrada-like index (log function) from detour matrix
479 SM2_Dt spectral moment of order 2 from detour matrix
480 SM3_Dt spectral moment of order 3 from detour matrix
481 SM4_Dt spectral moment of order 4 from detour matrix
482 SM5_Dt spectral moment of order 5 from detour matrix
483 SM6_Dt spectral moment of order 6 from detour matrix
484 VE1_Dt coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix
485 VE2_Dt average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix
486 VE3_Dt logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix
487 VE1sign_Dt coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix
488 VE2sign_Dt average coefficient of the last eigenvector from detour matrix
489 VE3sign_Dt logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix
490 VR1_Dt Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix
491 VR2_Dt normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix
492 VR3_Dt logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix
493 Wi_D/Dt Wiener-like index from distance/detour matrix
494 WiA_D/Dt average Wiener-like index from distance/detour matrix
495 AVS_D/Dt average vertex sum from distance/detour matrix
496 H_D/Dt Harary-like index from distance/detour matrix
497 Chi_D/Dt Randic-like index from distance/detour matrix
498 ChiA_D/Dt average Randic-like index from distance/detour matrix
499 J_D/Dt Balaban-like index from distance/detour matrix
500 HyWi_D/Dt hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix
501 SpPos_D/Dt spectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix
502 SpPosA_D/Dt normalized spectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix
503 SpPosLog_D/Dt logarithmic spectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix
504 SpMax_D/Dt leading eigenvalue from distance/detour matrix
505 SpMaxA_D/Dt normalized leading eigenvalue from distance/detour matrix
506 SpDiam_D/Dt spectral diameter from distance/detour matrix
507 SpAD_D/Dt spectral absolute deviation from distance/detour matrix
508 SpMAD_D/Dt spectral mean absolute deviation from distance/detour matrix
509 Ho_D/Dt Hosoya-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix
510 EE_D/Dt Estrada-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix
511 SM2_D/Dt spectral moment of order 2 from distance/detour matrix
512 SM3_D/Dt spectral moment of order 3 from distance/detour matrix
513 SM4_D/Dt spectral moment of order 4 from distance/detour matrix
514 SM5_D/Dt spectral moment of order 5 from distance/detour matrix
515 SM6_D/Dt spectral moment of order 6 from distance/detour matrix
516 VE1_D/Dt coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix
517 VE2_D/Dt average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix
518 VE3_D/Dt logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix
519 VE1sign_D/Dt coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix
520 VE2sign_D/Dt average coefficient of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix
521 VE3sign_D/Dt logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix
522 VR1_D/Dt Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix
523 VR2_D/Dt normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix
524 VR3_D/Dt logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix
525 Wi_Dz(Z) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
526 WiA_Dz(Z) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
527 AVS_Dz(Z) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
528 H_Dz(Z) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
529 Chi_Dz(Z) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
530 ChiA_Dz(Z) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
531 J_Dz(Z) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
532 HyWi_Dz(Z) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
533 SpAbs_Dz(Z) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
534 SpPos_Dz(Z) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
535 SpPosA_Dz(Z) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
536 SpPosLog_Dz(Z) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
537 SpMax_Dz(Z) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
538 SpMaxA_Dz(Z) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
539 SpDiam_Dz(Z) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
540 SpAD_Dz(Z) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
541 SpMAD_Dz(Z) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
542 Ho_Dz(Z) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
543 EE_Dz(Z) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
544 SM1_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
545 SM2_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
546 SM3_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
547 SM4_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
548 SM5_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
549 SM6_Dz(Z) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
550 VE1_Dz(Z) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
551 VE2_Dz(Z) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
552 VE3_Dz(Z) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
553 VE1sign_Dz(Z) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
554 VE2sign_Dz(Z) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
555 VE3sign_Dz(Z) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
556 VR1_Dz(Z) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
557 VR2_Dz(Z) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
558 VR3_Dz(Z) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number
559 Wi_Dz(m) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
560 WiA_Dz(m) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
561 AVS_Dz(m) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
562 H_Dz(m) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
563 Chi_Dz(m) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
564 ChiA_Dz(m) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
565 J_Dz(m) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
566 HyWi_Dz(m) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
567 SpAbs_Dz(m) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
568 SpPos_Dz(m) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
569 SpPosA_Dz(m) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
570 SpPosLog_Dz(m) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
571 SpMax_Dz(m) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
572 SpMaxA_Dz(m) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
573 SpDiam_Dz(m) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
574 SpAD_Dz(m) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
575 SpMAD_Dz(m) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
576 Ho_Dz(m) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
577 EE_Dz(m) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
578 SM1_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
579 SM2_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
580 SM3_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
581 SM4_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
582 SM5_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
583 SM6_Dz(m) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
584 VE1_Dz(m) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
585 VE2_Dz(m) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
586 VE3_Dz(m) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
587 VE1sign_Dz(m) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
588 VE2sign_Dz(m) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
589 VE3sign_Dz(m) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
590 VR1_Dz(m) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
591 VR2_Dz(m) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
592 VR3_Dz(m) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass
593 Wi_Dz(v) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
594 WiA_Dz(v) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
595 AVS_Dz(v) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
596 H_Dz(v) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
597 Chi_Dz(v) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
598 ChiA_Dz(v) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
599 J_Dz(v) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
600 HyWi_Dz(v) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
601 SpAbs_Dz(v) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
602 SpPos_Dz(v) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
603 SpPosA_Dz(v) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
604 SpPosLog_Dz(v) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
605 SpMax_Dz(v) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
606 SpMaxA_Dz(v) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
607 SpDiam_Dz(v) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
608 SpAD_Dz(v) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
609 SpMAD_Dz(v) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
610 Ho_Dz(v) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
611 EE_Dz(v) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
612 SM1_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
613 SM2_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
614 SM3_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
615 SM4_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
616 SM5_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
617 SM6_Dz(v) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
618 VE1_Dz(v) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
619 VE2_Dz(v) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
620 VE3_Dz(v) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
621 VE1sign_Dz(v) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
622 VE2sign_Dz(v) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
623 VE3sign_Dz(v) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
624 VR1_Dz(v) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
625 VR2_Dz(v) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
626 VR3_Dz(v) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
627 Wi_Dz(e) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
628 WiA_Dz(e) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
629 AVS_Dz(e) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
630 H_Dz(e) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
631 Chi_Dz(e) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
632 ChiA_Dz(e) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
633 J_Dz(e) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
634 HyWi_Dz(e) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
635 SpAbs_Dz(e) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
636 SpPos_Dz(e) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
637 SpPosA_Dz(e) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
638 SpPosLog_Dz(e) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
639 SpMax_Dz(e) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
640 SpMaxA_Dz(e) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
641 SpDiam_Dz(e) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
642 SpAD_Dz(e) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
643 SpMAD_Dz(e) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
644 Ho_Dz(e) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
645 EE_Dz(e) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
646 SM1_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
647 SM2_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
648 SM3_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
649 SM4_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
650 SM5_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
651 SM6_Dz(e) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
652 VE1_Dz(e) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
653 VE2_Dz(e) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
654 VE3_Dz(e) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
655 VE1sign_Dz(e) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
656 VE2sign_Dz(e) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
657 VE3sign_Dz(e) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
658 VR1_Dz(e) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
659 VR2_Dz(e) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
660 VR3_Dz(e) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
661 Wi_Dz(p) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
662 WiA_Dz(p) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
663 AVS_Dz(p) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
664 H_Dz(p) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
665 Chi_Dz(p) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
666 ChiA_Dz(p) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
667 J_Dz(p) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
668 HyWi_Dz(p) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
669 SpAbs_Dz(p) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
670 SpPos_Dz(p) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
671 SpPosA_Dz(p) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
672 SpPosLog_Dz(p) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
673 SpMax_Dz(p) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
674 SpMaxA_Dz(p) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
675 SpDiam_Dz(p) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
676 SpAD_Dz(p) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
677 SpMAD_Dz(p) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
678 Ho_Dz(p) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
679 EE_Dz(p) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
680 SM1_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
681 SM2_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
682 SM3_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
683 SM4_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
684 SM5_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
685 SM6_Dz(p) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
686 VE1_Dz(p) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
687 VE2_Dz(p) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
688 VE3_Dz(p) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
689 VE1sign_Dz(p) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
690 VE2sign_Dz(p) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
691 VE3sign_Dz(p) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
692 VR1_Dz(p) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
693 VR2_Dz(p) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
694 VR3_Dz(p) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability
695 Wi_Dz(i) Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
696 WiA_Dz(i) average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
697 AVS_Dz(i) average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
698 H_Dz(i) Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
699 Chi_Dz(i) Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
700 ChiA_Dz(i) average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
701 J_Dz(i) Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
702 HyWi_Dz(i) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
703 SpAbs_Dz(i) graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
704 SpPos_Dz(i) spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
705 SpPosA_Dz(i) normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
706 SpPosLog_Dz(i) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
707 SpMax_Dz(i) leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
708 SpMaxA_Dz(i) normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
709 SpDiam_Dz(i) spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
710 SpAD_Dz(i) spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
711 SpMAD_Dz(i) spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
712 Ho_Dz(i) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
713 EE_Dz(i) Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
714 SM1_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
715 SM2_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
716 SM3_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
717 SM4_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
718 SM5_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
719 SM6_Dz(i) spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
720 VE1_Dz(i) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
721 VE2_Dz(i) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
722 VE3_Dz(i) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
723 VE1sign_Dz(i) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
724 VE2sign_Dz(i) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
725 VE3sign_Dz(i) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
726 VR1_Dz(i) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
727 VR2_Dz(i) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
728 VR3_Dz(i) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential
729 Wi_B(m) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
730 WiA_B(m) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
731 AVS_B(m) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass
732 Chi_B(m) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
733 ChiA_B(m) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
734 J_B(m) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
735 HyWi_B(m) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
736 SpAbs_B(m) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by mass
737 SpPos_B(m) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass
738 SpPosA_B(m) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass
739 SpPosLog_B(m) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass
740 SpMax_B(m) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by mass
741 SpMaxA_B(m) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by mass
742 SpDiam_B(m) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by mass
743 SpAD_B(m) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by mass
744 SpMAD_B(m) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by mass
745 Ho_B(m) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
746 EE_B(m) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
747 SM1_B(m) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
748 SM2_B(m) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
749 SM3_B(m) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
750 SM4_B(m) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
751 SM5_B(m) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
752 SM6_B(m) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by mass
753 VE1_B(m) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
754 VE2_B(m) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
755 VE3_B(m) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass
756 VE1sign_B(m) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass
757 VE2sign_B(m) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass
758 VE3sign_B(m) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass
759 VR1_B(m) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
760 VR2_B(m) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
761 VR3_B(m) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass
762 Wi_B(v) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
763 WiA_B(v) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
764 AVS_B(v) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
765 Chi_B(v) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
766 ChiA_B(v) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
767 J_B(v) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
768 HyWi_B(v) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
769 SpAbs_B(v) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
770 SpPos_B(v) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
771 SpPosA_B(v) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
772 SpPosLog_B(v) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
773 SpMax_B(v) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
774 SpMaxA_B(v) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
775 SpDiam_B(v) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
776 SpAD_B(v) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
777 SpMAD_B(v) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
778 Ho_B(v) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
779 EE_B(v) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
780 SM1_B(v) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
781 SM2_B(v) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
782 SM3_B(v) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
783 SM4_B(v) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
784 SM5_B(v) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
785 SM6_B(v) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
786 VE1_B(v) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
787 VE2_B(v) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
788 VE3_B(v) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
789 VE1sign_B(v) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
790 VE2sign_B(v) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
791 VE3sign_B(v) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
792 VR1_B(v) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
793 VR2_B(v) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
794 VR3_B(v) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
795 Wi_B(e) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
796 WiA_B(e) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
797 AVS_B(e) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
798 Chi_B(e) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
799 ChiA_B(e) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
800 J_B(e) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
801 HyWi_B(e) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
802 SpAbs_B(e) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
803 SpPos_B(e) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
804 SpPosA_B(e) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
805 SpPosLog_B(e) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
806 SpMax_B(e) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
807 SpMaxA_B(e) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
808 SpDiam_B(e) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
809 SpAD_B(e) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
810 SpMAD_B(e) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
811 Ho_B(e) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
812 EE_B(e) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
813 SM1_B(e) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
814 SM2_B(e) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
815 SM3_B(e) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
816 SM4_B(e) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
817 SM5_B(e) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
818 SM6_B(e) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
819 VE1_B(e) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
820 VE2_B(e) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
821 VE3_B(e) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
822 VE1sign_B(e) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
823 VE2sign_B(e) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
824 VE3sign_B(e) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
825 VR1_B(e) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
826 VR2_B(e) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
827 VR3_B(e) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
828 Wi_B(p) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
829 WiA_B(p) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
830 AVS_B(p) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
831 Chi_B(p) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
832 ChiA_B(p) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
833 J_B(p) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
834 HyWi_B(p) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
835 SpAbs_B(p) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
836 SpPos_B(p) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
837 SpPosA_B(p) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
838 SpPosLog_B(p) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
839 SpMax_B(p) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
840 SpMaxA_B(p) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
841 SpDiam_B(p) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
842 SpAD_B(p) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
843 SpMAD_B(p) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
844 Ho_B(p) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
845 EE_B(p) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
846 SM1_B(p) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
847 SM2_B(p) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
848 SM3_B(p) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
849 SM4_B(p) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
850 SM5_B(p) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
851 SM6_B(p) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
852 VE1_B(p) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
853 VE2_B(p) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
854 VE3_B(p) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
855 VE1sign_B(p) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
856 VE2sign_B(p) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
857 VE3sign_B(p) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
858 VR1_B(p) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
859 VR2_B(p) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
860 VR3_B(p) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
861 Wi_B(i) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
862 WiA_B(i) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
863 AVS_B(i) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
864 Chi_B(i) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
865 ChiA_B(i) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
866 J_B(i) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
867 HyWi_B(i) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
868 SpAbs_B(i) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
869 SpPos_B(i) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
870 SpPosA_B(i) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
871 SpPosLog_B(i) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
872 SpMax_B(i) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
873 SpMaxA_B(i) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
874 SpDiam_B(i) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
875 SpAD_B(i) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
876 SpMAD_B(i) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
877 Ho_B(i) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
878 EE_B(i) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
879 SM1_B(i) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
880 SM2_B(i) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
881 SM3_B(i) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
882 SM4_B(i) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
883 SM5_B(i) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
884 SM6_B(i) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
885 VE1_B(i) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
886 VE2_B(i) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
887 VE3_B(i) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
888 VE1sign_B(i) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
889 VE2sign_B(i) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
890 VE3sign_B(i) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
891 VR1_B(i) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
892 VR2_B(i) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
893 VR3_B(i) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
894 Wi_B(s) Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
895 WiA_B(s) average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
896 AVS_B(s) average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
897 Chi_B(s) Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
898 ChiA_B(s) average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
899 J_B(s) Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
900 HyWi_B(s) hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
901 SpAbs_B(s) graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
902 SpPos_B(s) spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
903 SpPosA_B(s) normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
904 SpPosLog_B(s) logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
905 SpMax_B(s) leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
906 SpMaxA_B(s) normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
907 SpDiam_B(s) spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
908 SpAD_B(s) spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
909 SpMAD_B(s) spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
910 Ho_B(s) Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
911 EE_B(s) Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
912 SM1_B(s) spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
913 SM2_B(s) spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
914 SM3_B(s) spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
915 SM4_B(s) spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
916 SM5_B(s) spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
917 SM6_B(s) spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
918 VE1_B(s) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
919 VE2_B(s) average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
920 VE3_B(s) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
921 VE1sign_B(s) coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
922 VE2sign_B(s) average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
923 VE3sign_B(s) logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
924 VR1_B(s) Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
925 VR2_B(s) normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State
926 VR3_B(s) logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State

8. 2D autocorrelations

No. Name Description
927 ATS0m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by mass
928 ATS1m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by mass
929 ATS2m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by mass
930 ATS3m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by mass
931 ATS4m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by mass
932 ATS5m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by mass
933 ATS6m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by mass
934 ATS7m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by mass
935 ATS8m Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by mass
936 ATS0v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
937 ATS1v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
938 ATS2v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
939 ATS3v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
940 ATS4v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
941 ATS5v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
942 ATS6v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
943 ATS7v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
944 ATS8v Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume
945 ATS0e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
946 ATS1e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
947 ATS2e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
948 ATS3e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
949 ATS4e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
950 ATS5e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
951 ATS6e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
952 ATS7e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
953 ATS8e Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
954 ATS0p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by polarizability
955 ATS1p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by polarizability
956 ATS2p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by polarizability
957 ATS3p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by polarizability
958 ATS4p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by polarizability
959 ATS5p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by polarizability
960 ATS6p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by polarizability
961 ATS7p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by polarizability
962 ATS8p Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by polarizability
963 ATS0i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
964 ATS1i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
965 ATS2i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
966 ATS3i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
967 ATS4i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
968 ATS5i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
969 ATS6i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
970 ATS7i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
971 ATS8i Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by ionization potential
972 ATS0s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 (log function) weighted by I-state
973 ATS1s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by I-state
974 ATS2s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by I-state
975 ATS3s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by I-state
976 ATS4s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by I-state
977 ATS5s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by I-state
978 ATS6s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by I-state
979 ATS7s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by I-state
980 ATS8s Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by I-state
981 ATSC0m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by mass
982 ATSC1m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
983 ATSC2m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
984 ATSC3m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
985 ATSC4m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
986 ATSC5m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
987 ATSC6m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
988 ATSC7m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
989 ATSC8m Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
990 ATSC0v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by van der Waals volume
991 ATSC1v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
992 ATSC2v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
993 ATSC3v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
994 ATSC4v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
995 ATSC5v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
996 ATSC6v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
997 ATSC7v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
998 ATSC8v Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
999 ATSC0e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1000 ATSC1e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1001 ATSC2e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1002 ATSC3e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1003 ATSC4e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1004 ATSC5e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1005 ATSC6e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1006 ATSC7e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1007 ATSC8e Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1008 ATSC0p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by polarizability
1009 ATSC1p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
1010 ATSC2p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
1011 ATSC3p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
1012 ATSC4p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
1013 ATSC5p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
1014 ATSC6p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
1015 ATSC7p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
1016 ATSC8p Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
1017 ATSC0i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by ionization potential
1018 ATSC1i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
1019 ATSC2i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
1020 ATSC3i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
1021 ATSC4i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
1022 ATSC5i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
1023 ATSC6i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
1024 ATSC7i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
1025 ATSC8i Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
1026 ATSC0s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 0 weighted by I-state
1027 ATSC1s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state
1028 ATSC2s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state
1029 ATSC3s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state
1030 ATSC4s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state
1031 ATSC5s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state
1032 ATSC6s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state
1033 ATSC7s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state
1034 ATSC8s Centred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state
1035 MATS1m Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
1036 MATS2m Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
1037 MATS3m Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
1038 MATS4m Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
1039 MATS5m Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
1040 MATS6m Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
1041 MATS7m Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
1042 MATS8m Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
1043 MATS1v Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
1044 MATS2v Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
1045 MATS3v Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
1046 MATS4v Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
1047 MATS5v Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
1048 MATS6v Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
1049 MATS7v Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
1050 MATS8v Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
1051 MATS1e Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1052 MATS2e Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1053 MATS3e Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1054 MATS4e Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1055 MATS5e Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1056 MATS6e Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1057 MATS7e Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1058 MATS8e Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1059 MATS1p Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
1060 MATS2p Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
1061 MATS3p Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
1062 MATS4p Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
1063 MATS5p Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
1064 MATS6p Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
1065 MATS7p Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
1066 MATS8p Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
1067 MATS1i Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
1068 MATS2i Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
1069 MATS3i Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
1070 MATS4i Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
1071 MATS5i Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
1072 MATS6i Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
1073 MATS7i Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
1074 MATS8i Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
1075 MATS1s Moran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state
1076 MATS2s Moran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state
1077 MATS3s Moran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state
1078 MATS4s Moran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state
1079 MATS5s Moran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state
1080 MATS6s Moran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state
1081 MATS7s Moran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state
1082 MATS8s Moran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state
1083 GATS1m Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass
1084 GATS2m Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass
1085 GATS3m Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass
1086 GATS4m Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass
1087 GATS5m Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass
1088 GATS6m Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass
1089 GATS7m Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass
1090 GATS8m Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass
1091 GATS1v Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
1092 GATS2v Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
1093 GATS3v Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
1094 GATS4v Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
1095 GATS5v Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
1096 GATS6v Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
1097 GATS7v Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
1098 GATS8v Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
1099 GATS1e Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1100 GATS2e Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1101 GATS3e Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1102 GATS4e Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1103 GATS5e Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1104 GATS6e Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1105 GATS7e Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1106 GATS8e Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1107 GATS1p Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability
1108 GATS2p Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability
1109 GATS3p Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability
1110 GATS4p Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability
1111 GATS5p Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability
1112 GATS6p Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability
1113 GATS7p Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability
1114 GATS8p Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability
1115 GATS1i Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
1116 GATS2i Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
1117 GATS3i Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
1118 GATS4i Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
1119 GATS5i Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
1120 GATS6i Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
1121 GATS7i Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
1122 GATS8i Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
1123 GATS1s Geary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state
1124 GATS2s Geary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state
1125 GATS3s Geary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state
1126 GATS4s Geary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state
1127 GATS5s Geary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state
1128 GATS6s Geary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state
1129 GATS7s Geary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state
1130 GATS8s Geary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state
1131 GGI1 topological charge index of order 1
1132 GGI2 topological charge index of order 2
1133 GGI3 topological charge index of order 3
1134 GGI4 topological charge index of order 4
1135 GGI5 topological charge index of order 5
1136 GGI6 topological charge index of order 6
1137 GGI7 topological charge index of order 7
1138 GGI8 topological charge index of order 8
1139 GGI9 topological charge index of order 9
1140 GGI10 topological charge index of order 10
1141 JGI1 mean topological charge index of order 1
1142 JGI2 mean topological charge index of order 2
1143 JGI3 mean topological charge index of order 3
1144 JGI4 mean topological charge index of order 4
1145 JGI5 mean topological charge index of order 5
1146 JGI6 mean topological charge index of order 6
1147 JGI7 mean topological charge index of order 7
1148 JGI8 mean topological charge index of order 8
1149 JGI9 mean topological charge index of order 9
1150 JGI10 mean topological charge index of order 10
1151 JGT global topological charge index

9. Burden eigenvalues

No. Name Description
1152 SpMax1_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1153 SpMax2_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1154 SpMax3_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1155 SpMax4_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1156 SpMax5_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1157 SpMax6_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1158 SpMax7_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1159 SpMax8_Bh(m) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1160 SpMax1_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1161 SpMax2_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1162 SpMax3_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1163 SpMax4_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1164 SpMax5_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1165 SpMax6_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1166 SpMax7_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1167 SpMax8_Bh(v) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1168 SpMax1_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1169 SpMax2_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1170 SpMax3_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1171 SpMax4_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1172 SpMax5_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1173 SpMax6_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1174 SpMax7_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1175 SpMax8_Bh(e) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1176 SpMax1_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1177 SpMax2_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1178 SpMax3_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1179 SpMax4_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1180 SpMax5_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1181 SpMax6_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1182 SpMax7_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1183 SpMax8_Bh(p) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1184 SpMax1_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1185 SpMax2_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1186 SpMax3_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1187 SpMax4_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1188 SpMax5_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1189 SpMax6_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1190 SpMax7_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1191 SpMax8_Bh(i) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1192 SpMax1_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1193 SpMax2_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1194 SpMax3_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1195 SpMax4_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1196 SpMax5_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1197 SpMax6_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1198 SpMax7_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1199 SpMax8_Bh(s) largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1200 SpMin1_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1201 SpMin2_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1202 SpMin3_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1203 SpMin4_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1204 SpMin5_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1205 SpMin6_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1206 SpMin7_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1207 SpMin8_Bh(m) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by mass
1208 SpMin1_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1209 SpMin2_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1210 SpMin3_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1211 SpMin4_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1212 SpMin5_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1213 SpMin6_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1214 SpMin7_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1215 SpMin8_Bh(v) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume
1216 SpMin1_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1217 SpMin2_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1218 SpMin3_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1219 SpMin4_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1220 SpMin5_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1221 SpMin6_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1222 SpMin7_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1223 SpMin8_Bh(e) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1224 SpMin1_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1225 SpMin2_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1226 SpMin3_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1227 SpMin4_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1228 SpMin5_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1229 SpMin6_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1230 SpMin7_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1231 SpMin8_Bh(p) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizability
1232 SpMin1_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1233 SpMin2_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1234 SpMin3_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1235 SpMin4_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1236 SpMin5_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1237 SpMin6_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1238 SpMin7_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1239 SpMin8_Bh(i) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential
1240 SpMin1_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1241 SpMin2_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1242 SpMin3_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1243 SpMin4_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1244 SpMin5_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1245 SpMin6_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1246 SpMin7_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state
1247 SpMin8_Bh(s) smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by I-state

10. P_VSA-like descriptors

No. Name Description
1248 P_VSA_LogP_1 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 1
1249 P_VSA_LogP_2 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 2
1250 P_VSA_LogP_3 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 3
1251 P_VSA_LogP_4 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 4
1252 P_VSA_LogP_5 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 5
1253 P_VSA_LogP_6 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 6
1254 P_VSA_LogP_7 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 7
1255 P_VSA_LogP_8 P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 8
1256 P_VSA_MR_1 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 1
1257 P_VSA_MR_2 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 2
1258 P_VSA_MR_3 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 3
1259 P_VSA_MR_4 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 4
1260 P_VSA_MR_5 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 5
1261 P_VSA_MR_6 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 6
1262 P_VSA_MR_7 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 7
1263 P_VSA_MR_8 P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 8
1264 P_VSA_m_1 P_VSA-like on mass, bin 1
1265 P_VSA_m_2 P_VSA-like on mass, bin 2
1266 P_VSA_m_3 P_VSA-like on mass, bin 3
1267 P_VSA_m_4 P_VSA-like on mass, bin 4
1268 P_VSA_m_5 P_VSA-like on mass, bin 5
1269 P_VSA_v_1 P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 1
1270 P_VSA_v_2 P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 2
1271 P_VSA_v_3 P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 3
1272 P_VSA_v_4 P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 4
1273 P_VSA_e_1 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 1
1274 P_VSA_e_2 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 2
1275 P_VSA_e_3 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 3
1276 P_VSA_e_4 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 4
1277 P_VSA_e_5 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 5
1278 P_VSA_e_6 P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 6
1279 P_VSA_p_1 P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 1
1280 P_VSA_p_2 P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 2
1281 P_VSA_p_3 P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 3
1282 P_VSA_p_4 P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 4
1283 P_VSA_i_1 P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 1
1284 P_VSA_i_2 P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 2
1285 P_VSA_i_3 P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 3
1286 P_VSA_i_4 P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 4
1287 P_VSA_s_1 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 1
1288 P_VSA_s_2 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 2
1289 P_VSA_s_3 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 3
1290 P_VSA_s_4 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 4
1291 P_VSA_s_5 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 5
1292 P_VSA_s_6 P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 6
1293 P_VSA_ppp_L P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, L – lipophilic
1294 P_VSA_ppp_P P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, P – positive
1295 P_VSA_ppp_N P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, N – negative
1296 P_VSA_ppp_D P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, D – hydrogen-bond donor
1297 P_VSA_ppp_A P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, A – hydrogen-bond acceptor
1298 P_VSA_ppp_ar P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, ar – aromatic atoms
1299 P_VSA_ppp_con P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, con – conjugated atoms
1300 P_VSA_ppp_hal P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, hal – halogen atoms
1301 P_VSA_ppp_cyc P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, cyc – atoms belonging to cycles
1302 P_VSA_ppp_ter P_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, ter – terminal atoms
1303 P_VSA_charge_1 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 1
1304 P_VSA_charge_2 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 2
1305 P_VSA_charge_3 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 3
1306 P_VSA_charge_4 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 4
1307 P_VSA_charge_5 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 5
1308 P_VSA_charge_6 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 6
1309 P_VSA_charge_7 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 7
1310 P_VSA_charge_8 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 8
1311 P_VSA_charge_9 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 9
1312 P_VSA_charge_10 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 10
1313 P_VSA_charge_11 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 11
1314 P_VSA_charge_12 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 12
1315 P_VSA_charge_13 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 13
1316 P_VSA_charge_14 P_VSA-like on partial charges, bin 14

11. ETA indices

No. Name Description
1317 Eta_alpha eta core count
1318 Eta_alpha_A eta average core count
1319 Eta_epsi eta electronegativity measure
1320 Eta_epsi_A eta average electronegativity measure
1321 Eta_betaS eta sigma VEM count
1322 Eta_betaS_A eta sigma average VEM count
1323 Eta_betaP eta pi and lone pair VEM count
1324 Eta_betaP_A eta pi and lone pair average VEM count
1325 Eta_beta eta VEM count
1326 Eta_beta_A eta average VEM count
1327 Eta_C eta composite index
1328 Eta_C_A eta average composite index
1329 Eta_L eta local composite index
1330 Eta_L_A eta average local composite index
1331 Eta_R eta composite index for reference alkane
1332 Eta_F eta functionality index
1333 Eta_F_A eta average functionality index
1334 Eta_LR eta local composite index for reference alkane
1335 Eta_FL eta local functionality index
1336 Eta_FL_A eta average local functionality index
1337 Eta_B eta branching index
1338 Eta_B_A eta average branching index
1339 Eta_sh_p eta p shape index
1340 Eta_sh_y eta y shape index
1341 Eta_sh_x eta x shape index
1342 Eta_D_AlphaA eta delta alpha a index
1343 Eta_D_AlphaB eta delta alpha b index
1344 Eta_epsi_2 eta electronegativity measure 2
1345 Eta_epsi_3 eta electronegativity measure 3
1346 Eta_epsi_4 eta electronegativity measure 4
1347 Eta_epsi_5 eta electronegativity measure 5
1348 Eta_D_epsiA eta measure of unsaturation and electronegative atom count
1349 Eta_D_epsiB eta measure of unsaturation
1350 Eta_D_epsiC eta measure of electronegativity
1351 Eta_D_epsiD eta measure of hydrogen bond donor atoms
1352 Eta_psi1 eta measure of hydrogen bonding propensity and/or polar surface area
1353 Eta_D_psiA eta measure of hydrogen bonding propensity
1354 Eta_D_psiB eta measure of hydrogen bonding propensity
1355 Eta_D_beta eta measure of electronic features
1356 Eta_D_beta_A eta average measure of electronic features

12. Edge adjacency indices

No. Name Description
1357 SpMax_EA leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat.
1358 SpMaxA_EA normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat.
1359 SpDiam_EA spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat.
1360 SpAD_EA spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat.
1361 SpMAD_EA spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat.
1362 SpMax_EA(ed) leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1363 SpMaxA_EA(ed) normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1364 SpDiam_EA(ed) spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1365 SpAD_EA(ed) spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1366 SpMAD_EA(ed) spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1367 SpMax_EA(bo) leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1368 SpMaxA_EA(bo) normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1369 SpDiam_EA(bo) spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1370 SpAD_EA(bo) spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1371 SpMAD_EA(bo) spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1372 SpMax_EA(dm) leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1373 SpMaxA_EA(dm) normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1374 SpDiam_EA(dm) spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1375 SpAD_EA(dm) spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1376 SpMAD_EA(dm) spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1377 SpMax_EA(ri) leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1378 SpMaxA_EA(ri) normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1379 SpDiam_EA(ri) spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1380 SpAD_EA(ri) spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1381 SpMAD_EA(ri) spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1382 SpMax_AEA(ed) leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1383 SpMaxA_AEA(ed) normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1384 SpDiam_AEA(ed) spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1385 SpAD_AEA(ed) spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1386 SpMAD_AEA(ed) spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1387 SpMax_AEA(bo) leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1388 SpMaxA_AEA(bo) normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1389 SpDiam_AEA(bo) spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1390 SpAD_AEA(bo) spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1391 SpMAD_AEA(bo) spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1392 SpMax_AEA(dm) leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1393 SpMaxA_AEA(dm) normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1394 SpDiam_AEA(dm) spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1395 SpAD_AEA(dm) spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1396 SpMAD_AEA(dm) spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1397 SpMax_AEA(ri) leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1398 SpMaxA_AEA(ri) normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1399 SpDiam_AEA(ri) spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1400 SpAD_AEA(ri) spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1401 SpMAD_AEA(ri) spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1402 Chi0_EA connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat.
1403 Chi1_EA connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat.
1404 Chi0_EA(ed) connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1405 Chi1_EA(ed) connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1406 Chi0_EA(bo) connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1407 Chi1_EA(bo) connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1408 Chi0_EA(dm) connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1409 Chi1_EA(dm) connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1410 Chi0_EA(ri) connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1411 Chi1_EA(ri) connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1412 Chi0_AEA(ed) connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1413 Chi1_AEA(ed) connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1414 Chi0_AEA(bo) connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1415 Chi1_AEA(bo) connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1416 Chi0_AEA(dm) connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1417 Chi1_AEA(dm) connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1418 Chi0_AEA(ri) connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1419 Chi1_AEA(ri) connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1420 SM02_EA spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat.
1421 SM03_EA spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat.
1422 SM04_EA spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat.
1423 SM05_EA spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat.
1424 SM06_EA spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat.
1425 SM07_EA spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat.
1426 SM08_EA spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat.
1427 SM09_EA spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat.
1428 SM10_EA spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat.
1429 SM11_EA spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat.
1430 SM12_EA spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat.
1431 SM13_EA spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat.
1432 SM14_EA spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat.
1433 SM15_EA spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat.
1434 SM02_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1435 SM03_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1436 SM04_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1437 SM05_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1438 SM06_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1439 SM07_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1440 SM08_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1441 SM09_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1442 SM10_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1443 SM11_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1444 SM12_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1445 SM13_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1446 SM14_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1447 SM15_EA(ed) spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1448 SM02_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1449 SM03_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1450 SM04_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1451 SM05_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1452 SM06_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1453 SM07_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1454 SM08_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1455 SM09_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1456 SM10_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1457 SM11_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1458 SM12_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1459 SM13_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1460 SM14_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1461 SM15_EA(bo) spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1462 SM02_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1463 SM03_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1464 SM04_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1465 SM05_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1466 SM06_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1467 SM07_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1468 SM08_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1469 SM09_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1470 SM10_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1471 SM11_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1472 SM12_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1473 SM13_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1474 SM14_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1475 SM15_EA(dm) spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1476 SM02_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1477 SM03_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1478 SM04_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1479 SM05_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1480 SM06_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1481 SM07_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1482 SM08_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1483 SM09_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1484 SM10_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1485 SM11_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1486 SM12_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1487 SM13_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1488 SM14_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1489 SM15_EA(ri) spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1490 SM02_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1491 SM03_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1492 SM04_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1493 SM05_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1494 SM06_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1495 SM07_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1496 SM08_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1497 SM09_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1498 SM10_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1499 SM11_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1500 SM12_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1501 SM13_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1502 SM14_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1503 SM15_AEA(ed) spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1504 SM02_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1505 SM03_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1506 SM04_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1507 SM05_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1508 SM06_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1509 SM07_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1510 SM08_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1511 SM09_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1512 SM10_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1513 SM11_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1514 SM12_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1515 SM13_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1516 SM14_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1517 SM15_AEA(bo) spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1518 SM02_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1519 SM03_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1520 SM04_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1521 SM05_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1522 SM06_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1523 SM07_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1524 SM08_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1525 SM09_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1526 SM10_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1527 SM11_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1528 SM12_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1529 SM13_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1530 SM14_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1531 SM15_AEA(dm) spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1532 SM02_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1533 SM03_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1534 SM04_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1535 SM05_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1536 SM06_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1537 SM07_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1538 SM08_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1539 SM09_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1540 SM10_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1541 SM11_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1542 SM12_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1543 SM13_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1544 SM14_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1545 SM15_AEA(ri) spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1546 Eig01_EA eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat.
1547 Eig02_EA eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat.
1548 Eig03_EA eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat.
1549 Eig04_EA eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat.
1550 Eig05_EA eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat.
1551 Eig06_EA eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat.
1552 Eig07_EA eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat.
1553 Eig08_EA eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat.
1554 Eig09_EA eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat.
1555 Eig10_EA eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat.
1556 Eig11_EA eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat.
1557 Eig12_EA eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat.
1558 Eig13_EA eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat.
1559 Eig14_EA eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat.
1560 Eig15_EA eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat.
1561 Eig01_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1562 Eig02_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1563 Eig03_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1564 Eig04_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1565 Eig05_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1566 Eig06_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1567 Eig07_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1568 Eig08_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1569 Eig09_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1570 Eig10_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1571 Eig11_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1572 Eig12_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1573 Eig13_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1574 Eig14_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1575 Eig15_EA(ed) eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1576 Eig01_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1577 Eig02_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1578 Eig03_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1579 Eig04_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1580 Eig05_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1581 Eig06_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1582 Eig07_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1583 Eig08_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1584 Eig09_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1585 Eig10_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1586 Eig11_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1587 Eig12_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1588 Eig13_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1589 Eig14_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1590 Eig15_EA(bo) eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1591 Eig01_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1592 Eig02_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1593 Eig03_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1594 Eig04_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1595 Eig05_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1596 Eig06_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1597 Eig07_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1598 Eig08_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1599 Eig09_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1600 Eig10_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1601 Eig11_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1602 Eig12_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1603 Eig13_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1604 Eig14_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1605 Eig15_EA(dm) eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1606 Eig01_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1607 Eig02_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1608 Eig03_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1609 Eig04_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1610 Eig05_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1611 Eig06_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1612 Eig07_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1613 Eig08_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1614 Eig09_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1615 Eig10_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1616 Eig11_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1617 Eig12_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1618 Eig13_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1619 Eig14_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1620 Eig15_EA(ri) eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1621 Eig01_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1622 Eig02_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1623 Eig03_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1624 Eig04_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1625 Eig05_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1626 Eig06_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1627 Eig07_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1628 Eig08_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1629 Eig09_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1630 Eig10_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1631 Eig11_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1632 Eig12_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1633 Eig13_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1634 Eig14_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1635 Eig15_AEA(ed) eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degree
1636 Eig01_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1637 Eig02_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1638 Eig03_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1639 Eig04_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1640 Eig05_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1641 Eig06_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1642 Eig07_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1643 Eig08_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1644 Eig09_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1645 Eig10_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1646 Eig11_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1647 Eig12_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1648 Eig13_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1649 Eig14_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1650 Eig15_AEA(bo) eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond order
1651 Eig01_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1652 Eig02_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1653 Eig03_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1654 Eig04_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1655 Eig05_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1656 Eig06_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1657 Eig07_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1658 Eig08_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1659 Eig09_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1660 Eig10_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1661 Eig11_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1662 Eig12_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1663 Eig13_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1664 Eig14_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1665 Eig15_AEA(dm) eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole moment
1666 Eig01_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1667 Eig02_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1668 Eig03_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1669 Eig04_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1670 Eig05_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1671 Eig06_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1672 Eig07_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1673 Eig08_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1674 Eig09_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1675 Eig10_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1676 Eig11_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1677 Eig12_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1678 Eig13_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1679 Eig14_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral
1680 Eig15_AEA(ri) eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integral

13. Geometrical descriptors

No. Name Description
1681 G1 gravitational index G1
1682 G2 gravitational index G2 (bond-restricted)
1683 RGyr radius of gyration (mass weighted)
1684 SPAN span R
1685 MaxGD maximum intramolecular distance
1686 SPAM average span R
1687 MEcc molecular eccentricity
1688 SPH spherosity
1689 ASP asphericity
1690 PJI3 3D Petitjean shape index
1691 L/Bw length-to-breadth ratio by WHIM
1692 HOMA Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity index
1693 CMBL conjugated maximum bond length
1694 AROM aromaticity index
1695 HOMT HOMA total
1696 DISPm displacement value / weighted by mass
1697 QXXm quadrupole x-component value / weighted by mass
1698 QYYm quadrupole y-component value / weighted by mass
1699 QZZm quadrupole z-component value / weighted by mass
1700 DISPv displacement value / weighted by van der Waals volume
1701 QXXv quadrupole x-component value / weighted by van der Waals volume
1702 QYYv quadrupole y-component value / weighted by van der Waals volume
1703 QZZv quadrupole z-component value / weighted by van der Waals volume
1704 DISPe displacement value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1705 QXXe quadrupole x-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1706 QYYe quadrupole y-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1707 QZZe quadrupole z-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1708 DISPp displacement value / weighted by polarizability
1709 QXXp quadrupole x-component value / weighted by polarizability
1710 QYYp quadrupole y-component value / weighted by polarizability
1711 QZZp quadrupole z-component value / weighted by polarizability
1712 DISPi displacement value / weighted by ionization potential
1713 QXXi quadrupole x-component value / weighted by ionization potential
1714 QYYi quadrupole y-component value / weighted by ionization potential
1715 QZZi quadrupole z-component value / weighted by ionization potential
1716 DISPs displacement value / weighted by I-state
1717 QXXs quadrupole x-component value / weighted by I-state
1718 QYYs quadrupole y-component value / weighted by I-state
1719 QZZs quadrupole z-component value / weighted by I-state

14. 3D matrix-based descriptors

No. Name Description
1720 Wi_G Wiener-like index from geometrical matrix
1721 WiA_G average Wiener-like index from geometrical matrix
1722 AVS_G average vertex sum from geometrical matrix
1723 H_G Harary-like index from geometrical matrix
1724 Chi_G Randic-like index from geometrical matrix
1725 ChiA_G average Randic-like index from geometrical matrix
1726 J_G Balaban-like index from geometrical matrix
1727 HyWi_G hyper-Wiener-like index from geometrical matrix
1728 SpAbs_G graph energy from geometrical matrix
1729 SpPos_G spectral positive sum from geometrical matrix
1730 SpPosA_G normalized spectral positive sum from geometrical matrix
1731 SpPosLog_G logarithmic spectral positive sum from geometrical matrix
1732 SpMax_G leading eigenvalue from geometrical matrix
1733 SpMaxA_G normalized leading eigenvalue from geometrical matrix
1734 SpDiam_G spectral diameter from geometrical matrix
1735 SpAD_G spectral absolute deviation from geometrical matrix
1736 SpMAD_G spectral mean absolute deviation from geometrical matrix
1737 Ho_G Hosoya-like index (log function) from geometrical matrix
1738 EE_G Estrada-like index (log function) from geometrical matrix
1739 SM2_G spectral moment of order 2 from geometrical matrix
1740 SM3_G spectral moment of order 3 from geometrical matrix
1741 SM4_G spectral moment of order 4 from geometrical matrix
1742 SM5_G spectral moment of order 5 from geometrical matrix
1743 SM6_G spectral moment of order 6 from geometrical matrix
1744 VE1_G coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix
1745 VE2_G average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix
1746 VE3_G logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix
1747 VE1sign_G coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix
1748 VE2sign_G average coefficient of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix
1749 VE3sign_G logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix
1750 VR1_G Randic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix
1751 VR2_G normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix
1752 VR3_G logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix
1753 Wi_RG Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1754 WiA_RG average Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1755 AVS_RG average vertex sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1756 H_RG Harary-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1757 Chi_RG Randic-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1758 ChiA_RG average Randic-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1759 J_RG Balaban-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1760 HyWi_RG hyper-Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1761 SpAbs_RG graph energy from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1762 SpPos_RG spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1763 SpPosA_RG normalized spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1764 SpPosLog_RG logarithmic spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1765 SpMax_RG leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1766 SpMaxA_RG normalized leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1767 SpDiam_RG spectral diameter from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1768 SpAD_RG spectral absolute deviation from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1769 SpMAD_RG spectral mean absolute deviation from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1770 Ho_RG Hosoya-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1771 EE_RG Estrada-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1772 SM2_RG spectral moment of order 2 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1773 SM3_RG spectral moment of order 3 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1774 SM4_RG spectral moment of order 4 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1775 SM5_RG spectral moment of order 5 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1776 SM6_RG spectral moment of order 6 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1777 VE1_RG coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1778 VE2_RG average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1779 VE3_RG logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1780 VE1sign_RG coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1781 VE2sign_RG average coefficient of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1782 VE3sign_RG logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1783 VR1_RG Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1784 VR2_RG normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1785 VR3_RG logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix
1786 Wi_G/D Wiener-like index from distance/distance matrix
1787 WiA_G/D average Wiener-like index from distance/distance matrix
1788 AVS_G/D average vertex sum from distance/distance matrix
1789 H_G/D Harary-like index from distance/distance matrix
1790 Chi_G/D Randic-like index from distance/distance matrix
1791 ChiA_G/D average Randic-like index from distance/distance matrix
1792 J_G/D Balaban-like index from distance/distance matrix
1793 HyWi_G/D hyper-Wiener-like index from distance/distance matrix
1794 SpAbs_G/D graph energy from distance/distance matrix
1795 SpPos_G/D spectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix
1796 SpPosA_G/D normalized spectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix
1797 SpPosLog_G/D logarithmic spectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix
1798 SpMax_G/D leading eigenvalue from distance/distance matrix
1799 SpMaxA_G/D normalized leading eigenvalue from distance/distance matrix (folding degree index)
1800 SpDiam_G/D spectral diameter from distance/distance matrix
1801 SpAD_G/D spectral absolute deviation from distance/distance matrix
1802 SpMAD_G/D spectral mean absolute deviation from distance/distance matrix
1803 Ho_G/D Hosoya-like index (log function) from distance/distance matrix
1804 EE_G/D Estrada-like index (log function) from distance/distance matrix
1805 SM2_G/D spectral moment of order 2 from distance/distance matrix
1806 SM3_G/D spectral moment of order 3 from distance/distance matrix
1807 SM4_G/D spectral moment of order 4 from distance/distance matrix
1808 SM5_G/D spectral moment of order 5 from distance/distance matrix
1809 SM6_G/D spectral moment of order 6 from distance/distance matrix
1810 VE1_G/D coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix
1811 VE2_G/D average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix
1812 VE3_G/D logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix
1813 VE1sign_G/D coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix
1814 VE2sign_G/D average coefficient of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix
1815 VE3sign_G/D logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix
1816 VR1_G/D Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix
1817 VR2_G/D normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix
1818 VR3_G/D logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix
1819 Wi_Coulomb Wiener-like index from Coulomb matrix
1820 WiA_Coulomb average Wiener-like index from Coulomb matrix
1821 AVS_Coulomb average vertex sum from Coulomb matrix
1822 H_Coulomb Harary-like index from Coulomb matrix
1823 Chi_Coulomb Randic-like index from Coulomb matrix
1824 ChiA_Coulomb average Randic-like index from Coulomb matrix
1825 J_Coulomb Balaban-like index from Coulomb matrix
1826 HyWi_Coulomb hyper-Wiener-like index from Coulomb matrix
1827 SpAbs_Coulomb graph energy from Coulomb matrix
1828 SpPos_Coulomb spectral positive sum from Coulomb matrix
1829 SpPosA_Coulomb normalized spectral positive sum from Coulomb matrix
1830 SpPosLog_Coulomb logarithmic spectral positive sum from Coulomb matrix
1831 SpMax_Coulomb leading eigenvalue from Coulomb matrix
1832 SpMaxA_Coulomb normalized leading eigenvalue from Coulomb matrix
1833 SpDiam_Coulomb spectral diameter from Coulomb matrix
1834 SpAD_Coulomb spectral absolute deviation from Coulomb matrix
1835 SpMAD_Coulomb spectral mean absolute deviation from Coulomb matrix
1836 Ho_Coulomb Hosoya-like index (log function) from Coulomb matrix
1837 EE_Coulomb Estrada-like index (log function) from Coulomb matrix
1838 SM2_Coulomb spectral moment of order 2 from Coulomb matrix
1839 SM3_Coulomb spectral moment of order 3 from Coulomb matrix
1840 SM4_Coulomb spectral moment of order 4 from Coulomb matrix
1841 SM5_Coulomb spectral moment of order 5 from Coulomb matrix
1842 SM6_Coulomb spectral moment of order 6 from Coulomb matrix
1843 VE1_Coulomb coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Coulomb matrix
1844 VE2_Coulomb average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Coulomb matrix
1845 VE3_Coulomb logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Coulomb matrix
1846 VE1sign_Coulomb coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Coulomb matrix
1847 VE2sign_Coulomb average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Coulomb matrix
1848 VE3sign_Coulomb logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Coulomb matrix
1849 VR1_Coulomb Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Coulomb matrix
1850 VR2_Coulomb normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Coulomb matrix
1851 VR3_Coulomb logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Coulomb matrix

15. 3D autocorrelations

No. Name Description
1852 TDB01u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 unweighted
1853 TDB02u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 unweighted
1854 TDB03u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 unweighted
1855 TDB04u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 unweighted
1856 TDB05u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 unweighted
1857 TDB06u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 unweighted
1858 TDB07u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 unweighted
1859 TDB08u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 unweighted
1860 TDB09u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 unweighted
1861 TDB10u 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 unweighted
1862 TDB01m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by mass
1863 TDB02m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by mass
1864 TDB03m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by mass
1865 TDB04m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by mass
1866 TDB05m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by mass
1867 TDB06m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by mass
1868 TDB07m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by mass
1869 TDB08m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by mass
1870 TDB09m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by mass
1871 TDB10m 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by mass
1872 TDB01v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume
1873 TDB02v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume
1874 TDB03v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume
1875 TDB04v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume
1876 TDB05v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume
1877 TDB06v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume
1878 TDB07v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume
1879 TDB08v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume
1880 TDB09v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by van der Waals volume
1881 TDB10v 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by van der Waals volume
1882 TDB01e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1883 TDB02e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1884 TDB03e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1885 TDB04e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1886 TDB05e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1887 TDB06e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1888 TDB07e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1889 TDB08e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1890 TDB09e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1891 TDB10e 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1892 TDB01p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by polarizability
1893 TDB02p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by polarizability
1894 TDB03p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by polarizability
1895 TDB04p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by polarizability
1896 TDB05p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by polarizability
1897 TDB06p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by polarizability
1898 TDB07p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by polarizability
1899 TDB08p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by polarizability
1900 TDB09p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by polarizability
1901 TDB10p 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by polarizability
1902 TDB01i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by ionization potential
1903 TDB02i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by ionization potential
1904 TDB03i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by ionization potential
1905 TDB04i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by ionization potential
1906 TDB05i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by ionization potential
1907 TDB06i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by ionization potential
1908 TDB07i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by ionization potential
1909 TDB08i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by ionization potential
1910 TDB09i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by ionization potential
1911 TDB10i 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by ionization potential
1912 TDB01s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by I-state
1913 TDB02s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by I-state
1914 TDB03s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by I-state
1915 TDB04s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by I-state
1916 TDB05s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by I-state
1917 TDB06s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by I-state
1918 TDB07s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by I-state
1919 TDB08s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by I-state
1920 TDB09s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by I-state
1921 TDB10s 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by I-state
1922 TDB01r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 1 weighted by covalent radius
1923 TDB02r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 2 weighted by covalent radius
1924 TDB03r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 3 weighted by covalent radius
1925 TDB04r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 4 weighted by covalent radius
1926 TDB05r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 5 weighted by covalent radius
1927 TDB06r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 6 weighted by covalent radius
1928 TDB07r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 7 weighted by covalent radius
1929 TDB08r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 8 weighted by covalent radius
1930 TDB09r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 9 weighted by covalent radius
1931 TDB10r 3D Topological distance based descriptors – lag 10 weighted by covalent radius

16. RDF descriptors

No. Name Description
1932 RDF010u Radial Distribution Function – 010 / unweighted
1933 RDF015u Radial Distribution Function – 015 / unweighted
1934 RDF020u Radial Distribution Function – 020 / unweighted
1935 RDF025u Radial Distribution Function – 025 / unweighted
1936 RDF030u Radial Distribution Function – 030 / unweighted
1937 RDF035u Radial Distribution Function – 035 / unweighted
1938 RDF040u Radial Distribution Function – 040 / unweighted
1939 RDF045u Radial Distribution Function – 045 / unweighted
1940 RDF050u Radial Distribution Function – 050 / unweighted
1941 RDF055u Radial Distribution Function – 055 / unweighted
1942 RDF060u Radial Distribution Function – 060 / unweighted
1943 RDF065u Radial Distribution Function – 065 / unweighted
1944 RDF070u Radial Distribution Function – 070 / unweighted
1945 RDF075u Radial Distribution Function – 075 / unweighted
1946 RDF080u Radial Distribution Function – 080 / unweighted
1947 RDF085u Radial Distribution Function – 085 / unweighted
1948 RDF090u Radial Distribution Function – 090 / unweighted
1949 RDF095u Radial Distribution Function – 095 / unweighted
1950 RDF100u Radial Distribution Function – 100 / unweighted
1951 RDF105u Radial Distribution Function – 105 / unweighted
1952 RDF110u Radial Distribution Function – 110 / unweighted
1953 RDF115u Radial Distribution Function – 115 / unweighted
1954 RDF120u Radial Distribution Function – 120 / unweighted
1955 RDF125u Radial Distribution Function – 125 / unweighted
1956 RDF130u Radial Distribution Function – 130 / unweighted
1957 RDF135u Radial Distribution Function – 135 / unweighted
1958 RDF140u Radial Distribution Function – 140 / unweighted
1959 RDF145u Radial Distribution Function – 145 / unweighted
1960 RDF150u Radial Distribution Function – 150 / unweighted
1961 RDF155u Radial Distribution Function – 155 / unweighted
1962 RDF010m Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by mass
1963 RDF015m Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by mass
1964 RDF020m Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by mass
1965 RDF025m Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by mass
1966 RDF030m Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by mass
1967 RDF035m Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by mass
1968 RDF040m Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by mass
1969 RDF045m Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by mass
1970 RDF050m Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by mass
1971 RDF055m Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by mass
1972 RDF060m Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by mass
1973 RDF065m Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by mass
1974 RDF070m Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by mass
1975 RDF075m Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by mass
1976 RDF080m Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by mass
1977 RDF085m Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by mass
1978 RDF090m Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by mass
1979 RDF095m Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by mass
1980 RDF100m Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by mass
1981 RDF105m Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by mass
1982 RDF110m Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by mass
1983 RDF115m Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by mass
1984 RDF120m Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by mass
1985 RDF125m Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by mass
1986 RDF130m Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by mass
1987 RDF135m Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by mass
1988 RDF140m Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by mass
1989 RDF145m Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by mass
1990 RDF150m Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by mass
1991 RDF155m Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by mass
1992 RDF010v Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1993 RDF015v Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1994 RDF020v Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1995 RDF025v Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1996 RDF030v Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1997 RDF035v Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1998 RDF040v Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by van der Waals volume
1999 RDF045v Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2000 RDF050v Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2001 RDF055v Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2002 RDF060v Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2003 RDF065v Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2004 RDF070v Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2005 RDF075v Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2006 RDF080v Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2007 RDF085v Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2008 RDF090v Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2009 RDF095v Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2010 RDF100v Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2011 RDF105v Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2012 RDF110v Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2013 RDF115v Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2014 RDF120v Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2015 RDF125v Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2016 RDF130v Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2017 RDF135v Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2018 RDF140v Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2019 RDF145v Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2020 RDF150v Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2021 RDF155v Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2022 RDF010e Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2023 RDF015e Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2024 RDF020e Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2025 RDF025e Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2026 RDF030e Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2027 RDF035e Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2028 RDF040e Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2029 RDF045e Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2030 RDF050e Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2031 RDF055e Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2032 RDF060e Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2033 RDF065e Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2034 RDF070e Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2035 RDF075e Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2036 RDF080e Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2037 RDF085e Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2038 RDF090e Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2039 RDF095e Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2040 RDF100e Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2041 RDF105e Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2042 RDF110e Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2043 RDF115e Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2044 RDF120e Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2045 RDF125e Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2046 RDF130e Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2047 RDF135e Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2048 RDF140e Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2049 RDF145e Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2050 RDF150e Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2051 RDF155e Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2052 RDF010p Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by polarizability
2053 RDF015p Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by polarizability
2054 RDF020p Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by polarizability
2055 RDF025p Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by polarizability
2056 RDF030p Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by polarizability
2057 RDF035p Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by polarizability
2058 RDF040p Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by polarizability
2059 RDF045p Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by polarizability
2060 RDF050p Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by polarizability
2061 RDF055p Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by polarizability
2062 RDF060p Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by polarizability
2063 RDF065p Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by polarizability
2064 RDF070p Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by polarizability
2065 RDF075p Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by polarizability
2066 RDF080p Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by polarizability
2067 RDF085p Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by polarizability
2068 RDF090p Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by polarizability
2069 RDF095p Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by polarizability
2070 RDF100p Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by polarizability
2071 RDF105p Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by polarizability
2072 RDF110p Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by polarizability
2073 RDF115p Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by polarizability
2074 RDF120p Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by polarizability
2075 RDF125p Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by polarizability
2076 RDF130p Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by polarizability
2077 RDF135p Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by polarizability
2078 RDF140p Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by polarizability
2079 RDF145p Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by polarizability
2080 RDF150p Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by polarizability
2081 RDF155p Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by polarizability
2082 RDF010i Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by ionization potential
2083 RDF015i Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by ionization potential
2084 RDF020i Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by ionization potential
2085 RDF025i Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by ionization potential
2086 RDF030i Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by ionization potential
2087 RDF035i Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by ionization potential
2088 RDF040i Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by ionization potential
2089 RDF045i Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by ionization potential
2090 RDF050i Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by ionization potential
2091 RDF055i Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by ionization potential
2092 RDF060i Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by ionization potential
2093 RDF065i Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by ionization potential
2094 RDF070i Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by ionization potential
2095 RDF075i Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by ionization potential
2096 RDF080i Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by ionization potential
2097 RDF085i Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by ionization potential
2098 RDF090i Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by ionization potential
2099 RDF095i Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by ionization potential
2100 RDF100i Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by ionization potential
2101 RDF105i Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by ionization potential
2102 RDF110i Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by ionization potential
2103 RDF115i Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by ionization potential
2104 RDF120i Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by ionization potential
2105 RDF125i Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by ionization potential
2106 RDF130i Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by ionization potential
2107 RDF135i Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by ionization potential
2108 RDF140i Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by ionization potential
2109 RDF145i Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by ionization potential
2110 RDF150i Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by ionization potential
2111 RDF155i Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by ionization potential
2112 RDF010s Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by I-state
2113 RDF015s Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by I-state
2114 RDF020s Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by I-state
2115 RDF025s Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by I-state
2116 RDF030s Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by I-state
2117 RDF035s Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by I-state
2118 RDF040s Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by I-state
2119 RDF045s Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by I-state
2120 RDF050s Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by I-state
2121 RDF055s Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by I-state
2122 RDF060s Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by I-state
2123 RDF065s Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by I-state
2124 RDF070s Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by I-state
2125 RDF075s Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by I-state
2126 RDF080s Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by I-state
2127 RDF085s Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by I-state
2128 RDF090s Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by I-state
2129 RDF095s Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by I-state
2130 RDF100s Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by I-state
2131 RDF105s Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by I-state
2132 RDF110s Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by I-state
2133 RDF115s Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by I-state
2134 RDF120s Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by I-state
2135 RDF125s Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by I-state
2136 RDF130s Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by I-state
2137 RDF135s Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by I-state
2138 RDF140s Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by I-state
2139 RDF145s Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by I-state
2140 RDF150s Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by I-state
2141 RDF155s Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by I-state
2142 RDF010charge Radial Distribution Function – 010 / weighted by partial charge
2143 RDF015charge Radial Distribution Function – 015 / weighted by partial charge
2144 RDF020charge Radial Distribution Function – 020 / weighted by partial charge
2145 RDF025charge Radial Distribution Function – 025 / weighted by partial charge
2146 RDF030charge Radial Distribution Function – 030 / weighted by partial charge
2147 RDF035charge Radial Distribution Function – 035 / weighted by partial charge
2148 RDF040charge Radial Distribution Function – 040 / weighted by partial charge
2149 RDF045charge Radial Distribution Function – 045 / weighted by partial charge
2150 RDF050charge Radial Distribution Function – 050 / weighted by partial charge
2151 RDF055charge Radial Distribution Function – 055 / weighted by partial charge
2152 RDF060charge Radial Distribution Function – 060 / weighted by partial charge
2153 RDF065charge Radial Distribution Function – 065 / weighted by partial charge
2154 RDF070charge Radial Distribution Function – 070 / weighted by partial charge
2155 RDF075charge Radial Distribution Function – 075 / weighted by partial charge
2156 RDF080charge Radial Distribution Function – 080 / weighted by partial charge
2157 RDF085charge Radial Distribution Function – 085 / weighted by partial charge
2158 RDF090charge Radial Distribution Function – 090 / weighted by partial charge
2159 RDF095charge Radial Distribution Function – 095 / weighted by partial charge
2160 RDF100charge Radial Distribution Function – 100 / weighted by partial charge
2161 RDF105charge Radial Distribution Function – 105 / weighted by partial charge
2162 RDF110charge Radial Distribution Function – 110 / weighted by partial charge
2163 RDF115charge Radial Distribution Function – 115 / weighted by partial charge
2164 RDF120charge Radial Distribution Function – 120 / weighted by partial charge
2165 RDF125charge Radial Distribution Function – 125 / weighted by partial charge
2166 RDF130charge Radial Distribution Function – 130 / weighted by partial charge
2167 RDF135charge Radial Distribution Function – 135 / weighted by partial charge
2168 RDF140charge Radial Distribution Function – 140 / weighted by partial charge
2169 RDF145charge Radial Distribution Function – 145 / weighted by partial charge
2170 RDF150charge Radial Distribution Function – 150 / weighted by partial charge
2171 RDF155charge Radial Distribution Function – 155 / weighted by partial charge

17. 3D-MoRSE descriptors

No. Name Description
2172 Mor01u signal 01 / unweighted
2173 Mor02u signal 02 / unweighted
2174 Mor03u signal 03 / unweighted
2175 Mor04u signal 04 / unweighted
2176 Mor05u signal 05 / unweighted
2177 Mor06u signal 06 / unweighted
2178 Mor07u signal 07 / unweighted
2179 Mor08u signal 08 / unweighted
2180 Mor09u signal 09 / unweighted
2181 Mor10u signal 10 / unweighted
2182 Mor11u signal 11 / unweighted
2183 Mor12u signal 12 / unweighted
2184 Mor13u signal 13 / unweighted
2185 Mor14u signal 14 / unweighted
2186 Mor15u signal 15 / unweighted
2187 Mor16u signal 16 / unweighted
2188 Mor17u signal 17 / unweighted
2189 Mor18u signal 18 / unweighted
2190 Mor19u signal 19 / unweighted
2191 Mor20u signal 20 / unweighted
2192 Mor21u signal 21 / unweighted
2193 Mor22u signal 22 / unweighted
2194 Mor23u signal 23 / unweighted
2195 Mor24u signal 24 / unweighted
2196 Mor25u signal 25 / unweighted
2197 Mor26u signal 26 / unweighted
2198 Mor27u signal 27 / unweighted
2199 Mor28u signal 28 / unweighted
2200 Mor29u signal 29 / unweighted
2201 Mor30u signal 30 / unweighted
2202 Mor31u signal 31 / unweighted
2203 Mor32u signal 32 / unweighted
2204 Mor01m signal 01 / weighted by mass
2205 Mor02m signal 02 / weighted by mass
2206 Mor03m signal 03 / weighted by mass
2207 Mor04m signal 04 / weighted by mass
2208 Mor05m signal 05 / weighted by mass
2209 Mor06m signal 06 / weighted by mass
2210 Mor07m signal 07 / weighted by mass
2211 Mor08m signal 08 / weighted by mass
2212 Mor09m signal 09 / weighted by mass
2213 Mor10m signal 10 / weighted by mass
2214 Mor11m signal 11 / weighted by mass
2215 Mor12m signal 12 / weighted by mass
2216 Mor13m signal 13 / weighted by mass
2217 Mor14m signal 14 / weighted by mass
2218 Mor15m signal 15 / weighted by mass
2219 Mor16m signal 16 / weighted by mass
2220 Mor17m signal 17 / weighted by mass
2221 Mor18m signal 18 / weighted by mass
2222 Mor19m signal 19 / weighted by mass
2223 Mor20m signal 20 / weighted by mass
2224 Mor21m signal 21 / weighted by mass
2225 Mor22m signal 22 / weighted by mass
2226 Mor23m signal 23 / weighted by mass
2227 Mor24m signal 24 / weighted by mass
2228 Mor25m signal 25 / weighted by mass
2229 Mor26m signal 26 / weighted by mass
2230 Mor27m signal 27 / weighted by mass
2231 Mor28m signal 28 / weighted by mass
2232 Mor29m signal 29 / weighted by mass
2233 Mor30m signal 30 / weighted by mass
2234 Mor31m signal 31 / weighted by mass
2235 Mor32m signal 32 / weighted by mass
2236 Mor01v signal 01 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2237 Mor02v signal 02 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2238 Mor03v signal 03 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2239 Mor04v signal 04 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2240 Mor05v signal 05 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2241 Mor06v signal 06 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2242 Mor07v signal 07 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2243 Mor08v signal 08 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2244 Mor09v signal 09 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2245 Mor10v signal 10 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2246 Mor11v signal 11 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2247 Mor12v signal 12 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2248 Mor13v signal 13 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2249 Mor14v signal 14 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2250 Mor15v signal 15 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2251 Mor16v signal 16 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2252 Mor17v signal 17 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2253 Mor18v signal 18 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2254 Mor19v signal 19 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2255 Mor20v signal 20 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2256 Mor21v signal 21 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2257 Mor22v signal 22 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2258 Mor23v signal 23 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2259 Mor24v signal 24 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2260 Mor25v signal 25 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2261 Mor26v signal 26 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2262 Mor27v signal 27 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2263 Mor28v signal 28 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2264 Mor29v signal 29 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2265 Mor30v signal 30 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2266 Mor31v signal 31 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2267 Mor32v signal 32 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2268 Mor01e signal 01 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2269 Mor02e signal 02 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2270 Mor03e signal 03 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2271 Mor04e signal 04 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2272 Mor05e signal 05 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2273 Mor06e signal 06 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2274 Mor07e signal 07 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2275 Mor08e signal 08 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2276 Mor09e signal 09 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2277 Mor10e signal 10 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2278 Mor11e signal 11 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2279 Mor12e signal 12 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2280 Mor13e signal 13 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2281 Mor14e signal 14 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2282 Mor15e signal 15 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2283 Mor16e signal 16 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2284 Mor17e signal 17 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2285 Mor18e signal 18 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2286 Mor19e signal 19 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2287 Mor20e signal 20 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2288 Mor21e signal 21 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2289 Mor22e signal 22 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2290 Mor23e signal 23 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2291 Mor24e signal 24 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2292 Mor25e signal 25 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2293 Mor26e signal 26 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2294 Mor27e signal 27 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2295 Mor28e signal 28 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2296 Mor29e signal 29 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2297 Mor30e signal 30 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2298 Mor31e signal 31 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2299 Mor32e signal 32 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2300 Mor01p signal 01 / weighted by polarizability
2301 Mor02p signal 02 / weighted by polarizability
2302 Mor03p signal 03 / weighted by polarizability
2303 Mor04p signal 04 / weighted by polarizability
2304 Mor05p signal 05 / weighted by polarizability
2305 Mor06p signal 06 / weighted by polarizability
2306 Mor07p signal 07 / weighted by polarizability
2307 Mor08p signal 08 / weighted by polarizability
2308 Mor09p signal 09 / weighted by polarizability
2309 Mor10p signal 10 / weighted by polarizability
2310 Mor11p signal 11 / weighted by polarizability
2311 Mor12p signal 12 / weighted by polarizability
2312 Mor13p signal 13 / weighted by polarizability
2313 Mor14p signal 14 / weighted by polarizability
2314 Mor15p signal 15 / weighted by polarizability
2315 Mor16p signal 16 / weighted by polarizability
2316 Mor17p signal 17 / weighted by polarizability
2317 Mor18p signal 18 / weighted by polarizability
2318 Mor19p signal 19 / weighted by polarizability
2319 Mor20p signal 20 / weighted by polarizability
2320 Mor21p signal 21 / weighted by polarizability
2321 Mor22p signal 22 / weighted by polarizability
2322 Mor23p signal 23 / weighted by polarizability
2323 Mor24p signal 24 / weighted by polarizability
2324 Mor25p signal 25 / weighted by polarizability
2325 Mor26p signal 26 / weighted by polarizability
2326 Mor27p signal 27 / weighted by polarizability
2327 Mor28p signal 28 / weighted by polarizability
2328 Mor29p signal 29 / weighted by polarizability
2329 Mor30p signal 30 / weighted by polarizability
2330 Mor31p signal 31 / weighted by polarizability
2331 Mor32p signal 32 / weighted by polarizability
2332 Mor01i signal 01 / weighted by ionization potential
2333 Mor02i signal 02 / weighted by ionization potential
2334 Mor03i signal 03 / weighted by ionization potential
2335 Mor04i signal 04 / weighted by ionization potential
2336 Mor05i signal 05 / weighted by ionization potential
2337 Mor06i signal 06 / weighted by ionization potential
2338 Mor07i signal 07 / weighted by ionization potential
2339 Mor08i signal 08 / weighted by ionization potential
2340 Mor09i signal 09 / weighted by ionization potential
2341 Mor10i signal 10 / weighted by ionization potential
2342 Mor11i signal 11 / weighted by ionization potential
2343 Mor12i signal 12 / weighted by ionization potential
2344 Mor13i signal 13 / weighted by ionization potential
2345 Mor14i signal 14 / weighted by ionization potential
2346 Mor15i signal 15 / weighted by ionization potential
2347 Mor16i signal 16 / weighted by ionization potential
2348 Mor17i signal 17 / weighted by ionization potential
2349 Mor18i signal 18 / weighted by ionization potential
2350 Mor19i signal 19 / weighted by ionization potential
2351 Mor20i signal 20 / weighted by ionization potential
2352 Mor21i signal 21 / weighted by ionization potential
2353 Mor22i signal 22 / weighted by ionization potential
2354 Mor23i signal 23 / weighted by ionization potential
2355 Mor24i signal 24 / weighted by ionization potential
2356 Mor25i signal 25 / weighted by ionization potential
2357 Mor26i signal 26 / weighted by ionization potential
2358 Mor27i signal 27 / weighted by ionization potential
2359 Mor28i signal 28 / weighted by ionization potential
2360 Mor29i signal 29 / weighted by ionization potential
2361 Mor30i signal 30 / weighted by ionization potential
2362 Mor31i signal 31 / weighted by ionization potential
2363 Mor32i signal 32 / weighted by ionization potential
2364 Mor01s signal 01 / weighted by I-state
2365 Mor02s signal 02 / weighted by I-state
2366 Mor03s signal 03 / weighted by I-state
2367 Mor04s signal 04 / weighted by I-state
2368 Mor05s signal 05 / weighted by I-state
2369 Mor06s signal 06 / weighted by I-state
2370 Mor07s signal 07 / weighted by I-state
2371 Mor08s signal 08 / weighted by I-state
2372 Mor09s signal 09 / weighted by I-state
2373 Mor10s signal 10 / weighted by I-state
2374 Mor11s signal 11 / weighted by I-state
2375 Mor12s signal 12 / weighted by I-state
2376 Mor13s signal 13 / weighted by I-state
2377 Mor14s signal 14 / weighted by I-state
2378 Mor15s signal 15 / weighted by I-state
2379 Mor16s signal 16 / weighted by I-state
2380 Mor17s signal 17 / weighted by I-state
2381 Mor18s signal 18 / weighted by I-state
2382 Mor19s signal 19 / weighted by I-state
2383 Mor20s signal 20 / weighted by I-state
2384 Mor21s signal 21 / weighted by I-state
2385 Mor22s signal 22 / weighted by I-state
2386 Mor23s signal 23 / weighted by I-state
2387 Mor24s signal 24 / weighted by I-state
2388 Mor25s signal 25 / weighted by I-state
2389 Mor26s signal 26 / weighted by I-state
2390 Mor27s signal 27 / weighted by I-state
2391 Mor28s signal 28 / weighted by I-state
2392 Mor29s signal 29 / weighted by I-state
2393 Mor30s signal 30 / weighted by I-state
2394 Mor31s signal 31 / weighted by I-state
2395 Mor32s signal 32 / weighted by I-state
2396 Mor01charge signal 01 / weighted by partial charge
2397 Mor02charge signal 02 / weighted by partial charge
2398 Mor03charge signal 03 / weighted by partial charge
2399 Mor04charge signal 04 / weighted by partial charge
2400 Mor05charge signal 05 / weighted by partial charge
2401 Mor06charge signal 06 / weighted by partial charge
2402 Mor07charge signal 07 / weighted by partial charge
2403 Mor08charge signal 08 / weighted by partial charge
2404 Mor09charge signal 09 / weighted by partial charge
2405 Mor10charge signal 10 / weighted by partial charge
2406 Mor11charge signal 11 / weighted by partial charge
2407 Mor12charge signal 12 / weighted by partial charge
2408 Mor13charge signal 13 / weighted by partial charge
2409 Mor14charge signal 14 / weighted by partial charge
2410 Mor15charge signal 15 / weighted by partial charge
2411 Mor16charge signal 16 / weighted by partial charge
2412 Mor17charge signal 17 / weighted by partial charge
2413 Mor18charge signal 18 / weighted by partial charge
2414 Mor19charge signal 19 / weighted by partial charge
2415 Mor20charge signal 20 / weighted by partial charge
2416 Mor21charge signal 21 / weighted by partial charge
2417 Mor22charge signal 22 / weighted by partial charge
2418 Mor23charge signal 23 / weighted by partial charge
2419 Mor24charge signal 24 / weighted by partial charge
2420 Mor25charge signal 25 / weighted by partial charge
2421 Mor26charge signal 26 / weighted by partial charge
2422 Mor27charge signal 27 / weighted by partial charge
2423 Mor28charge signal 28 / weighted by partial charge
2424 Mor29charge signal 29 / weighted by partial charge
2425 Mor30charge signal 30 / weighted by partial charge
2426 Mor31charge signal 31 / weighted by partial charge
2427 Mor32charge signal 32 / weighted by partial charge

18. WHIM descriptors

No. Name Description
2428 L1u 1st component size directional WHIM index / unweighted
2429 L2u 2nd component size directional WHIM index / unweighted
2430 L3u 3rd component size directional WHIM index / unweighted
2431 P1u 1st component shape directional WHIM index / unweighted
2432 P2u 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / unweighted
2433 G1u 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweighted
2434 G2u 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweighted
2435 G3u 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweighted
2436 E1u 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweighted
2437 E2u 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweighted
2438 E3u 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweighted
2439 L1m 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2440 L2m 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2441 L3m 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2442 P1m 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2443 P2m 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2444 G1m 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2445 G2m 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2446 G3m 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2447 E1m 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2448 E2m 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2449 E3m 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by mass
2450 L1v 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2451 L2v 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2452 L3v 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2453 P1v 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2454 P2v 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2455 G1v 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2456 G2v 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2457 G3v 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2458 E1v 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2459 E2v 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2460 E3v 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2461 L1e 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2462 L2e 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2463 L3e 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2464 P1e 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2465 P2e 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2466 G1e 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2467 G2e 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2468 G3e 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2469 E1e 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2470 E2e 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2471 E3e 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2472 L1p 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2473 L2p 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2474 L3p 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2475 P1p 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2476 P2p 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2477 G1p 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2478 G2p 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2479 G3p 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2480 E1p 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2481 E2p 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2482 E3p 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizability
2483 L1i 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2484 L2i 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2485 L3i 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2486 P1i 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2487 P2i 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2488 G1i 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2489 G2i 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2490 G3i 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2491 E1i 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2492 E2i 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2493 E3i 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potential
2494 L1s 1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2495 L2s 2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2496 L3s 3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2497 P1s 1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2498 P2s 2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2499 G1s 1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2500 G2s 2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2501 G3s 3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2502 E1s 1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2503 E2s 2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2504 E3s 3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-state
2505 Tu T total size index / unweighted
2506 Tm T total size index / weighted by mass
2507 Tv T total size index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2508 Te T total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2509 Tp T total size index / weighted by polarizability
2510 Ti T total size index / weighted by ionization potential
2511 Ts T total size index / weighted by I-state
2512 Au A total size index / unweighted
2513 Am A total size index / weighted by mass
2514 Av A total size index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2515 Ae A total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2516 Ap A total size index / weighted by polarizability
2517 Ai A total size index / weighted by ionization potential
2518 As A total size index / weighted by I-state
2519 Gu total symmetry index / unweighted
2520 Gm total symmetry index / weighted by mass
2521 Ku K global shape index / unweighted
2522 Km K global shape index / weighted by mass
2523 Kv K global shape index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2524 Ke K global shape index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2525 Kp K global shape index / weighted by polarizability
2526 Ki K global shape index / weighted by ionization potential
2527 Ks K global shape index / weighted by I-state
2528 Du D total accessibility index / unweighted
2529 Dm D total accessibility index / weighted by mass
2530 Dv D total accessibility index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2531 De D total accessibility index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2532 Dp D total accessibility index / weighted by polarizability
2533 Di D total accessibility index / weighted by ionization potential
2534 Ds D total accessibility index / weighted by I-state
2535 Vu V total size index / unweighted
2536 Vm V total size index / weighted by mass
2537 Vv V total size index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2538 Ve V total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2539 Vp V total size index / weighted by polarizability
2540 Vi V total size index / weighted by ionization potential
2541 Vs V total size index / weighted by I-state

19. GETAWAY descriptors

No. Name Description
2542 ITH total information content on the leverage equality
2543 ISH standardized information content on the leverage equality
2544 HIC mean information content on the leverage magnitude
2545 HGM geometric mean on the leverage magnitude
2546 H0u H autocorrelation of lag 0 / unweighted
2547 H1u H autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweighted
2548 H2u H autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweighted
2549 H3u H autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweighted
2550 H4u H autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweighted
2551 H5u H autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweighted
2552 H6u H autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweighted
2553 H7u H autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweighted
2554 H8u H autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweighted
2555 HTu H total index / unweighted
2556 HATS0u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / unweighted
2557 HATS1u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweighted
2558 HATS2u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweighted
2559 HATS3u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweighted
2560 HATS4u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweighted
2561 HATS5u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweighted
2562 HATS6u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweighted
2563 HATS7u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweighted
2564 HATS8u leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweighted
2565 HATSu leverage-weighted total index / unweighted
2566 H0m H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by mass
2567 H1m H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by mass
2568 H2m H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by mass
2569 H3m H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by mass
2570 H4m H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by mass
2571 H5m H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by mass
2572 H6m H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by mass
2573 H7m H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by mass
2574 H8m H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by mass
2575 HTm H total index / weighted by mass
2576 HATS0m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by mass
2577 HATS1m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by mass
2578 HATS2m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by mass
2579 HATS3m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by mass
2580 HATS4m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by mass
2581 HATS5m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by mass
2582 HATS6m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by mass
2583 HATS7m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by mass
2584 HATS8m leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by mass
2585 HATSm leverage-weighted total index / weighted by mass
2586 H0v H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2587 H1v H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2588 H2v H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2589 H3v H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2590 H4v H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2591 H5v H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2592 H6v H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2593 H7v H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2594 H8v H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2595 HTv H total index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2596 HATS0v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2597 HATS1v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2598 HATS2v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2599 HATS3v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2600 HATS4v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2601 HATS5v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2602 HATS6v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2603 HATS7v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2604 HATS8v leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2605 HATSv leverage-weighted total index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2606 H0e H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2607 H1e H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2608 H2e H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2609 H3e H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2610 H4e H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2611 H5e H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2612 H6e H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2613 H7e H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2614 H8e H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2615 HTe H total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2616 HATS0e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2617 HATS1e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2618 HATS2e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2619 HATS3e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2620 HATS4e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2621 HATS5e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2622 HATS6e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2623 HATS7e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2624 HATS8e leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2625 HATSe leverage-weighted total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2626 H0p H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by polarizability
2627 H1p H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizability
2628 H2p H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizability
2629 H3p H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizability
2630 H4p H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizability
2631 H5p H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizability
2632 H6p H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizability
2633 H7p H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizability
2634 H8p H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizability
2635 HTp H total index / weighted by polarizability
2636 HATS0p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by polarizability
2637 HATS1p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizability
2638 HATS2p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizability
2639 HATS3p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizability
2640 HATS4p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizability
2641 HATS5p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizability
2642 HATS6p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizability
2643 HATS7p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizability
2644 HATS8p leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizability
2645 HATSp leverage-weighted total index / weighted by polarizability
2646 H0i H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by ionization potential
2647 H1i H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potential
2648 H2i H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potential
2649 H3i H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potential
2650 H4i H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potential
2651 H5i H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potential
2652 H6i H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potential
2653 H7i H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potential
2654 H8i H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potential
2655 HTi H total index / weighted by ionization potential
2656 HATS0i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by ionization potential
2657 HATS1i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potential
2658 HATS2i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potential
2659 HATS3i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potential
2660 HATS4i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potential
2661 HATS5i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potential
2662 HATS6i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potential
2663 HATS7i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potential
2664 HATS8i leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potential
2665 HATSi leverage-weighted total index / weighted by ionization potential
2666 H0s H autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by I-state
2667 H1s H autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-state
2668 H2s H autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-state
2669 H3s H autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-state
2670 H4s H autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-state
2671 H5s H autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-state
2672 H6s H autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-state
2673 H7s H autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-state
2674 H8s H autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-state
2675 HTs H total index / weighted by I-state
2676 HATS0s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by I-state
2677 HATS1s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-state
2678 HATS2s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-state
2679 HATS3s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-state
2680 HATS4s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-state
2681 HATS5s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-state
2682 HATS6s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-state
2683 HATS7s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-state
2684 HATS8s leverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-state
2685 HATSs leverage-weighted total index / weighted by I-state
2686 RCON Randic-type R matrix connectivity
2687 RARS R matrix average row sum
2688 REIG first eigenvalue of the R matrix
2689 R1u R autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweighted
2690 R2u R autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweighted
2691 R3u R autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweighted
2692 R4u R autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweighted
2693 R5u R autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweighted
2694 R6u R autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweighted
2695 R7u R autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweighted
2696 R8u R autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweighted
2697 RTu R total index / unweighted
2698 R1u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweighted
2699 R2u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweighted
2700 R3u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweighted
2701 R4u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweighted
2702 R5u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweighted
2703 R6u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweighted
2704 R7u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweighted
2705 R8u+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweighted
2706 RTu+ R maximal index / unweighted
2707 R1m R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by mass
2708 R2m R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by mass
2709 R3m R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by mass
2710 R4m R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by mass
2711 R5m R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by mass
2712 R6m R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by mass
2713 R7m R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by mass
2714 R8m R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by mass
2715 RTm R total index / weighted by mass
2716 R1m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by mass
2717 R2m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by mass
2718 R3m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by mass
2719 R4m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by mass
2720 R5m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by mass
2721 R6m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by mass
2722 R7m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by mass
2723 R8m+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by mass
2724 RTm+ R maximal index / weighted by mass
2725 R1v R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2726 R2v R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2727 R3v R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2728 R4v R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2729 R5v R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2730 R6v R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2731 R7v R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2732 R8v R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2733 RTv R total index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2734 R1v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2735 R2v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2736 R3v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2737 R4v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2738 R5v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2739 R6v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2740 R7v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2741 R8v+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volume
2742 RTv+ R maximal index / weighted by van der Waals volume
2743 R1e R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2744 R2e R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2745 R3e R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2746 R4e R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2747 R5e R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2748 R6e R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2749 R7e R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2750 R8e R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2751 RTe R total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2752 R1e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2753 R2e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2754 R3e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2755 R4e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2756 R5e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2757 R6e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2758 R7e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2759 R8e+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2760 RTe+ R maximal index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2761 R1p R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizability
2762 R2p R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizability
2763 R3p R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizability
2764 R4p R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizability
2765 R5p R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizability
2766 R6p R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizability
2767 R7p R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizability
2768 R8p R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizability
2769 RTp R total index / weighted by polarizability
2770 R1p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizability
2771 R2p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizability
2772 R3p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizability
2773 R4p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizability
2774 R5p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizability
2775 R6p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizability
2776 R7p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizability
2777 R8p+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizability
2778 RTp+ R maximal index / weighted by polarizability
2779 R1i R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potential
2780 R2i R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potential
2781 R3i R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potential
2782 R4i R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potential
2783 R5i R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potential
2784 R6i R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potential
2785 R7i R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potential
2786 R8i R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potential
2787 RTi R total index / weighted by ionization potential
2788 R1i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potential
2789 R2i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potential
2790 R3i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potential
2791 R4i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potential
2792 R5i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potential
2793 R6i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potential
2794 R7i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potential
2795 R8i+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potential
2796 RTi+ R maximal index / weighted by ionization potential
2797 R1s R autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-state
2798 R2s R autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-state
2799 R3s R autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-state
2800 R4s R autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-state
2801 R5s R autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-state
2802 R6s R autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-state
2803 R7s R autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-state
2804 R8s R autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-state
2805 RTs R total index / weighted by I-state
2806 R1s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-state
2807 R2s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-state
2808 R3s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-state
2809 R4s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-state
2810 R5s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-state
2811 R6s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-state
2812 R7s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-state
2813 R8s+ R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-state
2814 RTs+ R maximal index / weighted by I-state

20. Randic molecular profiles

No. Name Description
2815 DP01 molecular profile no. 1
2816 DP02 molecular profile no. 2
2817 DP03 molecular profile no. 3
2818 DP04 molecular profile no. 4
2819 DP05 molecular profile no. 5
2820 DP06 molecular profile no. 6
2821 DP07 molecular profile no. 7
2822 DP08 molecular profile no. 8
2823 DP09 molecular profile no. 9
2824 DP10 molecular profile no. 10
2825 DP11 molecular profile no. 11
2826 DP12 molecular profile no. 12
2827 DP13 molecular profile no. 13
2828 DP14 molecular profile no. 14
2829 DP15 molecular profile no. 15
2830 DP16 molecular profile no. 16
2831 DP17 molecular profile no. 17
2832 DP18 molecular profile no. 18
2833 DP19 molecular profile no. 19
2834 DP20 molecular profile no. 20
2835 SP01 shape profile no. 1
2836 SP02 shape profile no. 2
2837 SP03 shape profile no. 3
2838 SP04 shape profile no. 4
2839 SP05 shape profile no. 5
2840 SP06 shape profile no. 6
2841 SP07 shape profile no. 7
2842 SP08 shape profile no. 8
2843 SP09 shape profile no. 9
2844 SP10 shape profile no. 10
2845 SP11 shape profile no. 11
2846 SP12 shape profile no. 12
2847 SP13 shape profile no. 13
2848 SP14 shape profile no. 14
2849 SP15 shape profile no. 15
2850 SP16 shape profile no. 16
2851 SP17 shape profile no. 17
2852 SP18 shape profile no. 18
2853 SP19 shape profile no. 19
2854 SP20 shape profile no. 20
2855 SHP2 average shape profile index of order 2

21. Functional group counts

No. Name Description
2856 nCp number of terminal primary C(sp3)
2857 nCs number of total secondary C(sp3)
2858 nCt number of total tertiary C(sp3)
2859 nCq number of total quaternary C(sp3)
2860 nCrs number of ring secondary C(sp3)
2861 nCrt number of ring tertiary C(sp3)
2862 nCrq number of ring quaternary C(sp3)
2863 nCar number of aromatic C(sp2)
2864 nCbH number of unsubstituted benzene C(sp2)
2865 nCb- number of substituted benzene C(sp2)
2866 nCconj number of non-aromatic conjugated C(sp2)
2867 nR=Cp number of terminal primary C(sp2)
2868 nR=Cs number of aliphatic secondary C(sp2)
2869 nR=Ct number of aliphatic tertiary C(sp2)
2870 n=C= number of allenes groups
2871 nR#CH/X number of terminal C(sp)
2872 nR#C- number of non-terminal C(sp)
2873 nROCN number of cyanates (aliphatic)
2874 nArOCN number of cyanates (aromatic)
2875 nRNCO number of isocyanates (aliphatic)
2876 nArNCO number of isocyanates (aromatic)
2877 nRSCN number of thiocyanates (aliphatic)
2878 nArSCN number of thiocyanates (aromatic)
2879 nRNCS number of isothiocyanates (aliphatic)
2880 nArNCS number of isothiocyanates (aromatic)
2881 nRCOOH number of carboxylic acids (aliphatic)
2882 nArCOOH number of carboxylic acids (aromatic)
2883 nRCOOR number of esters (aliphatic)
2884 nArCOOR number of esters (aromatic)
2885 nRCONH2 number of primary amides (aliphatic)
2886 nArCONH2 number of primary amides (aromatic)
2887 nRCONHR number of secondary amides (aliphatic)
2888 nArCONHR number of secondary amides (aromatic)
2889 nRCONR2 number of tertiary amides (aliphatic)
2890 nArCONR2 number of tertiary amides (aromatic)
2891 nROCON number of (thio-) carbamates (aliphatic)
2892 nArOCON number of (thio-) carbamates (aromatic)
2893 nRCOX number of acyl halogenides (aliphatic)
2894 nArCOX number of acyl halogenides (aromatic)
2895 nRCSOH number of thioacids (aliphatic)
2896 nArCSOH number of thioacids (aromatic)
2897 nRCSSH number of dithioacids (aliphatic)
2898 nArCSSH number of dithioacids (aromatic)
2899 nRCOSR number of thioesters (aliphatic)
2900 nArCOSR number of thioesters (aromatic)
2901 nRCSSR number of dithioesters (aliphatic)
2902 nArCSSR number of dithioesters (aromatic)
2903 nRCHO number of aldehydes (aliphatic)
2904 nArCHO number of aldehydes (aromatic)
2905 nRCO number of ketones (aliphatic)
2906 nArCO number of ketones (aromatic)
2907 nCONN number of urea (-thio) derivatives
2908 nC=O(O)2 number of carbonate (-thio) derivatives
2909 nN=C-N< number of amidine derivatives
2910 nC(=N)N2 number of guanidine derivatives
2911 nRC=N number of imines (aliphatic)
2912 nArC=N number of imines (aromatic)
2913 nRCNO number of oximes (aliphatic)
2914 nArCNO number of oximes (aromatic)
2915 nRNH2 number of primary amines (aliphatic)
2916 nArNH2 number of primary amines (aromatic)
2917 nRNHR number of secondary amines (aliphatic)
2918 nArNHR number of secondary amines (aromatic)
2919 nRNR2 number of tertiary amines (aliphatic)
2920 nArNR2 number of tertiary amines (aromatic)
2921 nN-N number of N hydrazines
2922 nN=N number of N azo-derivatives
2923 nRCN number of nitriles (aliphatic)
2924 nArCN number of nitriles (aromatic)
2925 nN+ number of positively charged N
2926 nNq number of quaternary N
2927 nRNHO number of hydroxylamines (aliphatic)
2928 nArNHO number of hydroxylamines (aromatic)
2929 nRNNOx number of N-nitroso groups (aliphatic)
2930 nArNNOx number of N-nitroso groups (aromatic)
2931 nRNO number of nitroso groups (aliphatic)
2932 nArNO number of nitroso groups (aromatic)
2933 nRNO2 number of nitro groups (aliphatic)
2934 nArNO2 number of nitro groups (aromatic)
2935 nN(CO)2 number of imides (-thio)
2936 nC=N-N< number of hydrazones
2937 nROH number of hydroxyl groups
2938 nArOH number of aromatic hydroxyls
2939 nOHp number of primary alcohols
2940 nOHs number of secondary alcohols
2941 nOHt number of tertiary alcohols
2942 nROR number of ethers (aliphatic)
2943 nArOR number of ethers (aromatic)
2944 nROX number of hypohalogenides (aliphatic)
2945 nArOX number of hypohalogenides (aromatic)
2946 nO(C=O)2 number of anhydrides (-thio)
2947 nH2O number of water molecules
2948 nSH number of thiols
2949 nC=S number of thioketones
2950 nRSR number of sulfides
2951 nRSSR number of disulfides
2952 nSO number of sulfoxides
2953 nS(=O)2 number of sulfones
2954 nSOH number of sulfenic (thio-) acids
2955 nSOOH number of sulfinic (thio-/dithio-) acids
2956 nSO2OH number of sulfonic (thio-/dithio-) acids
2957 nSO3OH number of sulfuric (thio-/dithio-) acids
2958 nSO2 number of sulfites (thio-/dithio-)
2959 nSO3 number of sulfonates (thio-/dithio-)
2960 nSO4 number of sulfates (thio-/dithio-)
2961 nSO2N number of sulfonamides (thio-/dithio-)
2962 nPO3 number of phosphites/thiophosphites
2963 nPO4 number of phosphates/thiophosphates
2964 nPR3 number of phosphanes
2965 nP(=O)O2R number of phosphonates (thio-)
2966 nP(=O)R3/nPR5 number of phosphoranes (thio-)
2967 nCH2RX number of CH2RX
2968 nCHR2X number of CHR2X
2969 nCR3X number of CR3X
2970 nR=CHX number of R=CHX
2971 nR=CRX number of R=CRX
2972 nR#CX number of R#CX
2973 nCHRX2 number of CHRX2
2974 nCR2X2 number of CR2X2
2975 nR=CX2 number of R=CX2
2976 nCRX3 number of CRX3
2977 nArX number of X on aromatic ring
2978 nCXr number of X on ring C(sp3)
2979 nCXr= number of X on ring C(sp2)
2980 nCconjX number of X on exo-conjugated C
2981 nAziridines number of Aziridines
2982 nOxiranes number of Oxiranes
2983 nThiranes number of Thiranes
2984 nAzetidines number of Azetidines
2985 nOxetanes number of Oxetanes
2986 nThioethanes number of Thioethanes
2987 nBeta-Lactams number of Beta-Lactams
2988 nPyrrolidines number of Pyrrolidines
2989 nOxolanes number of Oxolanes
2990 ntH-Thiophenes number of tetrahydro-thiophenes
2991 nPyrroles number of Pyrroles
2992 nPyrazoles number of Pyrazoles
2993 nImidazoles number of Imidazoles
2994 nFuranes number of Furanes
2995 nThiophenes number of Thiophenes
2996 nOxazoles number of Oxazoles
2997 nIsoxazoles number of Isoxazoles
2998 nThiazoles number of Thiazoles
2999 nIsothiazoles number of Isothiazoles
3000 nTriazoles number of Triazoles
3001 nPyridines number of Pyridines
3002 nPyridazines number of Pyridazines
3003 nPyrimidines number of Pyrimidines
3004 nPyrazines number of Pyrazines
3005 n135-Triazines number of 1-3-5-Triazines
3006 n124-Triazines number of 1-2-4-Triazines
3007 nHDon number of donor atoms for H-bonds (N and O)
3008 nHAcc number of acceptor atoms for H-bonds (N,O,F)
3009 nHBonds number of intramolecular H-bonds (with N,O,F)

22. Atom-centred fragments

No. Name Description
3010 C-001 CH3R / CH4
3011 C-002 CH2R2
3012 C-003 CHR3
3013 C-004 CR4
3014 C-005 CH3X
3015 C-006 CH2RX
3016 C-007 CH2X2
3017 C-008 CHR2X
3018 C-009 CHRX2
3019 C-010 CHX3
3020 C-011 CR3X
3021 C-012 CR2X2
3022 C-013 CRX3
3023 C-014 CX4
3024 C-015 =CH2
3025 C-016 =CHR
3026 C-017 =CR2
3027 C-018 =CHX
3028 C-019 =CRX
3029 C-020 =CX2
3030 C-021 #CH
3031 C-022 #CR / R=C=R
3032 C-023 #CX
3033 C-024 R–CH–R
3034 C-025 R–CR–R
3035 C-026 R–CX–R
3036 C-027 R–CH–X
3037 C-028 R–CR–X
3038 C-029 R–CX–X
3039 C-030 X–CH–X
3040 C-031 X–CR–X
3041 C-032 X–CX–X
3042 C-033 R–CH..X
3043 C-034 R–CR..X
3044 C-035 R–CX..X
3045 C-036 Al-CH=X
3046 C-037 Ar-CH=X
3047 C-038 Al-C(=X)-Al
3048 C-039 Ar-C(=X)-R
3049 C-040 R-C(=X)-X / R-C#X / X=C=X
3050 C-041 X-C(=X)-X
3051 C-042 X–CH..X
3052 C-043 X–CR..X
3053 C-044 X–CX..X
3054 H-046 H attached to C0(sp3) no X attached to next C
3055 H-047 H attached to C1(sp3)/C0(sp2)
3056 H-048 H attached to C2(sp3)/C1(sp2)/C0(sp)
3057 H-049 H attached to C3(sp3)/C2(sp2)/C3(sp2)/C3(sp)
3058 H-050 H attached to heteroatom
3059 H-051 H attached to alpha-C
3060 H-052 H attached to C0(sp3) with 1X attached to next C
3061 H-053 H attached to C0(sp3) with 2X attached to next C
3062 H-054 H attached to C0(sp3) with 3X attached to next C
3063 H-055 H attached to C0(sp3) with 4X attached to next C
3064 O-056 alcohol
3065 O-057 phenol / enol / carboxyl OH
3066 O-058 =O
3067 O-059 Al-O-Al
3068 O-060 Al-O-Ar / Ar-O-Ar / R..O..R / R-O-C=X
3069 O-061 O–
3070 O-062 O- (negatively charged)
3071 O-063 R-O-O-R
3072 Se-064 Any-Se-Any
3073 Se-065 =Se
3074 N-066 Al-NH2
3075 N-067 Al2-NH
3076 N-068 Al3-N
3077 N-069 Ar-NH2 / X-NH2
3078 N-070 Ar-NH-Al
3079 N-071 Ar-NAl2
3080 N-072 RCO-N< / >N-X=X
3081 N-073 Ar2NH / Ar3N / Ar2N-Al / R..N..R
3082 N-074 R#N / R=N-
3083 N-075 R–N–R / R–N–X
3084 N-076 Ar-NO2 / R–N(–R)–O / RO-NO
3085 N-077 Al-NO2
3086 N-078 Ar-N=X / X-N=X
3087 N-079 N+ (positively charged)
3088 F-081 F attached to C1(sp3)
3089 F-082 F attached to C2(sp3)
3090 F-083 F attached to C3(sp3)
3091 F-084 F attached to C1(sp2)
3092 F-085 F attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/X
3093 Cl-086 Cl attached to C1(sp3)
3094 Cl-087 Cl attached to C2(sp3)
3095 Cl-088 Cl attached to C3(sp3)
3096 Cl-089 Cl attached to C1(sp2)
3097 Cl-090 Cl attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/X
3098 Br-091 Br attached to C1(sp3)
3099 Br-092 Br attached to C2(sp3)
3100 Br-093 Br attached to C3(sp3)
3101 Br-094 Br attached to C1(sp2)
3102 Br-095 Br attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/X
3103 I-096 I attached to C1(sp3)
3104 I-097 I attached to C2(sp3)
3105 I-098 I attached to C3(sp3)
3106 I-099 I attached to C1(sp2)
3107 I-100 I attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/X
3108 F-101 fluoride ion
3109 Cl-102 chloride ion
3110 Br-103 bromide ion
3111 I-104 iodide ion
3112 S-106 R-SH
3113 S-107 R2S / RS-SR
3114 S-108 R=S
3115 S-109 R-SO-R
3116 S-110 R-SO2-R
3117 Si-111 >Si<
3118 B-112 >B- as in boranes
3119 P-115 P ylids
3120 P-116 R3-P=X
3121 P-117 X3-P=X (phosphate)
3122 P-118 PX3 (phosphite)
3123 P-119 PR3 (phosphine)
3124 P-120 C-P(X)2=X (phosphonate)

23. Atom-type E-state indices

No. Name Description
3125 SsCH3 Sum of sCH3 E-states
3126 SdCH2 Sum of dCH2 E-states
3127 SssCH2 Sum of ssCH2 E-states
3128 StCH Sum of tCH E-states
3129 SdsCH Sum of dsCH E-states
3130 SaaCH Sum of aaCH E-states
3131 SsssCH Sum of sssCH E-states
3132 SddC Sum of ddC E-states
3133 StsC Sum of tsC E-states
3134 SdssC Sum of dssC E-states
3135 SaasC Sum of aasC E-states
3136 SaaaC Sum of aaaC E-states
3137 SssssC Sum of ssssC E-states
3138 SsNH2 Sum of sNH2 E-states
3139 SssNH Sum of ssNH E-states
3140 SdNH Sum of dNH E-states
3141 SsssN Sum of sssN E-states
3142 SdsN Sum of dsN E-states
3143 SaaN Sum of aaN E-states
3144 StN Sum of tN E-states
3145 SsNH3+ Sum of sNH3+ E-states
3146 SssNH2+ Sum of ssNH2+ E-states
3147 SdNH2+ Sum of dNH2+ E-states
3148 SsssNH+ Sum of sssNH+ E-states
3149 SssssN+ Sum of ssssN+ E-states
3150 SddsN Sum of ddsN E-states
3151 SaadN Sum of aadN E-states
3152 SaasN Sum of aasN E-states
3153 SaaNH Sum of aaNH E-states
3154 SsOH Sum of sOH E-states
3155 SdO Sum of dO E-states
3156 SssO Sum of ssO E-states
3157 SaaO Sum of aaO E-states
3158 SsPH2 Sum of sPH2 E-states
3159 SssPH Sum of ssPH E-states
3160 SsssP Sum of sssP E-states
3161 SdsssP Sum of dsssP E-states
3162 SddsP Sum of ddsP E-states
3163 SsssssP Sum of sssssP E-states
3164 SsSH Sum of sSH E-states
3165 SdS Sum of dS E-states
3166 SssS Sum of ssS E-states
3167 SaaS Sum of aaS E-states
3168 SdssS Sum of dssS E-states
3169 SddssS Sum of ddssS E-states
3170 SssssssS Sum of ssssssS E-states
3171 SsF Sum of sF E-states
3172 SsCl Sum of sCl E-states
3173 SsBr Sum of sBr E-states
3174 SsI Sum of sI E-states
3175 SsLi Sum of sLi E-states
3176 SssBe Sum of ssBe E-states
3177 SssssBe- Sum of ssssBe- E-states
3178 SsBH2 Sum of sBH2 E-states
3179 SssBH Sum of ssBH E-states
3180 SsssB Sum of sssB E-states
3181 SssssB- Sum of ssssB- E-states
3182 SsGeH3 Sum of sGeH3 E-states
3183 SssGeH2 Sum of ssGeH2 E-states
3184 SsssGeH Sum of sssGeH E-states
3185 SssssGe Sum of ssssGe E-states
3186 SsAsH2 Sum of sAsH2 E-states
3187 SssAsH Sum of ssAsH E-states
3188 SsssAs Sum of sssAs E-states
3189 SsssssAs Sum of sssssAs E-states
3190 SdsssAs Sum of dsssAs E-states
3191 SddsAs Sum of ddsAs E-states
3192 SsSeH Sum of sSeH E-states
3193 SdSe Sum of dSe E-states
3194 SssSe Sum of ssSe E-states
3195 SaaSe Sum of aaSe E-states
3196 SdssSe Sum of dssSe E-states
3197 SssssssSe Sum of ssssssSe E-states
3198 SddssSe Sum of ddssSe E-states
3199 SsSnH3 Sum of sSnH3 E-states
3200 SssSnH2 Sum of ssSnH2 E-states
3201 SsssSnH Sum of sssSnH E-states
3202 SssssSn Sum of ssssSn E-states
3203 SsPbH3 Sum of sPbH3 E-states
3204 SssPbH2 Sum of ssPbH2 E-states
3205 SsssPbH Sum of sssPbH E-states
3206 SssssPb Sum of ssssPb E-states
3207 SsSiH3 Sum of sSiH3 E-states
3208 SssSiH2 Sum of ssSiH2 E-states
3209 SsssSiH Sum of sssSiH E-states
3210 SssssSi Sum of ssssSi E-states
3211 NsCH3 Number of atoms of type sCH3
3212 NdCH2 Number of atoms of type dCH2
3213 NssCH2 Number of atoms of type ssCH2
3214 NtCH Number of atoms of type tCH
3215 NdsCH Number of atoms of type dsCH
3216 NaaCH Number of atoms of type aaCH
3217 NsssCH Number of atoms of type sssCH
3218 NddC Number of atoms of type ddC
3219 NtsC Number of atoms of type tsC
3220 NdssC Number of atoms of type dssC
3221 NaasC Number of atoms of type aasC
3222 NaaaC Number of atoms of type aaaC
3223 NssssC Number of atoms of type ssssC
3224 NsNH2 Number of atoms of type sNH2
3225 NssNH Number of atoms of type ssNH
3226 NdNH Number of atoms of type dNH
3227 NsssN Number of atoms of type sssN
3228 NdsN Number of atoms of type dsN
3229 NaaN Number of atoms of type aaN
3230 NtN Number of atoms of type tN
3231 NsNH3+ Number of atoms of type sNH3+
3232 NssNH2+ Number of atoms of type ssNH2+
3233 NdNH2+ Number of atoms of type dNH2+
3234 NsssNH+ Number of atoms of type sssNH+
3235 NssssN+ Number of atoms of type ssssN+
3236 NddsN Number of atoms of type ddsN
3237 NaadN Number of atoms of type aadN
3238 NaasN Number of atoms of type aasN
3239 NaaNH Number of atoms of type aaNH
3240 NsOH Number of atoms of type sOH
3241 NdO Number of atoms of type dO
3242 NssO Number of atoms of type ssO
3243 NaaO Number of atoms of type aaO
3244 NsPH2 Number of atoms of type sPH2
3245 NssPH Number of atoms of type ssPH
3246 NsssP Number of atoms of type sssP
3247 NdsssP Number of atoms of type dsssP
3248 NddsP Number of atoms of type ddsP
3249 NsssssP Number of atoms of type sssssP
3250 NsSH Number of atoms of type sSH
3251 NdS Number of atoms of type dS
3252 NssS Number of atoms of type ssS
3253 NaaS Number of atoms of type aaS
3254 NdssS Number of atoms of type dssS
3255 NddssS Number of atoms of type ddssS
3256 NssssssS Number of atoms of type ssssssS
3257 NsF Number of atoms of type sF
3258 NsCl Number of atoms of type sCl
3259 NsBr Number of atoms of type sBr
3260 NsI Number of atoms of type sI
3261 NsLi Number of atoms of type sLi
3262 NssBe Number of atoms of type ssBe
3263 NssssBe- Number of atoms of type ssssBe-
3264 NsBH2 Number of atoms of type sBH2
3265 NssBH Number of atoms of type ssBH
3266 NsssB Number of atoms of type sssB
3267 NssssB- Number of atoms of type ssssB-
3268 NsGeH3 Number of atoms of type sGeH3
3269 NssGeH2 Number of atoms of type ssGeH2
3270 NsssGeH Number of atoms of type sssGeH
3271 NssssGe Number of atoms of type ssssGe
3272 NsAsH2 Number of atoms of type sAsH2
3273 NssAsH Number of atoms of type ssAsH
3274 NsssAs Number of atoms of type sssAs
3275 NsssssAs Number of atoms of type sssssAs
3276 NdsssAs Number of atoms of type dsssAs
3277 NddsAs Number of atoms of type ddsAs
3278 NsSeH Number of atoms of type sSeH
3279 NdSe Number of atoms of type dSe
3280 NssSe Number of atoms of type ssSe
3281 NaaSe Number of atoms of type aaSe
3282 NdssSe Number of atoms of type dssSe
3283 NssssssSe Number of atoms of type ssssssSe
3284 NddssSe Number of atoms of type ddssSe
3285 NsSnH3 Number of atoms of type sSnH3
3286 NssSnH2 Number of atoms of type ssSnH2
3287 NsssSnH Number of atoms of type sssSnH
3288 NssssSn Number of atoms of type ssssSn
3289 NsPbH3 Number of atoms of type sPbH3
3290 NssPbH2 Number of atoms of type ssPbH2
3291 NsssPbH Number of atoms of type sssPbH
3292 NssssPb Number of atoms of type ssssPb
3293 NsSiH3 Number of atoms of type sSiH3
3294 NssSiH2 Number of atoms of type ssSiH2
3295 NsssSiH Number of atoms of type sssSiH
3296 NssssSi Number of atoms of type ssssSi
3297 minsCH3 Mimimum sCH3
3298 mindCH2 Mimimum dCH2
3299 minssCH2 Mimimum ssCH2
3300 mintCH Mimimum tCH
3301 mindsCH Mimimum dsCH
3302 minaaCH Mimimum aaCH
3303 minsssCH Mimimum sssCH
3304 minddC Mimimum ddC
3305 mintsC Mimimum tsC
3306 mindssC Mimimum dssC
3307 minaasC Mimimum aasC
3308 minaaaC Mimimum aaaC
3309 minssssC Mimimum ssssC
3310 minsNH2 Mimimum sNH2
3311 minssNH Mimimum ssNH
3312 mindNH Mimimum dNH
3313 minsssN Mimimum sssN
3314 mindsN Mimimum dsN
3315 minaaN Mimimum aaN
3316 mintN Mimimum tN
3317 minsNH3+ Mimimum sNH3+
3318 minssNH2+ Mimimum ssNH2+
3319 mindNH2+ Mimimum dNH2+
3320 minsssNH+ Mimimum sssNH+
3321 minssssN+ Mimimum ssssN+
3322 minddsN Mimimum ddsN
3323 minaadN Mimimum aadN
3324 minaasN Mimimum aasN
3325 minaaNH Mimimum aaNH
3326 minsOH Mimimum sOH
3327 mindO Mimimum dO
3328 minssO Mimimum ssO
3329 minaaO Mimimum aaO
3330 minsPH2 Mimimum sPH2
3331 minssPH Mimimum ssPH
3332 minsssP Mimimum sssP
3333 mindsssP Mimimum dsssP
3334 minddsP Mimimum ddsP
3335 minsssssP Mimimum sssssP
3336 minsSH Mimimum sSH
3337 mindS Mimimum dS
3338 minssS Mimimum ssS
3339 minaaS Mimimum aaS
3340 mindssS Mimimum dssS
3341 minddssS Mimimum ddssS
3342 minssssssS Mimimum ssssssS
3343 minsF Mimimum sF
3344 minsCl Mimimum sCl
3345 minsBr Mimimum sBr
3346 minsI Mimimum sI
3347 minsLi Mimimum sLi
3348 minssBe Mimimum ssBe
3349 minssssBe- Mimimum ssssBe-
3350 minsBH2 Mimimum sBH2
3351 minssBH Mimimum ssBH
3352 minsssB Mimimum sssB
3353 minssssB- Mimimum ssssB-
3354 minsGeH3 Mimimum sGeH3
3355 minssGeH2 Mimimum ssGeH2
3356 minsssGeH Mimimum sssGeH
3357 minssssGe Mimimum ssssGe
3358 minsAsH2 Mimimum sAsH2
3359 minssAsH Mimimum ssAsH
3360 minsssAs Mimimum sssAs
3361 minsssssAs Mimimum sssssAs
3362 mindsssAs Mimimum dsssAs
3363 minddsAs Mimimum ddsAs
3364 minsSeH Mimimum sSeH
3365 mindSe Mimimum dSe
3366 minssSe Mimimum ssSe
3367 minaaSe Mimimum aaSe
3368 mindssSe Mimimum dssSe
3369 minssssssSe Mimimum ssssssSe
3370 minddssSe Mimimum ddssSe
3371 minsSnH3 Mimimum sSnH3
3372 minssSnH2 Mimimum ssSnH2
3373 minsssSnH Mimimum sssSnH
3374 minssssSn Mimimum ssssSn
3375 minsPbH3 Mimimum sPbH3
3376 minssPbH2 Mimimum ssPbH2
3377 minsssPbH Mimimum sssPbH
3378 minssssPb Mimimum ssssPb
3379 minsSiH3 Mimimum sSiH3
3380 minssSiH2 Mimimum ssSiH2
3381 minsssSiH Mimimum sssSiH
3382 minssssSi Mimimum ssssSi
3383 gmin Mimimum atom E-state value in a molecule
3384 MaxsCH3 Maximum sCH3
3385 MaxdCH2 Maximum dCH2
3386 MaxssCH2 Maximum ssCH2
3387 MaxtCH Maximum tCH
3388 MaxdsCH Maximum dsCH
3389 MaxaaCH Maximum aaCH
3390 MaxsssCH Maximum sssCH
3391 MaxddC Maximum ddC
3392 MaxtsC Maximum tsC
3393 MaxdssC Maximum dssC
3394 MaxaasC Maximum aasC
3395 MaxaaaC Maximum aaaC
3396 MaxssssC Maximum ssssC
3397 MaxsNH2 Maximum sNH2
3398 MaxssNH Maximum ssNH
3399 MaxdNH Maximum dNH
3400 MaxsssN Maximum sssN
3401 MaxdsN Maximum dsN
3402 MaxaaN Maximum aaN
3403 MaxtN Maximum tN
3404 MaxsNH3+ Maximum sNH3+
3405 MaxssNH2+ Maximum ssNH2+
3406 MaxdNH2+ Maximum dNH2+
3407 MaxsssNH+ Maximum sssNH+
3408 MaxssssN+ Maximum ssssN+
3409 MaxddsN Maximum ddsN
3410 MaxaadN Maximum aadN
3411 MaxaasN Maximum aasN
3412 MaxaaNH Maximum aaNH
3413 MaxsOH Maximum sOH
3414 MaxdO Maximum dO
3415 MaxssO Maximum ssO
3416 MaxaaO Maximum aaO
3417 MaxsPH2 Maximum sPH2
3418 MaxssPH Maximum ssPH
3419 MaxsssP Maximum sssP
3420 MaxdsssP Maximum dsssP
3421 MaxddsP Maximum ddsP
3422 MaxsssssP Maximum sssssP
3423 MaxsSH Maximum sSH
3424 MaxdS Maximum dS
3425 MaxssS Maximum ssS
3426 MaxaaS Maximum aaS
3427 MaxdssS Maximum dssS
3428 MaxddssS Maximum ddssS
3429 MaxssssssS Maximum ssssssS
3430 MaxsF Maximum sF
3431 MaxsCl Maximum sCl
3432 MaxsBr Maximum sBr
3433 MaxsI Maximum sI
3434 MaxsLi Maximum sLi
3435 MaxssBe Maximum ssBe
3436 MaxssssBe- Maximum ssssBe-
3437 MaxsBH2 Maximum sBH2
3438 MaxssBH Maximum ssBH
3439 MaxsssB Maximum sssB
3440 MaxssssB- Maximum ssssB-
3441 MaxsGeH3 Maximum sGeH3
3442 MaxssGeH2 Maximum ssGeH2
3443 MaxsssGeH Maximum sssGeH
3444 MaxssssGe Maximum ssssGe
3445 MaxsAsH2 Maximum sAsH2
3446 MaxssAsH Maximum ssAsH
3447 MaxsssAs Maximum sssAs
3448 MaxsssssAs Maximum sssssAs
3449 MaxdsssAs Maximum dsssAs
3450 MaxddsAs Maximum ddsAs
3451 MaxsSeH Maximum sSeH
3452 MaxdSe Maximum dSe
3453 MaxssSe Maximum ssSe
3454 MaxaaSe Maximum aaSe
3455 MaxdssSe Maximum dssSe
3456 MaxssssssSe Maximum ssssssSe
3457 MaxddssSe Maximum ddssSe
3458 MaxsSnH3 Maximum sSnH3
3459 MaxssSnH2 Maximum ssSnH2
3460 MaxsssSnH Maximum sssSnH
3461 MaxssssSn Maximum ssssSn
3462 MaxsPbH3 Maximum sPbH3
3463 MaxssPbH2 Maximum ssPbH2
3464 MaxsssPbH Maximum sssPbH
3465 MaxssssPb Maximum ssssPb
3466 MaxsSiH3 Maximum sSiH3
3467 MaxssSiH2 Maximum ssSiH2
3468 MaxsssSiH Maximum sssSiH
3469 MaxssssSi Maximum ssssSi
3470 gmax Maximum atom E-state value in a molecule

24. Pharmacophore descriptors

No. Name Description
3471 CATS2D_00_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 00 (number of H bond donor atoms)
3472 CATS2D_01_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 01
3473 CATS2D_02_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 02
3474 CATS2D_03_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 03
3475 CATS2D_04_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 04
3476 CATS2D_05_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 05
3477 CATS2D_06_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 06
3478 CATS2D_07_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 07
3479 CATS2D_08_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 08
3480 CATS2D_09_DD CATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 09
3481 CATS2D_00_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 00 (number of donor-acceptor atoms)
3482 CATS2D_01_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 01
3483 CATS2D_02_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 02
3484 CATS2D_03_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 03
3485 CATS2D_04_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 04
3486 CATS2D_05_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 05
3487 CATS2D_06_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 06
3488 CATS2D_07_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 07
3489 CATS2D_08_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 08
3490 CATS2D_09_DA CATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 09
3491 CATS2D_00_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 00 (number of donor-positive atoms)
3492 CATS2D_01_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 01
3493 CATS2D_02_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 02
3494 CATS2D_03_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 03
3495 CATS2D_04_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 04
3496 CATS2D_05_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 05
3497 CATS2D_06_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 06
3498 CATS2D_07_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 07
3499 CATS2D_08_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 08
3500 CATS2D_09_DP CATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 09
3501 CATS2D_00_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 00 (number of donor-negative atoms)
3502 CATS2D_01_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 01
3503 CATS2D_02_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 02
3504 CATS2D_03_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 03
3505 CATS2D_04_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 04
3506 CATS2D_05_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 05
3507 CATS2D_06_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 06
3508 CATS2D_07_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 07
3509 CATS2D_08_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 08
3510 CATS2D_09_DN CATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 09
3511 CATS2D_00_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 00 (number of donor-lipohilic atoms)
3512 CATS2D_01_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 01
3513 CATS2D_02_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 02
3514 CATS2D_03_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 03
3515 CATS2D_04_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 04
3516 CATS2D_05_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 05
3517 CATS2D_06_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 06
3518 CATS2D_07_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 07
3519 CATS2D_08_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 08
3520 CATS2D_09_DL CATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 09
3521 CATS2D_00_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 00 (number of H bond acceptor atom)
3522 CATS2D_01_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 01
3523 CATS2D_02_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 02
3524 CATS2D_03_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 03
3525 CATS2D_04_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 04
3526 CATS2D_05_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 05
3527 CATS2D_06_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 06
3528 CATS2D_07_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 07
3529 CATS2D_08_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 08
3530 CATS2D_09_AA CATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 09
3531 CATS2D_00_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 00 (number of acceptor-positive atoms)
3532 CATS2D_01_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 01
3533 CATS2D_02_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 02
3534 CATS2D_03_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 03
3535 CATS2D_04_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 04
3536 CATS2D_05_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 05
3537 CATS2D_06_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 06
3538 CATS2D_07_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 07
3539 CATS2D_08_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 08
3540 CATS2D_09_AP CATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 09
3541 CATS2D_00_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 00 (number of acceptor-negative atoms)
3542 CATS2D_01_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 01
3543 CATS2D_02_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 02
3544 CATS2D_03_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 03
3545 CATS2D_04_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 04
3546 CATS2D_05_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 05
3547 CATS2D_06_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 06
3548 CATS2D_07_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 07
3549 CATS2D_08_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 08
3550 CATS2D_09_AN CATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 09
3551 CATS2D_00_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 00 (number of acceptor-lipophilic atoms)
3552 CATS2D_01_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 01
3553 CATS2D_02_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 02
3554 CATS2D_03_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 03
3555 CATS2D_04_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 04
3556 CATS2D_05_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 05
3557 CATS2D_06_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 06
3558 CATS2D_07_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 07
3559 CATS2D_08_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 08
3560 CATS2D_09_AL CATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 09
3561 CATS2D_00_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 00 (number of positive atoms)
3562 CATS2D_01_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 01
3563 CATS2D_02_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 02
3564 CATS2D_03_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 03
3565 CATS2D_04_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 04
3566 CATS2D_05_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 05
3567 CATS2D_06_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 06
3568 CATS2D_07_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 07
3569 CATS2D_08_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 08
3570 CATS2D_09_PP CATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 09
3571 CATS2D_00_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 00 (number of positive-negative atoms)
3572 CATS2D_01_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 01
3573 CATS2D_02_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 02
3574 CATS2D_03_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 03
3575 CATS2D_04_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 04
3576 CATS2D_05_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 05
3577 CATS2D_06_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 06
3578 CATS2D_07_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 07
3579 CATS2D_08_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 08
3580 CATS2D_09_PN CATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 09
3581 CATS2D_00_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 00 (number of positive-lipophilic atoms)
3582 CATS2D_01_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 01
3583 CATS2D_02_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 02
3584 CATS2D_03_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 03
3585 CATS2D_04_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 04
3586 CATS2D_05_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 05
3587 CATS2D_06_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 06
3588 CATS2D_07_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 07
3589 CATS2D_08_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 08
3590 CATS2D_09_PL CATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 09
3591 CATS2D_00_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 00 (number of negative atoms)
3592 CATS2D_01_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 01
3593 CATS2D_02_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 02
3594 CATS2D_03_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 03
3595 CATS2D_04_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 04
3596 CATS2D_05_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 05
3597 CATS2D_06_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 06
3598 CATS2D_07_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 07
3599 CATS2D_08_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 08
3600 CATS2D_09_NN CATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 09
3601 CATS2D_00_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 00 (number of negative-lipophilic atoms)
3602 CATS2D_01_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 01
3603 CATS2D_02_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 02
3604 CATS2D_03_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 03
3605 CATS2D_04_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 04
3606 CATS2D_05_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 05
3607 CATS2D_06_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 06
3608 CATS2D_07_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 07
3609 CATS2D_08_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 08
3610 CATS2D_09_NL CATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 09
3611 CATS2D_00_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 00 (number of lipohilic atoms)
3612 CATS2D_01_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 01
3613 CATS2D_02_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 02
3614 CATS2D_03_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 03
3615 CATS2D_04_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 04
3616 CATS2D_05_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 05
3617 CATS2D_06_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 06
3618 CATS2D_07_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 07
3619 CATS2D_08_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 08
3620 CATS2D_09_LL CATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 09
3621 SHED_DD SHED Donor-Donor
3622 SHED_DA SHED Donor-Acceptor
3623 SHED_DP SHED Donor-Positive
3624 SHED_DN SHED Donor-Negative
3625 SHED_DL SHED Donor-Lipophilic
3626 SHED_AA SHED Acceptor-Acceptor
3627 SHED_AP SHED Acceptor-Positive
3628 SHED_AN SHED Acceptor-Negative
3629 SHED_AL SHED Acceptor-Lipophilic
3630 SHED_PP SHED Positive-Positive
3631 SHED_PN SHED Positive-Negative
3632 SHED_PL SHED Positive-Lipophilic
3633 SHED_NN SHED Negative-Negative
3634 SHED_NL SHED Negative-Lipophilic
3635 SHED_LL SHED Lipophilic-Lipophilic

25. 2D Atom Pairs

No. Name Description
3636 T(N..N) sum of topological distances between N..N
3637 T(N..O) sum of topological distances between N..O
3638 T(N..S) sum of topological distances between N..S
3639 T(N..P) sum of topological distances between N..P
3640 T(N..F) sum of topological distances between N..F
3641 T(N..Cl) sum of topological distances between N..Cl
3642 T(N..Br) sum of topological distances between N..Br
3643 T(N..I) sum of topological distances between N..I
3644 T(O..O) sum of topological distances between O..O
3645 T(O..S) sum of topological distances between O..S
3646 T(O..P) sum of topological distances between O..P
3647 T(O..F) sum of topological distances between O..F
3648 T(O..Cl) sum of topological distances between O..Cl
3649 T(O..Br) sum of topological distances between O..Br
3650 T(O..I) sum of topological distances between O..I
3651 T(S..S) sum of topological distances between S..S
3652 T(S..P) sum of topological distances between S..P
3653 T(S..F) sum of topological distances between S..F
3654 T(S..Cl) sum of topological distances between S..Cl
3655 T(S..Br) sum of topological distances between S..Br
3656 T(S..I) sum of topological distances between S..I
3657 T(P..P) sum of topological distances between P..P
3658 T(P..F) sum of topological distances between P..F
3659 T(P..Cl) sum of topological distances between P..Cl
3660 T(P..Br) sum of topological distances between P..Br
3661 T(P..I) sum of topological distances between P..I
3662 T(F..F) sum of topological distances between F..F
3663 T(F..Cl) sum of topological distances between F..Cl
3664 T(F..Br) sum of topological distances between F..Br
3665 T(F..I) sum of topological distances between F..I
3666 T(Cl..Cl) sum of topological distances between Cl..Cl
3667 T(Cl..Br) sum of topological distances between Cl..Br
3668 T(Cl..I) sum of topological distances between Cl..I
3669 T(Br..Br) sum of topological distances between Br..Br
3670 T(Br..I) sum of topological distances between Br..I
3671 T(I..I) sum of topological distances between I..I
3672 B01[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 1
3673 B01[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 1
3674 B01[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 1
3675 B01[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 1
3676 B01[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 1
3677 B01[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 1
3678 B01[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 1
3679 B01[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 1
3680 B01[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 1
3681 B01[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 1
3682 B01[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 1
3683 B01[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 1
3684 B01[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 1
3685 B01[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 1
3686 B01[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 1
3687 B01[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 1
3688 B01[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 1
3689 B01[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 1
3690 B01[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 1
3691 B01[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 1
3692 B01[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 1
3693 B01[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 1
3694 B01[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 1
3695 B01[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 1
3696 B01[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 1
3697 B01[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 1
3698 B01[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 1
3699 B01[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 1
3700 B01[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 1
3701 B01[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 1
3702 B01[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 1
3703 B01[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 1
3704 B01[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 1
3705 B01[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 1
3706 B01[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 1
3707 B01[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 1
3708 B01[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 1
3709 B01[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 1
3710 B01[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 1
3711 B01[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 1
3712 B01[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 1
3713 B01[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 1
3714 B01[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 1
3715 B01[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 1
3716 B01[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 1
3717 B01[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 1
3718 B01[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 1
3719 B01[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 1
3720 B01[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 1
3721 B01[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 1
3722 B01[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 1
3723 B01[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 1
3724 B01[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 1
3725 B01[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 1
3726 B01[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 1
3727 B01[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 1
3728 B01[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 1
3729 B01[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 1
3730 B01[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 1
3731 B01[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 1
3732 B01[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 1
3733 B01[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 1
3734 B01[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 1
3735 B01[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 1
3736 B01[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 1
3737 B01[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 1
3738 B01[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 1
3739 B01[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 1
3740 B01[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 1
3741 B01[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 1
3742 B01[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 1
3743 B01[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 1
3744 B01[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 1
3745 B01[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 1
3746 B01[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 1
3747 B01[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 1
3748 B01[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 1
3749 B01[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 1
3750 B02[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 2
3751 B02[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 2
3752 B02[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 2
3753 B02[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 2
3754 B02[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 2
3755 B02[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 2
3756 B02[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 2
3757 B02[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 2
3758 B02[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 2
3759 B02[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 2
3760 B02[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 2
3761 B02[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 2
3762 B02[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 2
3763 B02[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 2
3764 B02[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 2
3765 B02[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 2
3766 B02[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 2
3767 B02[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 2
3768 B02[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 2
3769 B02[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 2
3770 B02[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 2
3771 B02[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 2
3772 B02[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 2
3773 B02[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 2
3774 B02[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 2
3775 B02[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 2
3776 B02[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 2
3777 B02[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 2
3778 B02[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 2
3779 B02[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 2
3780 B02[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 2
3781 B02[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 2
3782 B02[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 2
3783 B02[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 2
3784 B02[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 2
3785 B02[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 2
3786 B02[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 2
3787 B02[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 2
3788 B02[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 2
3789 B02[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 2
3790 B02[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 2
3791 B02[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 2
3792 B02[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 2
3793 B02[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 2
3794 B02[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 2
3795 B02[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 2
3796 B02[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 2
3797 B02[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 2
3798 B02[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 2
3799 B02[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 2
3800 B02[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 2
3801 B02[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 2
3802 B02[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 2
3803 B02[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 2
3804 B02[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 2
3805 B02[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 2
3806 B02[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 2
3807 B02[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 2
3808 B02[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 2
3809 B02[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 2
3810 B02[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 2
3811 B02[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 2
3812 B02[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 2
3813 B02[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 2
3814 B02[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 2
3815 B02[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 2
3816 B02[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 2
3817 B02[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 2
3818 B02[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 2
3819 B02[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 2
3820 B02[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 2
3821 B02[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 2
3822 B02[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 2
3823 B02[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 2
3824 B02[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 2
3825 B02[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 2
3826 B02[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 2
3827 B02[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 2
3828 B03[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 3
3829 B03[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 3
3830 B03[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 3
3831 B03[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 3
3832 B03[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 3
3833 B03[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 3
3834 B03[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 3
3835 B03[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 3
3836 B03[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 3
3837 B03[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 3
3838 B03[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 3
3839 B03[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 3
3840 B03[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 3
3841 B03[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 3
3842 B03[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 3
3843 B03[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 3
3844 B03[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 3
3845 B03[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 3
3846 B03[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 3
3847 B03[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 3
3848 B03[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 3
3849 B03[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 3
3850 B03[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 3
3851 B03[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 3
3852 B03[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 3
3853 B03[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 3
3854 B03[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 3
3855 B03[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 3
3856 B03[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 3
3857 B03[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 3
3858 B03[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 3
3859 B03[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 3
3860 B03[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 3
3861 B03[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 3
3862 B03[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 3
3863 B03[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 3
3864 B03[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 3
3865 B03[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 3
3866 B03[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 3
3867 B03[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 3
3868 B03[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 3
3869 B03[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 3
3870 B03[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 3
3871 B03[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 3
3872 B03[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 3
3873 B03[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 3
3874 B03[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 3
3875 B03[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 3
3876 B03[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 3
3877 B03[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 3
3878 B03[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 3
3879 B03[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 3
3880 B03[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 3
3881 B03[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 3
3882 B03[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 3
3883 B03[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 3
3884 B03[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 3
3885 B03[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 3
3886 B03[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 3
3887 B03[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 3
3888 B03[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 3
3889 B03[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 3
3890 B03[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 3
3891 B03[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 3
3892 B03[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 3
3893 B03[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 3
3894 B03[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 3
3895 B03[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 3
3896 B03[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 3
3897 B03[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 3
3898 B03[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 3
3899 B03[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 3
3900 B03[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 3
3901 B03[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 3
3902 B03[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 3
3903 B03[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 3
3904 B03[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 3
3905 B03[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 3
3906 B04[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 4
3907 B04[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 4
3908 B04[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 4
3909 B04[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 4
3910 B04[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 4
3911 B04[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 4
3912 B04[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 4
3913 B04[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 4
3914 B04[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 4
3915 B04[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 4
3916 B04[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 4
3917 B04[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 4
3918 B04[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 4
3919 B04[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 4
3920 B04[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 4
3921 B04[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 4
3922 B04[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 4
3923 B04[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 4
3924 B04[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 4
3925 B04[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 4
3926 B04[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 4
3927 B04[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 4
3928 B04[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 4
3929 B04[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 4
3930 B04[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 4
3931 B04[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 4
3932 B04[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 4
3933 B04[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 4
3934 B04[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 4
3935 B04[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 4
3936 B04[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 4
3937 B04[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 4
3938 B04[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 4
3939 B04[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 4
3940 B04[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 4
3941 B04[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 4
3942 B04[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 4
3943 B04[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 4
3944 B04[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 4
3945 B04[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 4
3946 B04[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 4
3947 B04[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 4
3948 B04[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 4
3949 B04[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 4
3950 B04[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 4
3951 B04[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 4
3952 B04[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 4
3953 B04[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 4
3954 B04[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 4
3955 B04[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 4
3956 B04[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 4
3957 B04[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 4
3958 B04[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 4
3959 B04[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 4
3960 B04[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 4
3961 B04[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 4
3962 B04[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 4
3963 B04[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 4
3964 B04[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 4
3965 B04[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 4
3966 B04[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 4
3967 B04[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 4
3968 B04[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 4
3969 B04[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 4
3970 B04[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 4
3971 B04[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 4
3972 B04[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 4
3973 B04[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 4
3974 B04[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 4
3975 B04[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 4
3976 B04[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 4
3977 B04[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 4
3978 B04[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 4
3979 B04[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 4
3980 B04[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 4
3981 B04[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 4
3982 B04[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 4
3983 B04[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 4
3984 B05[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 5
3985 B05[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 5
3986 B05[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 5
3987 B05[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 5
3988 B05[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 5
3989 B05[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 5
3990 B05[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 5
3991 B05[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 5
3992 B05[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 5
3993 B05[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 5
3994 B05[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 5
3995 B05[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 5
3996 B05[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 5
3997 B05[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 5
3998 B05[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 5
3999 B05[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 5
4000 B05[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 5
4001 B05[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 5
4002 B05[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 5
4003 B05[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 5
4004 B05[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 5
4005 B05[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 5
4006 B05[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 5
4007 B05[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 5
4008 B05[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 5
4009 B05[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 5
4010 B05[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 5
4011 B05[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 5
4012 B05[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 5
4013 B05[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 5
4014 B05[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 5
4015 B05[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 5
4016 B05[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 5
4017 B05[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 5
4018 B05[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 5
4019 B05[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 5
4020 B05[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 5
4021 B05[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 5
4022 B05[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 5
4023 B05[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 5
4024 B05[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 5
4025 B05[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 5
4026 B05[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 5
4027 B05[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 5
4028 B05[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 5
4029 B05[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 5
4030 B05[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 5
4031 B05[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 5
4032 B05[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 5
4033 B05[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 5
4034 B05[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 5
4035 B05[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 5
4036 B05[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 5
4037 B05[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 5
4038 B05[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 5
4039 B05[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 5
4040 B05[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 5
4041 B05[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 5
4042 B05[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 5
4043 B05[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 5
4044 B05[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 5
4045 B05[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 5
4046 B05[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 5
4047 B05[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 5
4048 B05[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 5
4049 B05[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 5
4050 B05[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 5
4051 B05[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 5
4052 B05[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 5
4053 B05[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 5
4054 B05[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 5
4055 B05[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 5
4056 B05[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 5
4057 B05[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 5
4058 B05[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 5
4059 B05[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 5
4060 B05[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 5
4061 B05[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 5
4062 B06[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 6
4063 B06[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 6
4064 B06[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 6
4065 B06[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 6
4066 B06[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 6
4067 B06[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 6
4068 B06[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 6
4069 B06[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 6
4070 B06[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 6
4071 B06[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 6
4072 B06[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 6
4073 B06[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 6
4074 B06[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 6
4075 B06[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 6
4076 B06[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 6
4077 B06[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 6
4078 B06[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 6
4079 B06[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 6
4080 B06[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 6
4081 B06[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 6
4082 B06[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 6
4083 B06[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 6
4084 B06[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 6
4085 B06[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 6
4086 B06[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 6
4087 B06[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 6
4088 B06[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 6
4089 B06[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 6
4090 B06[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 6
4091 B06[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 6
4092 B06[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 6
4093 B06[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 6
4094 B06[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 6
4095 B06[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 6
4096 B06[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 6
4097 B06[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 6
4098 B06[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 6
4099 B06[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 6
4100 B06[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 6
4101 B06[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 6
4102 B06[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 6
4103 B06[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 6
4104 B06[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 6
4105 B06[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 6
4106 B06[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 6
4107 B06[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 6
4108 B06[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 6
4109 B06[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 6
4110 B06[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 6
4111 B06[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 6
4112 B06[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 6
4113 B06[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 6
4114 B06[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 6
4115 B06[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 6
4116 B06[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 6
4117 B06[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 6
4118 B06[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 6
4119 B06[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 6
4120 B06[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 6
4121 B06[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 6
4122 B06[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 6
4123 B06[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 6
4124 B06[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 6
4125 B06[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 6
4126 B06[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 6
4127 B06[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 6
4128 B06[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 6
4129 B06[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 6
4130 B06[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 6
4131 B06[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 6
4132 B06[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 6
4133 B06[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 6
4134 B06[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 6
4135 B06[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 6
4136 B06[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 6
4137 B06[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 6
4138 B06[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 6
4139 B06[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 6
4140 B07[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 7
4141 B07[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 7
4142 B07[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 7
4143 B07[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 7
4144 B07[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 7
4145 B07[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 7
4146 B07[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 7
4147 B07[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 7
4148 B07[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 7
4149 B07[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 7
4150 B07[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 7
4151 B07[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 7
4152 B07[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 7
4153 B07[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 7
4154 B07[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 7
4155 B07[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 7
4156 B07[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 7
4157 B07[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 7
4158 B07[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 7
4159 B07[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 7
4160 B07[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 7
4161 B07[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 7
4162 B07[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 7
4163 B07[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 7
4164 B07[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 7
4165 B07[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 7
4166 B07[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 7
4167 B07[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 7
4168 B07[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 7
4169 B07[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 7
4170 B07[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 7
4171 B07[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 7
4172 B07[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 7
4173 B07[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 7
4174 B07[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 7
4175 B07[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 7
4176 B07[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 7
4177 B07[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 7
4178 B07[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 7
4179 B07[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 7
4180 B07[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 7
4181 B07[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 7
4182 B07[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 7
4183 B07[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 7
4184 B07[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 7
4185 B07[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 7
4186 B07[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 7
4187 B07[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 7
4188 B07[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 7
4189 B07[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 7
4190 B07[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 7
4191 B07[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 7
4192 B07[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 7
4193 B07[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 7
4194 B07[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 7
4195 B07[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 7
4196 B07[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 7
4197 B07[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 7
4198 B07[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 7
4199 B07[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 7
4200 B07[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 7
4201 B07[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 7
4202 B07[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 7
4203 B07[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 7
4204 B07[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 7
4205 B07[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 7
4206 B07[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 7
4207 B07[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 7
4208 B07[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 7
4209 B07[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 7
4210 B07[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 7
4211 B07[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 7
4212 B07[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 7
4213 B07[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 7
4214 B07[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 7
4215 B07[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 7
4216 B07[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 7
4217 B07[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 7
4218 B08[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 8
4219 B08[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 8
4220 B08[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 8
4221 B08[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 8
4222 B08[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 8
4223 B08[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 8
4224 B08[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 8
4225 B08[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 8
4226 B08[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 8
4227 B08[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 8
4228 B08[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 8
4229 B08[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 8
4230 B08[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 8
4231 B08[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 8
4232 B08[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 8
4233 B08[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 8
4234 B08[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 8
4235 B08[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 8
4236 B08[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 8
4237 B08[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 8
4238 B08[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 8
4239 B08[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 8
4240 B08[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 8
4241 B08[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 8
4242 B08[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 8
4243 B08[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 8
4244 B08[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 8
4245 B08[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 8
4246 B08[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 8
4247 B08[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 8
4248 B08[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 8
4249 B08[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 8
4250 B08[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 8
4251 B08[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 8
4252 B08[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 8
4253 B08[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 8
4254 B08[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 8
4255 B08[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 8
4256 B08[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 8
4257 B08[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 8
4258 B08[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 8
4259 B08[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 8
4260 B08[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 8
4261 B08[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 8
4262 B08[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 8
4263 B08[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 8
4264 B08[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 8
4265 B08[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 8
4266 B08[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 8
4267 B08[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 8
4268 B08[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 8
4269 B08[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 8
4270 B08[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 8
4271 B08[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 8
4272 B08[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 8
4273 B08[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 8
4274 B08[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 8
4275 B08[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 8
4276 B08[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 8
4277 B08[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 8
4278 B08[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 8
4279 B08[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 8
4280 B08[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 8
4281 B08[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 8
4282 B08[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 8
4283 B08[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 8
4284 B08[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 8
4285 B08[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 8
4286 B08[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 8
4287 B08[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 8
4288 B08[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 8
4289 B08[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 8
4290 B08[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 8
4291 B08[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 8
4292 B08[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 8
4293 B08[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 8
4294 B08[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 8
4295 B08[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 8
4296 B09[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 9
4297 B09[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 9
4298 B09[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 9
4299 B09[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 9
4300 B09[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 9
4301 B09[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 9
4302 B09[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 9
4303 B09[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 9
4304 B09[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 9
4305 B09[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 9
4306 B09[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 9
4307 B09[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 9
4308 B09[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 9
4309 B09[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 9
4310 B09[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 9
4311 B09[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 9
4312 B09[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 9
4313 B09[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 9
4314 B09[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 9
4315 B09[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 9
4316 B09[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 9
4317 B09[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 9
4318 B09[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 9
4319 B09[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 9
4320 B09[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 9
4321 B09[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 9
4322 B09[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 9
4323 B09[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 9
4324 B09[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 9
4325 B09[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 9
4326 B09[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 9
4327 B09[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 9
4328 B09[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 9
4329 B09[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 9
4330 B09[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 9
4331 B09[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 9
4332 B09[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 9
4333 B09[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 9
4334 B09[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 9
4335 B09[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 9
4336 B09[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 9
4337 B09[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 9
4338 B09[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 9
4339 B09[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 9
4340 B09[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 9
4341 B09[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 9
4342 B09[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 9
4343 B09[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 9
4344 B09[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 9
4345 B09[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 9
4346 B09[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 9
4347 B09[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 9
4348 B09[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 9
4349 B09[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 9
4350 B09[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 9
4351 B09[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 9
4352 B09[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 9
4353 B09[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 9
4354 B09[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 9
4355 B09[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 9
4356 B09[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 9
4357 B09[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 9
4358 B09[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 9
4359 B09[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 9
4360 B09[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 9
4361 B09[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 9
4362 B09[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 9
4363 B09[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 9
4364 B09[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 9
4365 B09[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 9
4366 B09[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 9
4367 B09[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 9
4368 B09[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 9
4369 B09[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 9
4370 B09[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 9
4371 B09[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 9
4372 B09[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 9
4373 B09[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 9
4374 B10[C-C] Presence/absence of C – C at topological distance 10
4375 B10[C-N] Presence/absence of C – N at topological distance 10
4376 B10[C-O] Presence/absence of C – O at topological distance 10
4377 B10[C-S] Presence/absence of C – S at topological distance 10
4378 B10[C-P] Presence/absence of C – P at topological distance 10
4379 B10[C-F] Presence/absence of C – F at topological distance 10
4380 B10[C-Cl] Presence/absence of C – Cl at topological distance 10
4381 B10[C-Br] Presence/absence of C – Br at topological distance 10
4382 B10[C-I] Presence/absence of C – I at topological distance 10
4383 B10[C-B] Presence/absence of C – B at topological distance 10
4384 B10[C-Si] Presence/absence of C – Si at topological distance 10
4385 B10[C-X] Presence/absence of C – X at topological distance 10
4386 B10[N-N] Presence/absence of N – N at topological distance 10
4387 B10[N-O] Presence/absence of N – O at topological distance 10
4388 B10[N-S] Presence/absence of N – S at topological distance 10
4389 B10[N-P] Presence/absence of N – P at topological distance 10
4390 B10[N-F] Presence/absence of N – F at topological distance 10
4391 B10[N-Cl] Presence/absence of N – Cl at topological distance 10
4392 B10[N-Br] Presence/absence of N – Br at topological distance 10
4393 B10[N-I] Presence/absence of N – I at topological distance 10
4394 B10[N-B] Presence/absence of N – B at topological distance 10
4395 B10[N-Si] Presence/absence of N – Si at topological distance 10
4396 B10[N-X] Presence/absence of N – X at topological distance 10
4397 B10[O-O] Presence/absence of O – O at topological distance 10
4398 B10[O-S] Presence/absence of O – S at topological distance 10
4399 B10[O-P] Presence/absence of O – P at topological distance 10
4400 B10[O-F] Presence/absence of O – F at topological distance 10
4401 B10[O-Cl] Presence/absence of O – Cl at topological distance 10
4402 B10[O-Br] Presence/absence of O – Br at topological distance 10
4403 B10[O-I] Presence/absence of O – I at topological distance 10
4404 B10[O-B] Presence/absence of O – B at topological distance 10
4405 B10[O-Si] Presence/absence of O – Si at topological distance 10
4406 B10[O-X] Presence/absence of O – X at topological distance 10
4407 B10[S-S] Presence/absence of S – S at topological distance 10
4408 B10[S-P] Presence/absence of S – P at topological distance 10
4409 B10[S-F] Presence/absence of S – F at topological distance 10
4410 B10[S-Cl] Presence/absence of S – Cl at topological distance 10
4411 B10[S-Br] Presence/absence of S – Br at topological distance 10
4412 B10[S-I] Presence/absence of S – I at topological distance 10
4413 B10[S-B] Presence/absence of S – B at topological distance 10
4414 B10[S-Si] Presence/absence of S – Si at topological distance 10
4415 B10[S-X] Presence/absence of S – X at topological distance 10
4416 B10[P-P] Presence/absence of P – P at topological distance 10
4417 B10[P-F] Presence/absence of P – F at topological distance 10
4418 B10[P-Cl] Presence/absence of P – Cl at topological distance 10
4419 B10[P-Br] Presence/absence of P – Br at topological distance 10
4420 B10[P-I] Presence/absence of P – I at topological distance 10
4421 B10[P-B] Presence/absence of P – B at topological distance 10
4422 B10[P-Si] Presence/absence of P – Si at topological distance 10
4423 B10[P-X] Presence/absence of P – X at topological distance 10
4424 B10[F-F] Presence/absence of F – F at topological distance 10
4425 B10[F-Cl] Presence/absence of F – Cl at topological distance 10
4426 B10[F-Br] Presence/absence of F – Br at topological distance 10
4427 B10[F-I] Presence/absence of F – I at topological distance 10
4428 B10[F-B] Presence/absence of F – B at topological distance 10
4429 B10[F-Si] Presence/absence of F – Si at topological distance 10
4430 B10[F-X] Presence/absence of F – X at topological distance 10
4431 B10[Cl-Cl] Presence/absence of Cl – Cl at topological distance 10
4432 B10[Cl-Br] Presence/absence of Cl – Br at topological distance 10
4433 B10[Cl-I] Presence/absence of Cl – I at topological distance 10
4434 B10[Cl-B] Presence/absence of Cl – B at topological distance 10
4435 B10[Cl-Si] Presence/absence of Cl – Si at topological distance 10
4436 B10[Cl-X] Presence/absence of Cl – X at topological distance 10
4437 B10[Br-Br] Presence/absence of Br – Br at topological distance 10
4438 B10[Br-I] Presence/absence of Br – I at topological distance 10
4439 B10[Br-B] Presence/absence of Br – B at topological distance 10
4440 B10[Br-Si] Presence/absence of Br – Si at topological distance 10
4441 B10[Br-X] Presence/absence of Br – X at topological distance 10
4442 B10[I-I] Presence/absence of I – I at topological distance 10
4443 B10[I-B] Presence/absence of I – B at topological distance 10
4444 B10[I-Si] Presence/absence of I – Si at topological distance 10
4445 B10[I-X] Presence/absence of I – X at topological distance 10
4446 B10[B-B] Presence/absence of B – B at topological distance 10
4447 B10[B-Si] Presence/absence of B – Si at topological distance 10
4448 B10[B-X] Presence/absence of B – X at topological distance 10
4449 B10[Si-Si] Presence/absence of Si – Si at topological distance 10
4450 B10[Si-X] Presence/absence of Si – X at topological distance 10
4451 B10[X-X] Presence/absence of X – X at topological distance 10
4452 F01[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 1
4453 F01[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 1
4454 F01[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 1
4455 F01[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 1
4456 F01[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 1
4457 F01[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 1
4458 F01[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 1
4459 F01[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 1
4460 F01[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 1
4461 F01[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 1
4462 F01[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 1
4463 F01[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 1
4464 F01[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 1
4465 F01[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 1
4466 F01[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 1
4467 F01[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 1
4468 F01[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 1
4469 F01[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 1
4470 F01[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 1
4471 F01[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 1
4472 F01[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 1
4473 F01[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 1
4474 F01[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 1
4475 F01[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 1
4476 F01[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 1
4477 F01[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 1
4478 F01[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 1
4479 F01[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 1
4480 F01[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 1
4481 F01[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 1
4482 F01[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 1
4483 F01[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 1
4484 F01[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 1
4485 F01[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 1
4486 F01[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 1
4487 F01[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 1
4488 F01[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 1
4489 F01[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 1
4490 F01[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 1
4491 F01[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 1
4492 F01[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 1
4493 F01[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 1
4494 F01[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 1
4495 F01[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 1
4496 F01[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 1
4497 F01[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 1
4498 F01[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 1
4499 F01[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 1
4500 F01[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 1
4501 F01[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 1
4502 F01[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 1
4503 F01[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 1
4504 F01[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 1
4505 F01[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 1
4506 F01[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 1
4507 F01[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 1
4508 F01[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 1
4509 F01[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 1
4510 F01[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 1
4511 F01[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 1
4512 F01[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 1
4513 F01[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 1
4514 F01[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 1
4515 F01[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 1
4516 F01[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 1
4517 F01[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 1
4518 F01[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 1
4519 F01[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 1
4520 F01[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 1
4521 F01[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 1
4522 F01[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 1
4523 F01[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 1
4524 F01[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 1
4525 F01[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 1
4526 F01[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 1
4527 F01[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 1
4528 F01[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 1
4529 F01[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 1
4530 F02[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 2
4531 F02[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 2
4532 F02[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 2
4533 F02[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 2
4534 F02[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 2
4535 F02[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 2
4536 F02[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 2
4537 F02[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 2
4538 F02[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 2
4539 F02[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 2
4540 F02[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 2
4541 F02[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 2
4542 F02[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 2
4543 F02[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 2
4544 F02[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 2
4545 F02[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 2
4546 F02[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 2
4547 F02[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 2
4548 F02[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 2
4549 F02[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 2
4550 F02[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 2
4551 F02[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 2
4552 F02[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 2
4553 F02[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 2
4554 F02[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 2
4555 F02[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 2
4556 F02[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 2
4557 F02[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 2
4558 F02[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 2
4559 F02[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 2
4560 F02[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 2
4561 F02[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 2
4562 F02[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 2
4563 F02[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 2
4564 F02[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 2
4565 F02[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 2
4566 F02[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 2
4567 F02[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 2
4568 F02[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 2
4569 F02[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 2
4570 F02[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 2
4571 F02[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 2
4572 F02[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 2
4573 F02[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 2
4574 F02[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 2
4575 F02[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 2
4576 F02[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 2
4577 F02[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 2
4578 F02[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 2
4579 F02[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 2
4580 F02[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 2
4581 F02[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 2
4582 F02[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 2
4583 F02[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 2
4584 F02[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 2
4585 F02[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 2
4586 F02[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 2
4587 F02[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 2
4588 F02[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 2
4589 F02[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 2
4590 F02[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 2
4591 F02[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 2
4592 F02[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 2
4593 F02[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 2
4594 F02[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 2
4595 F02[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 2
4596 F02[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 2
4597 F02[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 2
4598 F02[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 2
4599 F02[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 2
4600 F02[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 2
4601 F02[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 2
4602 F02[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 2
4603 F02[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 2
4604 F02[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 2
4605 F02[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 2
4606 F02[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 2
4607 F02[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 2
4608 F03[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 3
4609 F03[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 3
4610 F03[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 3
4611 F03[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 3
4612 F03[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 3
4613 F03[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 3
4614 F03[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 3
4615 F03[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 3
4616 F03[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 3
4617 F03[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 3
4618 F03[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 3
4619 F03[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 3
4620 F03[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 3
4621 F03[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 3
4622 F03[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 3
4623 F03[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 3
4624 F03[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 3
4625 F03[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 3
4626 F03[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 3
4627 F03[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 3
4628 F03[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 3
4629 F03[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 3
4630 F03[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 3
4631 F03[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 3
4632 F03[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 3
4633 F03[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 3
4634 F03[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 3
4635 F03[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 3
4636 F03[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 3
4637 F03[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 3
4638 F03[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 3
4639 F03[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 3
4640 F03[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 3
4641 F03[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 3
4642 F03[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 3
4643 F03[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 3
4644 F03[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 3
4645 F03[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 3
4646 F03[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 3
4647 F03[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 3
4648 F03[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 3
4649 F03[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 3
4650 F03[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 3
4651 F03[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 3
4652 F03[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 3
4653 F03[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 3
4654 F03[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 3
4655 F03[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 3
4656 F03[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 3
4657 F03[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 3
4658 F03[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 3
4659 F03[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 3
4660 F03[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 3
4661 F03[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 3
4662 F03[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 3
4663 F03[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 3
4664 F03[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 3
4665 F03[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 3
4666 F03[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 3
4667 F03[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 3
4668 F03[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 3
4669 F03[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 3
4670 F03[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 3
4671 F03[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 3
4672 F03[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 3
4673 F03[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 3
4674 F03[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 3
4675 F03[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 3
4676 F03[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 3
4677 F03[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 3
4678 F03[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 3
4679 F03[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 3
4680 F03[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 3
4681 F03[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 3
4682 F03[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 3
4683 F03[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 3
4684 F03[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 3
4685 F03[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 3
4686 F04[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 4
4687 F04[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 4
4688 F04[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 4
4689 F04[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 4
4690 F04[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 4
4691 F04[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 4
4692 F04[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 4
4693 F04[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 4
4694 F04[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 4
4695 F04[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 4
4696 F04[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 4
4697 F04[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 4
4698 F04[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 4
4699 F04[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 4
4700 F04[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 4
4701 F04[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 4
4702 F04[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 4
4703 F04[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 4
4704 F04[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 4
4705 F04[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 4
4706 F04[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 4
4707 F04[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 4
4708 F04[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 4
4709 F04[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 4
4710 F04[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 4
4711 F04[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 4
4712 F04[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 4
4713 F04[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 4
4714 F04[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 4
4715 F04[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 4
4716 F04[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 4
4717 F04[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 4
4718 F04[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 4
4719 F04[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 4
4720 F04[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 4
4721 F04[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 4
4722 F04[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 4
4723 F04[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 4
4724 F04[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 4
4725 F04[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 4
4726 F04[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 4
4727 F04[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 4
4728 F04[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 4
4729 F04[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 4
4730 F04[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 4
4731 F04[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 4
4732 F04[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 4
4733 F04[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 4
4734 F04[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 4
4735 F04[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 4
4736 F04[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 4
4737 F04[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 4
4738 F04[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 4
4739 F04[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 4
4740 F04[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 4
4741 F04[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 4
4742 F04[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 4
4743 F04[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 4
4744 F04[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 4
4745 F04[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 4
4746 F04[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 4
4747 F04[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 4
4748 F04[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 4
4749 F04[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 4
4750 F04[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 4
4751 F04[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 4
4752 F04[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 4
4753 F04[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 4
4754 F04[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 4
4755 F04[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 4
4756 F04[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 4
4757 F04[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 4
4758 F04[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 4
4759 F04[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 4
4760 F04[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 4
4761 F04[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 4
4762 F04[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 4
4763 F04[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 4
4764 F05[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 5
4765 F05[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 5
4766 F05[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 5
4767 F05[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 5
4768 F05[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 5
4769 F05[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 5
4770 F05[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 5
4771 F05[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 5
4772 F05[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 5
4773 F05[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 5
4774 F05[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 5
4775 F05[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 5
4776 F05[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 5
4777 F05[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 5
4778 F05[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 5
4779 F05[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 5
4780 F05[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 5
4781 F05[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 5
4782 F05[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 5
4783 F05[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 5
4784 F05[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 5
4785 F05[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 5
4786 F05[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 5
4787 F05[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 5
4788 F05[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 5
4789 F05[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 5
4790 F05[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 5
4791 F05[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 5
4792 F05[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 5
4793 F05[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 5
4794 F05[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 5
4795 F05[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 5
4796 F05[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 5
4797 F05[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 5
4798 F05[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 5
4799 F05[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 5
4800 F05[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 5
4801 F05[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 5
4802 F05[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 5
4803 F05[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 5
4804 F05[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 5
4805 F05[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 5
4806 F05[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 5
4807 F05[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 5
4808 F05[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 5
4809 F05[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 5
4810 F05[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 5
4811 F05[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 5
4812 F05[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 5
4813 F05[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 5
4814 F05[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 5
4815 F05[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 5
4816 F05[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 5
4817 F05[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 5
4818 F05[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 5
4819 F05[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 5
4820 F05[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 5
4821 F05[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 5
4822 F05[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 5
4823 F05[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 5
4824 F05[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 5
4825 F05[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 5
4826 F05[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 5
4827 F05[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 5
4828 F05[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 5
4829 F05[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 5
4830 F05[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 5
4831 F05[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 5
4832 F05[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 5
4833 F05[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 5
4834 F05[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 5
4835 F05[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 5
4836 F05[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 5
4837 F05[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 5
4838 F05[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 5
4839 F05[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 5
4840 F05[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 5
4841 F05[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 5
4842 F06[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 6
4843 F06[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 6
4844 F06[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 6
4845 F06[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 6
4846 F06[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 6
4847 F06[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 6
4848 F06[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 6
4849 F06[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 6
4850 F06[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 6
4851 F06[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 6
4852 F06[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 6
4853 F06[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 6
4854 F06[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 6
4855 F06[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 6
4856 F06[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 6
4857 F06[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 6
4858 F06[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 6
4859 F06[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 6
4860 F06[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 6
4861 F06[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 6
4862 F06[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 6
4863 F06[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 6
4864 F06[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 6
4865 F06[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 6
4866 F06[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 6
4867 F06[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 6
4868 F06[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 6
4869 F06[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 6
4870 F06[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 6
4871 F06[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 6
4872 F06[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 6
4873 F06[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 6
4874 F06[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 6
4875 F06[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 6
4876 F06[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 6
4877 F06[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 6
4878 F06[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 6
4879 F06[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 6
4880 F06[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 6
4881 F06[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 6
4882 F06[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 6
4883 F06[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 6
4884 F06[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 6
4885 F06[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 6
4886 F06[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 6
4887 F06[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 6
4888 F06[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 6
4889 F06[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 6
4890 F06[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 6
4891 F06[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 6
4892 F06[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 6
4893 F06[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 6
4894 F06[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 6
4895 F06[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 6
4896 F06[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 6
4897 F06[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 6
4898 F06[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 6
4899 F06[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 6
4900 F06[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 6
4901 F06[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 6
4902 F06[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 6
4903 F06[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 6
4904 F06[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 6
4905 F06[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 6
4906 F06[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 6
4907 F06[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 6
4908 F06[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 6
4909 F06[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 6
4910 F06[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 6
4911 F06[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 6
4912 F06[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 6
4913 F06[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 6
4914 F06[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 6
4915 F06[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 6
4916 F06[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 6
4917 F06[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 6
4918 F06[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 6
4919 F06[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 6
4920 F07[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 7
4921 F07[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 7
4922 F07[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 7
4923 F07[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 7
4924 F07[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 7
4925 F07[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 7
4926 F07[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 7
4927 F07[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 7
4928 F07[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 7
4929 F07[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 7
4930 F07[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 7
4931 F07[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 7
4932 F07[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 7
4933 F07[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 7
4934 F07[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 7
4935 F07[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 7
4936 F07[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 7
4937 F07[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 7
4938 F07[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 7
4939 F07[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 7
4940 F07[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 7
4941 F07[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 7
4942 F07[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 7
4943 F07[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 7
4944 F07[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 7
4945 F07[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 7
4946 F07[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 7
4947 F07[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 7
4948 F07[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 7
4949 F07[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 7
4950 F07[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 7
4951 F07[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 7
4952 F07[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 7
4953 F07[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 7
4954 F07[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 7
4955 F07[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 7
4956 F07[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 7
4957 F07[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 7
4958 F07[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 7
4959 F07[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 7
4960 F07[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 7
4961 F07[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 7
4962 F07[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 7
4963 F07[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 7
4964 F07[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 7
4965 F07[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 7
4966 F07[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 7
4967 F07[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 7
4968 F07[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 7
4969 F07[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 7
4970 F07[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 7
4971 F07[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 7
4972 F07[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 7
4973 F07[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 7
4974 F07[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 7
4975 F07[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 7
4976 F07[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 7
4977 F07[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 7
4978 F07[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 7
4979 F07[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 7
4980 F07[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 7
4981 F07[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 7
4982 F07[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 7
4983 F07[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 7
4984 F07[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 7
4985 F07[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 7
4986 F07[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 7
4987 F07[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 7
4988 F07[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 7
4989 F07[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 7
4990 F07[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 7
4991 F07[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 7
4992 F07[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 7
4993 F07[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 7
4994 F07[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 7
4995 F07[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 7
4996 F07[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 7
4997 F07[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 7
4998 F08[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 8
4999 F08[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 8
5000 F08[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 8
5001 F08[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 8
5002 F08[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 8
5003 F08[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 8
5004 F08[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 8
5005 F08[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 8
5006 F08[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 8
5007 F08[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 8
5008 F08[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 8
5009 F08[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 8
5010 F08[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 8
5011 F08[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 8
5012 F08[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 8
5013 F08[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 8
5014 F08[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 8
5015 F08[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 8
5016 F08[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 8
5017 F08[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 8
5018 F08[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 8
5019 F08[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 8
5020 F08[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 8
5021 F08[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 8
5022 F08[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 8
5023 F08[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 8
5024 F08[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 8
5025 F08[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 8
5026 F08[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 8
5027 F08[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 8
5028 F08[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 8
5029 F08[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 8
5030 F08[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 8
5031 F08[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 8
5032 F08[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 8
5033 F08[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 8
5034 F08[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 8
5035 F08[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 8
5036 F08[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 8
5037 F08[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 8
5038 F08[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 8
5039 F08[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 8
5040 F08[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 8
5041 F08[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 8
5042 F08[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 8
5043 F08[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 8
5044 F08[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 8
5045 F08[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 8
5046 F08[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 8
5047 F08[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 8
5048 F08[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 8
5049 F08[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 8
5050 F08[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 8
5051 F08[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 8
5052 F08[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 8
5053 F08[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 8
5054 F08[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 8
5055 F08[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 8
5056 F08[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 8
5057 F08[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 8
5058 F08[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 8
5059 F08[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 8
5060 F08[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 8
5061 F08[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 8
5062 F08[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 8
5063 F08[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 8
5064 F08[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 8
5065 F08[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 8
5066 F08[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 8
5067 F08[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 8
5068 F08[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 8
5069 F08[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 8
5070 F08[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 8
5071 F08[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 8
5072 F08[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 8
5073 F08[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 8
5074 F08[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 8
5075 F08[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 8
5076 F09[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 9
5077 F09[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 9
5078 F09[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 9
5079 F09[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 9
5080 F09[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 9
5081 F09[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 9
5082 F09[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 9
5083 F09[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 9
5084 F09[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 9
5085 F09[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 9
5086 F09[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 9
5087 F09[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 9
5088 F09[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 9
5089 F09[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 9
5090 F09[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 9
5091 F09[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 9
5092 F09[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 9
5093 F09[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 9
5094 F09[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 9
5095 F09[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 9
5096 F09[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 9
5097 F09[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 9
5098 F09[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 9
5099 F09[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 9
5100 F09[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 9
5101 F09[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 9
5102 F09[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 9
5103 F09[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 9
5104 F09[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 9
5105 F09[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 9
5106 F09[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 9
5107 F09[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 9
5108 F09[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 9
5109 F09[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 9
5110 F09[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 9
5111 F09[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 9
5112 F09[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 9
5113 F09[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 9
5114 F09[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 9
5115 F09[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 9
5116 F09[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 9
5117 F09[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 9
5118 F09[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 9
5119 F09[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 9
5120 F09[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 9
5121 F09[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 9
5122 F09[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 9
5123 F09[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 9
5124 F09[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 9
5125 F09[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 9
5126 F09[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 9
5127 F09[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 9
5128 F09[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 9
5129 F09[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 9
5130 F09[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 9
5131 F09[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 9
5132 F09[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 9
5133 F09[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 9
5134 F09[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 9
5135 F09[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 9
5136 F09[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 9
5137 F09[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 9
5138 F09[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 9
5139 F09[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 9
5140 F09[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 9
5141 F09[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 9
5142 F09[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 9
5143 F09[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 9
5144 F09[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 9
5145 F09[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 9
5146 F09[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 9
5147 F09[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 9
5148 F09[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 9
5149 F09[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 9
5150 F09[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 9
5151 F09[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 9
5152 F09[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 9
5153 F09[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 9
5154 F10[C-C] Frequency of C – C at topological distance 10
5155 F10[C-N] Frequency of C – N at topological distance 10
5156 F10[C-O] Frequency of C – O at topological distance 10
5157 F10[C-S] Frequency of C – S at topological distance 10
5158 F10[C-P] Frequency of C – P at topological distance 10
5159 F10[C-F] Frequency of C – F at topological distance 10
5160 F10[C-Cl] Frequency of C – Cl at topological distance 10
5161 F10[C-Br] Frequency of C – Br at topological distance 10
5162 F10[C-I] Frequency of C – I at topological distance 10
5163 F10[C-B] Frequency of C – B at topological distance 10
5164 F10[C-Si] Frequency of C – Si at topological distance 10
5165 F10[C-X] Frequency of C – X at topological distance 10
5166 F10[N-N] Frequency of N – N at topological distance 10
5167 F10[N-O] Frequency of N – O at topological distance 10
5168 F10[N-S] Frequency of N – S at topological distance 10
5169 F10[N-P] Frequency of N – P at topological distance 10
5170 F10[N-F] Frequency of N – F at topological distance 10
5171 F10[N-Cl] Frequency of N – Cl at topological distance 10
5172 F10[N-Br] Frequency of N – Br at topological distance 10
5173 F10[N-I] Frequency of N – I at topological distance 10
5174 F10[N-B] Frequency of N – B at topological distance 10
5175 F10[N-Si] Frequency of N – Si at topological distance 10
5176 F10[N-X] Frequency of N – X at topological distance 10
5177 F10[O-O] Frequency of O – O at topological distance 10
5178 F10[O-S] Frequency of O – S at topological distance 10
5179 F10[O-P] Frequency of O – P at topological distance 10
5180 F10[O-F] Frequency of O – F at topological distance 10
5181 F10[O-Cl] Frequency of O – Cl at topological distance 10
5182 F10[O-Br] Frequency of O – Br at topological distance 10
5183 F10[O-I] Frequency of O – I at topological distance 10
5184 F10[O-B] Frequency of O – B at topological distance 10
5185 F10[O-Si] Frequency of O – Si at topological distance 10
5186 F10[O-X] Frequency of O – X at topological distance 10
5187 F10[S-S] Frequency of S – S at topological distance 10
5188 F10[S-P] Frequency of S – P at topological distance 10
5189 F10[S-F] Frequency of S – F at topological distance 10
5190 F10[S-Cl] Frequency of S – Cl at topological distance 10
5191 F10[S-Br] Frequency of S – Br at topological distance 10
5192 F10[S-I] Frequency of S – I at topological distance 10
5193 F10[S-B] Frequency of S – B at topological distance 10
5194 F10[S-Si] Frequency of S – Si at topological distance 10
5195 F10[S-X] Frequency of S – X at topological distance 10
5196 F10[P-P] Frequency of P – P at topological distance 10
5197 F10[P-F] Frequency of P – F at topological distance 10
5198 F10[P-Cl] Frequency of P – Cl at topological distance 10
5199 F10[P-Br] Frequency of P – Br at topological distance 10
5200 F10[P-I] Frequency of P – I at topological distance 10
5201 F10[P-B] Frequency of P – B at topological distance 10
5202 F10[P-Si] Frequency of P – Si at topological distance 10
5203 F10[P-X] Frequency of P – X at topological distance 10
5204 F10[F-F] Frequency of F – F at topological distance 10
5205 F10[F-Cl] Frequency of F – Cl at topological distance 10
5206 F10[F-Br] Frequency of F – Br at topological distance 10
5207 F10[F-I] Frequency of F – I at topological distance 10
5208 F10[F-B] Frequency of F – B at topological distance 10
5209 F10[F-Si] Frequency of F – Si at topological distance 10
5210 F10[F-X] Frequency of F – X at topological distance 10
5211 F10[Cl-Cl] Frequency of Cl – Cl at topological distance 10
5212 F10[Cl-Br] Frequency of Cl – Br at topological distance 10
5213 F10[Cl-I] Frequency of Cl – I at topological distance 10
5214 F10[Cl-B] Frequency of Cl – B at topological distance 10
5215 F10[Cl-Si] Frequency of Cl – Si at topological distance 10
5216 F10[Cl-X] Frequency of Cl – X at topological distance 10
5217 F10[Br-Br] Frequency of Br – Br at topological distance 10
5218 F10[Br-I] Frequency of Br – I at topological distance 10
5219 F10[Br-B] Frequency of Br – B at topological distance 10
5220 F10[Br-Si] Frequency of Br – Si at topological distance 10
5221 F10[Br-X] Frequency of Br – X at topological distance 10
5222 F10[I-I] Frequency of I – I at topological distance 10
5223 F10[I-B] Frequency of I – B at topological distance 10
5224 F10[I-Si] Frequency of I – Si at topological distance 10
5225 F10[I-X] Frequency of I – X at topological distance 10
5226 F10[B-B] Frequency of B – B at topological distance 10
5227 F10[B-Si] Frequency of B – Si at topological distance 10
5228 F10[B-X] Frequency of B – X at topological distance 10
5229 F10[Si-Si] Frequency of Si – Si at topological distance 10
5230 F10[Si-X] Frequency of Si – X at topological distance 10
5231 F10[X-X] Frequency of X – X at topological distance 10

26. 3D Atom Pairs

No. Name Description
5232 G(N..N) sum of geometrical distances between N..N
5233 G(N..O) sum of geometrical distances between N..O
5234 G(N..S) sum of geometrical distances between N..S
5235 G(N..P) sum of geometrical distances between N..P
5236 G(N..F) sum of geometrical distances between N..F
5237 G(N..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between N..Cl
5238 G(N..Br) sum of geometrical distances between N..Br
5239 G(N..I) sum of geometrical distances between N..I
5240 G(O..O) sum of geometrical distances between O..O
5241 G(O..S) sum of geometrical distances between O..S
5242 G(O..P) sum of geometrical distances between O..P
5243 G(O..F) sum of geometrical distances between O..F
5244 G(O..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between O..Cl
5245 G(O..Br) sum of geometrical distances between O..Br
5246 G(O..I) sum of geometrical distances between O..I
5247 G(S..S) sum of geometrical distances between S..S
5248 G(S..P) sum of geometrical distances between S..P
5249 G(S..F) sum of geometrical distances between S..F
5250 G(S..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between S..Cl
5251 G(S..Br) sum of geometrical distances between S..Br
5252 G(S..I) sum of geometrical distances between S..I
5253 G(P..P) sum of geometrical distances between P..P
5254 G(P..F) sum of geometrical distances between P..F
5255 G(P..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between P..Cl
5256 G(P..Br) sum of geometrical distances between P..Br
5257 G(P..I) sum of geometrical distances between P..I
5258 G(F..F) sum of geometrical distances between F..F
5259 G(F..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between F..Cl
5260 G(F..Br) sum of geometrical distances between F..Br
5261 G(F..I) sum of geometrical distances between F..I
5262 G(Cl..Cl) sum of geometrical distances between Cl..Cl
5263 G(Cl..Br) sum of geometrical distances between Cl..Br
5264 G(Cl..I) sum of geometrical distances between Cl..I
5265 G(Br..Br) sum of geometrical distances between Br..Br
5266 G(Br..I) sum of geometrical distances between Br..I
5267 G(I..I) sum of geometrical distances between I..I

27. Charge descriptors

No. Name Description
5268 qpmax maximum positive charge
5269 qnmax maximum negative charge
5270 Qpos total positive charge
5271 Qneg total negative charge
5272 Qtot total absolute charge (electronic charge index – ECI)
5273 Qmean mean absolute charge (charge polarization)
5274 Q2 total squared charge
5275 RPCG relative positive charge
5276 RNCG relative negative charge
5277 SPP submolecular polarity parameter
5278 TE1 topographic electronic descriptor
5279 TE2 topographic electronic descriptor (bond resctricted)
5280 PCWTE1 partial charge weighted topological electronic index
5281 PCWTE2 partial charge weighted topological electronic index (bond resctricted)
5282 LDI local dipole index

28. Molecular properties

No. Name Description
5283 Uc unsaturation count
5284 Ui unsaturation index
5285 Unsat Unsat index
5286 Hy hydrophilic factor
5287 AMR Ghose-Crippen molar refractivity
5288 MR99 Wildmann-Crippen molar refractivity
5289 MRcons Molar refractivity (consensus)
5290 TPSA(NO) topological polar surface area using N,O polar contributions
5291 TPSA(Tot) topological polar surface area using N,O,S,P polar contributions
5292 TPSA_efficiency Polar surface area-molecular size ratio
5293 MLOGP Moriguchi octanol-water partition coeff. (logP)
5294 MLOGP2 squared Moriguchi octanol-water partition coeff. (logP^2)
5295 ALOGP Ghose-Crippen octanol-water partition coeff. (logP)
5296 ALOGP2 squared Ghose-Crippen octanol-water partition coeff. (logP^2)
5297 LOGP99 Wildmann-Crippen octanol-water partition coeff. (logP)
5298 LOGPcons Octanol-water partition coeff. (logP) (consensus)
5299 ESOL Estimated SOLubility (logS) for aqueous solubility using LOGPcons
5300 SAtot total surface area from P_VSA-like descriptors
5301 SAacc surface area of acceptor atoms from P_VSA-like descriptors
5302 SAdon surface area of donor atoms from P_VSA-like descriptors
5303 SAvdwDCLM van der Waals surface area using DCLM method
5304 Vx McGowan volume
5305 VvdwMG van der Waals volume from McGowan volume
5306 VvdwZAZ van der Waals volume from Zhao-Abraham-Zissimos equation
5307 VvdwDCLM van der Waals volume using DCLM method
5308 DensityZAZ Molecular mass density based on VvdwZAZ
5309 DensityDCLM Molecular mass density based on DCLM
5310 PDI packing density index
5311 BLTF96 Verhaar Fish base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l)
5312 BLTD48 Verhaar Daphnia base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l)
5313 BLTA96 Verhaar Algae base-line toxicity from MLOGP (mmol/l)
5314 SAscore Synthetic Accessibility score
5315 PBF Plane of best fit
5316 BPI_LOGP Balanced Permeability Index (based on LOGP)

29. Drug-like indices

No. Name Description
5317 Ro5 Lipinski Rule of 5
5318 cRo5 Complementary Lipinski Alert index
5319 DLS_01 modified drug-like score from Lipinski (4 rules)
5320 DLS_02 modified drug-like score from Oprea et al. (6 rules)
5321 DLS_03 modified drug-like score from Walters et al. (6 rules)
5322 DLS_04 modified drug-like score from Chen et al. (7 rules)
5323 DLS_05 modified drug-like score from Zheng et al. (2 rules)
5324 DLS_06 modified drug-like score from Rishton (6 rules)
5325 DLS_07 modified drug-like score from Veber et al. (2 rules)
5326 DLS_cons DRAGON consensus drug-like score
5327 LLS_01 modified lead-like score from Congreve et al. (6 rules) – (rule of three (Ro3))
5328 LLS_02 modified lead-like score from Monge et al. (8 rules)
5329 CMC-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski CMC drug-like index at 80%
5330 CMC-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski CMC drug-like index at 50%
5331 Inflammat-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinflammatory-like index at 80%
5332 Inflammat-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinflammatory-like index at 50%
5333 Depressant-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antidepressant-like index at 80%
5334 Depressant-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antidepressant-like index at 50%
5335 Psychotic-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antipsychotic-like index at 80%
5336 Psychotic-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antipsychotic-like index at 50%
5337 Hypertens-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antihypertensive-like index at 80%
5338 Hypertens-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antihypertensive-like index at 50%
5339 Hypnotic-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski hypnotic-like index at 80%
5340 Hypnotic-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski hypnotic-like index at 50%
5341 Neoplastic-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antineoplastic-like index at 80%
5342 Neoplastic-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antineoplastic-like index at 50%
5343 Infective-80 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinfective-like index at 80%
5344 Infective-50 Ghose-Viswanadhan-Wendoloski antiinfective-like index at 50%
5345 QEDu Quantitative Estimation of Drug-likeness (unweighted)
5346 QED Quantitative Estimation of Drug-likeness

30. CATS 3D descriptors

No. Name Description
5347 CATS3D_00_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5348 CATS3D_01_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5349 CATS3D_02_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5350 CATS3D_03_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5351 CATS3D_04_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5352 CATS3D_05_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5353 CATS3D_06_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5354 CATS3D_07_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5355 CATS3D_08_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5356 CATS3D_09_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5357 CATS3D_10_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5358 CATS3D_11_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5359 CATS3D_12_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5360 CATS3D_13_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5361 CATS3D_14_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5362 CATS3D_15_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5363 CATS3D_16_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5364 CATS3D_17_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5365 CATS3D_18_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5366 CATS3D_19_DD CATS3D Donor-Donor BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5367 CATS3D_00_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5368 CATS3D_01_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5369 CATS3D_02_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5370 CATS3D_03_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5371 CATS3D_04_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5372 CATS3D_05_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5373 CATS3D_06_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5374 CATS3D_07_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5375 CATS3D_08_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5376 CATS3D_09_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5377 CATS3D_10_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5378 CATS3D_11_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5379 CATS3D_12_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5380 CATS3D_13_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5381 CATS3D_14_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5382 CATS3D_15_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5383 CATS3D_16_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5384 CATS3D_17_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5385 CATS3D_18_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5386 CATS3D_19_DA CATS3D Donor-Acceptor BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5387 CATS3D_00_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5388 CATS3D_01_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5389 CATS3D_02_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5390 CATS3D_03_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5391 CATS3D_04_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5392 CATS3D_05_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5393 CATS3D_06_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5394 CATS3D_07_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5395 CATS3D_08_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5396 CATS3D_09_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5397 CATS3D_10_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5398 CATS3D_11_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5399 CATS3D_12_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5400 CATS3D_13_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5401 CATS3D_14_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5402 CATS3D_15_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5403 CATS3D_16_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5404 CATS3D_17_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5405 CATS3D_18_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5406 CATS3D_19_DP CATS3D Donor-Positive BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5407 CATS3D_00_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5408 CATS3D_01_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5409 CATS3D_02_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5410 CATS3D_03_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5411 CATS3D_04_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5412 CATS3D_05_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5413 CATS3D_06_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5414 CATS3D_07_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5415 CATS3D_08_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5416 CATS3D_09_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5417 CATS3D_10_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5418 CATS3D_11_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5419 CATS3D_12_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5420 CATS3D_13_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5421 CATS3D_14_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5422 CATS3D_15_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5423 CATS3D_16_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5424 CATS3D_17_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5425 CATS3D_18_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5426 CATS3D_19_DN CATS3D Donor-Negative BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5427 CATS3D_00_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5428 CATS3D_01_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5429 CATS3D_02_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5430 CATS3D_03_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5431 CATS3D_04_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5432 CATS3D_05_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5433 CATS3D_06_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5434 CATS3D_07_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5435 CATS3D_08_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5436 CATS3D_09_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5437 CATS3D_10_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5438 CATS3D_11_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5439 CATS3D_12_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5440 CATS3D_13_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5441 CATS3D_14_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5442 CATS3D_15_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5443 CATS3D_16_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5444 CATS3D_17_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5445 CATS3D_18_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5446 CATS3D_19_DL CATS3D Donor-Lipophilic BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5447 CATS3D_00_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5448 CATS3D_01_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5449 CATS3D_02_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5450 CATS3D_03_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5451 CATS3D_04_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5452 CATS3D_05_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5453 CATS3D_06_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5454 CATS3D_07_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5455 CATS3D_08_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5456 CATS3D_09_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5457 CATS3D_10_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5458 CATS3D_11_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5459 CATS3D_12_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5460 CATS3D_13_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5461 CATS3D_14_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5462 CATS3D_15_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5463 CATS3D_16_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5464 CATS3D_17_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5465 CATS3D_18_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5466 CATS3D_19_AA CATS3D Acceptor-Acceptor BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5467 CATS3D_00_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5468 CATS3D_01_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5469 CATS3D_02_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5470 CATS3D_03_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5471 CATS3D_04_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5472 CATS3D_05_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5473 CATS3D_06_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5474 CATS3D_07_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5475 CATS3D_08_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5476 CATS3D_09_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5477 CATS3D_10_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5478 CATS3D_11_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5479 CATS3D_12_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5480 CATS3D_13_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5481 CATS3D_14_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5482 CATS3D_15_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5483 CATS3D_16_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5484 CATS3D_17_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5485 CATS3D_18_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5486 CATS3D_19_AP CATS3D Acceptor-Positive BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5487 CATS3D_00_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5488 CATS3D_01_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5489 CATS3D_02_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5490 CATS3D_03_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5491 CATS3D_04_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5492 CATS3D_05_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5493 CATS3D_06_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5494 CATS3D_07_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5495 CATS3D_08_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5496 CATS3D_09_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5497 CATS3D_10_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5498 CATS3D_11_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5499 CATS3D_12_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5500 CATS3D_13_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5501 CATS3D_14_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5502 CATS3D_15_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5503 CATS3D_16_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5504 CATS3D_17_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5505 CATS3D_18_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5506 CATS3D_19_AN CATS3D Acceptor-Negative BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5507 CATS3D_00_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5508 CATS3D_01_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5509 CATS3D_02_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5510 CATS3D_03_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5511 CATS3D_04_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5512 CATS3D_05_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5513 CATS3D_06_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5514 CATS3D_07_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5515 CATS3D_08_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5516 CATS3D_09_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5517 CATS3D_10_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5518 CATS3D_11_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5519 CATS3D_12_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5520 CATS3D_13_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5521 CATS3D_14_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5522 CATS3D_15_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5523 CATS3D_16_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5524 CATS3D_17_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5525 CATS3D_18_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5526 CATS3D_19_AL CATS3D Acceptor-Lipophilic BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5527 CATS3D_00_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5528 CATS3D_01_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5529 CATS3D_02_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5530 CATS3D_03_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5531 CATS3D_04_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5532 CATS3D_05_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5533 CATS3D_06_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5534 CATS3D_07_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5535 CATS3D_08_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5536 CATS3D_09_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5537 CATS3D_10_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5538 CATS3D_11_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5539 CATS3D_12_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5540 CATS3D_13_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5541 CATS3D_14_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5542 CATS3D_15_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5543 CATS3D_16_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5544 CATS3D_17_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5545 CATS3D_18_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5546 CATS3D_19_PP CATS3D Positive-Positive BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5547 CATS3D_00_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5548 CATS3D_01_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5549 CATS3D_02_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5550 CATS3D_03_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5551 CATS3D_04_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5552 CATS3D_05_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5553 CATS3D_06_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5554 CATS3D_07_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5555 CATS3D_08_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5556 CATS3D_09_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5557 CATS3D_10_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5558 CATS3D_11_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5559 CATS3D_12_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5560 CATS3D_13_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5561 CATS3D_14_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5562 CATS3D_15_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5563 CATS3D_16_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5564 CATS3D_17_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5565 CATS3D_18_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5566 CATS3D_19_PN CATS3D Positive-Negative BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5567 CATS3D_00_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5568 CATS3D_01_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5569 CATS3D_02_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5570 CATS3D_03_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5571 CATS3D_04_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5572 CATS3D_05_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5573 CATS3D_06_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5574 CATS3D_07_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5575 CATS3D_08_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5576 CATS3D_09_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5577 CATS3D_10_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5578 CATS3D_11_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5579 CATS3D_12_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5580 CATS3D_13_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5581 CATS3D_14_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5582 CATS3D_15_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5583 CATS3D_16_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5584 CATS3D_17_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5585 CATS3D_18_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5586 CATS3D_19_PL CATS3D Positive-Lipophilic BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5587 CATS3D_00_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5588 CATS3D_01_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5589 CATS3D_02_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5590 CATS3D_03_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5591 CATS3D_04_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5592 CATS3D_05_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5593 CATS3D_06_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5594 CATS3D_07_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5595 CATS3D_08_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5596 CATS3D_09_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5597 CATS3D_10_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5598 CATS3D_11_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5599 CATS3D_12_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5600 CATS3D_13_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5601 CATS3D_14_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5602 CATS3D_15_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5603 CATS3D_16_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5604 CATS3D_17_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5605 CATS3D_18_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5606 CATS3D_19_NN CATS3D Negative-Negative BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5607 CATS3D_00_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5608 CATS3D_01_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5609 CATS3D_02_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5610 CATS3D_03_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5611 CATS3D_04_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5612 CATS3D_05_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5613 CATS3D_06_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5614 CATS3D_07_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5615 CATS3D_08_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5616 CATS3D_09_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5617 CATS3D_10_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5618 CATS3D_11_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5619 CATS3D_12_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5620 CATS3D_13_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5621 CATS3D_14_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5622 CATS3D_15_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5623 CATS3D_16_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5624 CATS3D_17_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5625 CATS3D_18_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5626 CATS3D_19_NL CATS3D Negative-Lipophilic BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)
5627 CATS3D_00_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 00 (0.000 – 1.000 Å)
5628 CATS3D_01_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 01 (1.000 – 2.000 Å)
5629 CATS3D_02_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 02 (2.000 – 3.000 Å)
5630 CATS3D_03_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 03 (3.000 – 4.000 Å)
5631 CATS3D_04_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 04 (4.000 – 5.000 Å)
5632 CATS3D_05_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 05 (5.000 – 6.000 Å)
5633 CATS3D_06_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 06 (6.000 – 7.000 Å)
5634 CATS3D_07_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 07 (7.000 – 8.000 Å)
5635 CATS3D_08_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 08 (8.000 – 9.000 Å)
5636 CATS3D_09_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 09 (9.000 – 10.000 Å)
5637 CATS3D_10_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 10 (10.000 – 11.000 Å)
5638 CATS3D_11_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 11 (11.000 – 12.000 Å)
5639 CATS3D_12_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 12 (12.000 – 13.000 Å)
5640 CATS3D_13_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 13 (13.000 – 14.000 Å)
5641 CATS3D_14_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 14 (14.000 – 15.000 Å)
5642 CATS3D_15_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 15 (15.000 – 16.000 Å)
5643 CATS3D_16_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 16 (16.000 – 17.000 Å)
5644 CATS3D_17_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 17 (17.000 – 18.000 Å)
5645 CATS3D_18_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 18 (18.000 – 19.000 Å)
5646 CATS3D_19_LL CATS3D Lipophilic-Lipophilic BIN 19 (19.000 – 20.000 Å)

31. WHALES descriptors

No. Name Description
5647 WHALES00_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 00)
5648 WHALES10_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 10)
5649 WHALES20_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 20)
5650 WHALES30_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 30)
5651 WHALES40_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 40)
5652 WHALES50_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 50)
5653 WHALES60_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 60)
5654 WHALES70_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 70)
5655 WHALES80_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 80)
5656 WHALES90_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 90)
5657 WHALES100_Rem WHALES Remoteness (Rem) (percentile 100)
5658 WHALES00_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 00)
5659 WHALES10_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 10)
5660 WHALES20_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 20)
5661 WHALES30_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 30)
5662 WHALES40_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 40)
5663 WHALES50_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 50)
5664 WHALES60_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 60)
5665 WHALES70_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 70)
5666 WHALES80_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 80)
5667 WHALES90_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 90)
5668 WHALES100_Isol WHALES Isolation degree (Isol) (percentile 100)
5669 WHALES00_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 00)
5670 WHALES10_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 10)
5671 WHALES20_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 20)
5672 WHALES30_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 30)
5673 WHALES40_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 40)
5674 WHALES50_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 50)
5675 WHALES60_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 60)
5676 WHALES70_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 70)
5677 WHALES80_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 80)
5678 WHALES90_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 90)
5679 WHALES100_IR WHALES Isolation-Remoteness ratio (IR) (percentile 100)

32. MDE descriptors

No. Name Description
5680 MDEC-11 molecular distance edge between all primary carbons
5681 MDEC-12 molecular distance edge between all primary and secondary carbons
5682 MDEC-13 molecular distance edge between all primary and tertiary carbons
5683 MDEC-14 molecular distance edge between all primary and quaternary carbons
5684 MDEC-22 molecular distance edge between all secondary carbons
5685 MDEC-23 molecular distance edge between all secondary and tertiary carbons
5686 MDEC-24 molecular distance edge between all secondary and quaternary carbons
5687 MDEC-33 molecular distance edge between all tertiary carbons
5688 MDEC-34 molecular distance edge between all tertiary and quaternary carbons
5689 MDEC-44 molecular distance edge between all quaternary carbons
5690 MDEO-11 molecular distance edge between all primary oxygens
5691 MDEO-12 molecular distance edge between all primary and secondary oxygens
5692 MDEO-22 molecular distance edge between all secondary oxygens
5693 MDEN-11 molecular distance edge between all primary nitrogens
5694 MDEN-12 molecular distance edge between all primary and secondary nitrogens
5695 MDEN-13 molecular distance edge between all primary and tertiary niroqens
5696 MDEN-22 molecular distance edge between all secondary nitroqens
5697 MDEN-23 molecular distance edge between all secondary and tertiary nitrogens
5698 MDEN-33 molecular distance edge between all tertiary nitrogens

33. Chirality descriptors

No. Name Description
5699 ChiralCenter number of chiral centres
5700 ringChiralCenter number of chiral centres that are also ring atoms
5701 meanDistFromCC mean pairwise distance considering all paths starting at the chiral centre
5702 maxDistfromCC longest path starting from the chiral centre
5703 nLevel1 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 1)
5704 nLevel2 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 2)
5705 nLevel3 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 3)
5706 nLevel4 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 4)
5707 nLevel5 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 5)
5708 nLevel6 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 6)
5709 nLevel7 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 7)
5710 nLevel8 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 8)
5711 nLevel9 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 9)
5712 nLevel10 number of neighbouring atoms of the chiral centre (level 10)
5713 phLevel1 number of neighbouring N/O atoms of the chiral centre (level 1)
5714 phLevel2 number of neighbouring N/O atoms of the chiral centre (level 2)
5715 phLevel3 number of neighbouring N/O atoms of the chiral centre (level 3)
5716 arLevel1 number of neighbouring aromatic atoms of the chiral centre (level 1)
5717 arLevel2 number of neighbouring aromatic atoms of the chiral centre (level 2)
5718 arLevel3 number of neighbouring aromatic atoms of the chiral centre (level 3)
5719 s1_size number of heavy atoms of the substituent 1 normalized by the atoms shared
5720 s2_size number of heavy atoms of the substituent 2 normalized by the atoms shared
5721 s3_size number of heavy atoms of the substituent 3 normalized by the atoms shared
5722 s4_size number of heavy atoms of the substituent 4 normalized by the atoms shared
5723 s1_relSize number of heavy atoms of the substituent 1 normalized by the heavy atoms
5724 s2_relSize number of heavy atoms of the substituent 2 normalized by the heavy atoms
5725 s3_relSize number of heavy atoms of the substituent 3 normalized by the heavy atoms
5726 s4_relSize number of heavy atoms of the substituent 4 normalized by the heavy atoms
5727 s1_phSize number of N/O atoms of the substituent 1 normalized by the N/O atoms shared
5728 s2_phSize number of N/O atoms of the substituent 2 normalized by the N/O atoms shared
5729 s3_phSize number of N/O atoms of the substituent 3 normalized by the N/O atoms shared
5730 s4_phSize number of N/O atoms of the substituent 4 normalized by the N/O atoms shared
5731 s1_phRelSize s1_phSize normalized by the heavy atoms
5732 s2_phRelSize s2_phSize normalized by the heavy atoms
5733 s3_phRelSize s3_phSize normalized by the heavy atoms
5734 s4_phRelSize s4_phSize normalized by the heavy atoms
5735 s1_phRelSize_2 s1_phSize normalized by s1_size
5736 s2_phRelSize_2 s2_phSize normalized by s2_size
5737 s3_phRelSize_2 s3_phSize normalized by s3_size
5738 s4_phRelSize_2 s4_phSize normalized by s4_size
5739 s1_pathLength maximum path length of the substituent 1
5740 s2_pathLength maximum path length of the substituent 2
5741 s3_pathLength maximum path length of the substituent 3
5742 s4_pathLength maximum path length of the substituent 4
5743 s1_relPathLength maximum path length of the substituent 1 normed by the heavy atoms
5744 s2_relPathLength maximum path length of the substituent 2 normed by the heavy atoms
5745 s3_relPathLength maximum path length of the substituent 3 normed by the heavy atoms
5746 s4_relPathLength maximum path length of the substituent 4 normed by the heavy atoms
5747 s1_relPathLength_2 maximum path length of the substituent 1 normed by s1_size
5748 s2_relPathLength_2 maximum path length of the substituent 2 normed by s2_size
5749 s3_relPathLength_2 maximum path length of the substituent 3 normed by s3_size
5750 s4_relPathLength_2 maximum path length of the substituent 4 normed by s4_size
5751 s1_numSharedNeighbors number of shared neighbours in substituent 1 with other substituents
5752 s2_numSharedNeighbors number of shared neighbours in substituent 2 with other substituents
5753 s3_numSharedNeighbors number of shared neighbours in substituent 3 with other substituents
5754 s4_numSharedNeighbors number of shared neighbours in substituent 4 with other substituents
5755 s1_numRotBonds number of rotatable bonds of the substituent 1
5756 s2_numRotBonds number of rotatable bonds of the substituent 2
5757 s3_numRotBonds number of rotatable bonds of the substituent 3
5758 s4_numRotBonds number of rotatable bonds of the substituent 4
5759 s1_numAroBonds number of aromatic bonds of the substituent 1
5760 s2_numAroBonds number of aromatic bonds of the substituent 2
5761 s3_numAroBonds number of aromatic bonds of the substituent 3
5762 s4_numAroBonds number of aromatic bonds of the substituent 4
5763 s34_size sum of s3_size and s4_size
5764 s34_relSize sum of s3_relSize and s4_relSize
5765 s34_phSize sum of s3_phSize and s4_phSize
5766 s34_phRelSize sum of s3_phRelSize and s4_phRelSize
5767 chiralMoment similar to the moment of inertia, but centred at the chiral centre
5768 chiralPhMoment similar to chiralMoment, but only taking the N/O atoms into account

34. SASA descriptors

No. Name Description
5769 SASA solvent accessible surface area
5770 SAV solvent accessible volume
5771 Zcomp coefficient of compactness
5772 PPSA-1 partial positive surface area
5773 PPSA-2 total charge weighted positive surface area
5774 PPSA-3 atomic charge weighted positive surface area
5775 PNSA-1 partial negative surface area
5776 PNSA-2 total charge weighted negative surface area
5777 PNSA-3 atomic charge weighted positive surface area
5778 DPSA-1 difference between PPSA-1 and PNSA-1
5779 DPSA-2 difference between PPSA-2 and PNSA-2
5780 DPSA-3 difference between PPSA-3 and PNSA-3
5781 FPSA-1 fractional partial positive surface areas
5782 FPSA-2 fractional total charge weighted positive surface areas
5783 FPSA-3 fractional atomic charge weighted positive surface areas
5784 FNSA-1 fractional partial negative surface areas
5785 FNSA-2 fractional total charge weighted negative surface areas
5786 FNSA-3 fractional atomic charge weighted negative surface areas
5787 WPSA-1 surface weighted partial positive surface areas
5788 WPSA-2 surface weighted total charge weighted positive surface areas
5789 WPSA-3 surface weighted atomic charge weighted positive surface areas
5790 WNSA-1 surface weighted partial negative surface areas
5791 WNSA-2 surface weighted total charge weighted negative surface areas
5792 WNSA-3 surface weighted atomic charge weighted negative surface areas
5793 RPCS relative positive charge surface area
5794 RNCS relative negative charge surface area
5795 THSA total hydrophobic surface area
5796 TPSA total polar surface area
5797 RHSA relative hydrophobic surface area
5798 RPSA relative polar surface area
5799 THSA/TPSA fraction between total hydrophobic surface area and total polar surface area