The CIR KNIME Plugin contains a KNIME node that uses the network service CIR (Chemical Identifier Resolver) by the CADD Group at the NCI/NIH as a resolver for different chemical structure identifiers and allows the conversion of a given structure identifier into another representation or structure identifier.
Some useful applications of the node are:
- prepare your dataset starting from different identifiers
- cure your dataset identifying erroneous representation of chemical structures
- get molecular formula and chemical properties starting from different molecule representations
The input structure identifier type can be one of the following:
- stdinchi – Standard InChI (input must be ‘InChI=1S/C6H6/c1-2-4-6-5-3-1/h1-6H’)
- stdinchikey – Standard InChIKey
- smiles – SMILES of the Structure
- ficts – NCI/CADD FICTS Identifier
- ficus – NCI/CADD FICuS Identifier
- uuuuu – NCI/CADD uuuuu Identifier
- hashisy – CACTVS HASHISY Hashcode
- name – Chemical Name for the Structure
- iupac_name – IUPAC Name
- cas – CAS Registry Number
The output structure identifier type can be one of the following:
- stdinchi – Standard InChI
- stdinchikey – Standard InChIKey
- smiles – SMILES of the Structure
- ficts – NCI/CADD FICTS Identifier
- ficus – NCI/CADD FICuS Identifier
- uuuuu – NCI/CADD uuuuu Identifier
- hashisy – CACTVS HASHISY Hashcode
- sdf – SD File of the Structure
- names – List of Chemical Names for the Structure
- iupac_name – IUPAC Name
- cas – CAS Registry Number
- mw – Molecular Weight
- formula – Chemical Formula
- h_bond_donor_count – Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors
- h_bond_acceptor_count – Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors
- h_bond_center_count – Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors and Donors
- rule_of_5_violation_count – Number of Rule of 5 Violations
- rotor_count – Number of Freely Rotatable Bonds
- effective_rotor_count – Number of Effectively Rotatable Bonds
- ring_count – Number of Rings
- ringsys_count – Number of Ring Systems
You can download a simple example workflow of the CIR KNIME Plugin from here.

You can install the CIR KNIME Plugin directly with KNIME:
- Make sure you have an updated version of KNIME (at least 3.7.1)
- Make sure the “KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental)” (the old name was “Stable Community Contributions”) is present and checked in the list of the Available Software Sites (File -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites)
- To install the node click File -> Install KNIME Extensions… and search for CIR
- The node will be then available in the section Community Nodes -> Alvascience